648 research outputs found

    Efficient Black-Box Identity Testing for Free Group Algebras

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    Hrubes and Wigderson [Pavel Hrubes and Avi Wigderson, 2014] initiated the study of noncommutative arithmetic circuits with division computing a noncommutative rational function in the free skew field, and raised the question of rational identity testing. For noncommutative formulas with inverses the problem can be solved in deterministic polynomial time in the white-box model [Ankit Garg et al., 2016; Ivanyos et al., 2018]. It can be solved in randomized polynomial time in the black-box model [Harm Derksen and Visu Makam, 2017], where the running time is polynomial in the size of the formula. The complexity of identity testing of noncommutative rational functions, in general, remains open for noncommutative circuits with inverses. We solve the problem for a natural special case. We consider expressions in the free group algebra F(X,X^{-1}) where X={x_1, x_2, ..., x_n}. Our main results are the following. 1) Given a degree d expression f in F(X,X^{-1}) as a black-box, we obtain a randomized poly(n,d) algorithm to check whether f is an identically zero expression or not. The technical contribution is an Amitsur-Levitzki type theorem [A. S. Amitsur and J. Levitzki, 1950] for F(X, X^{-1}). This also yields a deterministic identity testing algorithm (and even an expression reconstruction algorithm) that is polynomial time in the sparsity of the input expression. 2) Given an expression f in F(X,X^{-1}) of degree D and sparsity s, as black-box, we can check whether f is identically zero or not in randomized poly(n,log s, log D) time. This yields a randomized polynomial-time algorithm when D and s are exponential in n

    Near-Quadratic Lower Bounds for Two-Pass Graph Streaming Algorithms

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    We prove that any two-pass graph streaming algorithm for the ss-tt reachability problem in nn-vertex directed graphs requires near-quadratic space of n2−o(1)n^{2-o(1)} bits. As a corollary, we also obtain near-quadratic space lower bounds for several other fundamental problems including maximum bipartite matching and (approximate) shortest path in undirected graphs. Our results collectively imply that a wide range of graph problems admit essentially no non-trivial streaming algorithm even when two passes over the input is allowed. Prior to our work, such impossibility results were only known for single-pass streaming algorithms, and the best two-pass lower bounds only ruled out o(n7/6)o(n^{7/6}) space algorithms, leaving open a large gap between (trivial) upper bounds and lower bounds

    Introduction to the Literature on Programming Language Design

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    This is an introduction to the literature on programming language design and related topics. It is intended to cite the most important work, and to provide a place for students to start a literature search
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