10 research outputs found

    Zero-Shot Multi-View Indoor Localization via Graph Location Networks

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    Indoor localization is a fundamental problem in location-based applications. Current approaches to this problem typically rely on Radio Frequency technology, which requires not only supporting infrastructures but human efforts to measure and calibrate the signal. Moreover, data collection for all locations is indispensable in existing methods, which in turn hinders their large-scale deployment. In this paper, we propose a novel neural network based architecture Graph Location Networks (GLN) to perform infrastructure-free, multi-view image based indoor localization. GLN makes location predictions based on robust location representations extracted from images through message-passing networks. Furthermore, we introduce a novel zero-shot indoor localization setting and tackle it by extending the proposed GLN to a dedicated zero-shot version, which exploits a novel mechanism Map2Vec to train location-aware embeddings and make predictions on novel unseen locations. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in the standard setting, and achieves promising accuracy even in the zero-shot setting where data for half of the locations are not available. The source code and datasets are publicly available at https://github.com/coldmanck/zero-shot-indoor-localization-release.Comment: Accepted at ACM MM 2020. 10 pages, 7 figures. Code and datasets available at https://github.com/coldmanck/zero-shot-indoor-localization-releas

    Object-Centric Open-Vocabulary Image-Retrieval with Aggregated Features

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    The task of open-vocabulary object-centric image retrieval involves the retrieval of images containing a specified object of interest, delineated by an open-set text query. As working on large image datasets becomes standard, solving this task efficiently has gained significant practical importance. Applications include targeted performance analysis of retrieved images using ad-hoc queries and hard example mining during training. Recent advancements in contrastive-based open vocabulary systems have yielded remarkable breakthroughs, facilitating large-scale open vocabulary image retrieval. However, these approaches use a single global embedding per image, thereby constraining the system's ability to retrieve images containing relatively small object instances. Alternatively, incorporating local embeddings from detection pipelines faces scalability challenges, making it unsuitable for retrieval from large databases. In this work, we present a simple yet effective approach to object-centric open-vocabulary image retrieval. Our approach aggregates dense embeddings extracted from CLIP into a compact representation, essentially combining the scalability of image retrieval pipelines with the object identification capabilities of dense detection methods. We show the effectiveness of our scheme to the task by achieving significantly better results than global feature approaches on three datasets, increasing accuracy by up to 15 mAP points. We further integrate our scheme into a large scale retrieval framework and demonstrate our method's advantages in terms of scalability and interpretability.Comment: BMVC 202

    Collaborative Recommendation Model Based on Multi-modal Multi-view Attention Network: Movie and literature cases

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    The existing collaborative recommendation models that use multi-modal information emphasize the representation of users' preferences but easily ignore the representation of users' dislikes. Nevertheless, modelling users' dislikes facilitates comprehensively characterizing user profiles. Thus, the representation of users' dislikes should be integrated into the user modelling when we construct a collaborative recommendation model. In this paper, we propose a novel Collaborative Recommendation Model based on Multi-modal multi-view Attention Network (CRMMAN), in which the users are represented from both preference and dislike views. Specifically, the users' historical interactions are divided into positive and negative interactions, used to model the user's preference and dislike views, respectively. Furthermore, the semantic and structural information extracted from the scene is employed to enrich the item representation. We validate CRMMAN by designing contrast experiments based on two benchmark MovieLens-1M and Book-Crossing datasets. Movielens-1m has about a million ratings, and Book-Crossing has about 300,000 ratings. Compared with the state-of-the-art knowledge-graph-based and multi-modal recommendation methods, the AUC, NDCG@5 and NDCG@10 are improved by 2.08%, 2.20% and 2.26% on average of two datasets. We also conduct controlled experiments to explore the effects of multi-modal information and multi-view mechanism. The experimental results show that both of them enhance the model's performance

    Privacy Intelligence: A Survey on Image Sharing on Online Social Networks

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    Image sharing on online social networks (OSNs) has become an indispensable part of daily social activities, but it has also led to an increased risk of privacy invasion. The recent image leaks from popular OSN services and the abuse of personal photos using advanced algorithms (e.g. DeepFake) have prompted the public to rethink individual privacy needs when sharing images on OSNs. However, OSN image sharing itself is relatively complicated, and systems currently in place to manage privacy in practice are labor-intensive yet fail to provide personalized, accurate and flexible privacy protection. As a result, an more intelligent environment for privacy-friendly OSN image sharing is in demand. To fill the gap, we contribute a systematic survey of 'privacy intelligence' solutions that target modern privacy issues related to OSN image sharing. Specifically, we present a high-level analysis framework based on the entire lifecycle of OSN image sharing to address the various privacy issues and solutions facing this interdisciplinary field. The framework is divided into three main stages: local management, online management and social experience. At each stage, we identify typical sharing-related user behaviors, the privacy issues generated by those behaviors, and review representative intelligent solutions. The resulting analysis describes an intelligent privacy-enhancing chain for closed-loop privacy management. We also discuss the challenges and future directions existing at each stage, as well as in publicly available datasets.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures. Under revie