27 research outputs found

    Context-Driven Interactive Query Simulations Based on Generative Large Language Models

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    Simulating user interactions enables a more user-oriented evaluation of information retrieval (IR) systems. While user simulations are cost-efficient and reproducible, many approaches often lack fidelity regarding real user behavior. Most notably, current user models neglect the user's context, which is the primary driver of perceived relevance and the interactions with the search results. To this end, this work introduces the simulation of context-driven query reformulations. The proposed query generation methods build upon recent Large Language Model (LLM) approaches and consider the user's context throughout the simulation of a search session. Compared to simple context-free query generation approaches, these methods show better effectiveness and allow the simulation of more efficient IR sessions. Similarly, our evaluations consider more interaction context than current session-based measures and reveal interesting complementary insights in addition to the established evaluation protocols. We conclude with directions for future work and provide an entirely open experimental setup.Comment: Accepted at ECIR 2024 (Full Paper

    Category-Aware Location Embedding for Point-of-Interest Recommendation

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    Recently, Point of interest (POI) recommendation has gained ever-increasing importance in various Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs). With the recent advances of neural models, much work has sought to leverage neural networks to learn neural embeddings in a pre-training phase that achieve an improved representation of POIs and consequently a better recommendation. However, previous studies fail to capture crucial information about POIs such as categorical information. In this paper, we propose a novel neural model that generates a POI embedding incorporating sequential and categorical information from POIs. Our model consists of a check-in module and a category module. The check-in module captures the geographical influence of POIs derived from the sequence of users' check-ins, while the category module captures the characteristics of POIs derived from the category information. To validate the efficacy of the model, we experimented with two large-scale LBSN datasets. Our experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art POI recommendation methods.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure

    Neural Document Expansion with User Feedback

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    This paper presents a neural document expansion approach (NeuDEF) that enriches document representations for neural ranking models. NeuDEF harvests expansion terms from queries which lead to clicks on the document and weights these expansion terms with learned attention. It is plugged into a standard neural ranker and learned end-to-end. Experiments on a commercial search log demonstrate that NeuDEF significantly improves the accuracy of state-of-the-art neural rankers and expansion methods on queries with different frequencies. Further studies show the contribution of click queries and learned expansion weights, as well as the influence of document popularity of NeuDEF's effectiveness.Comment: The 2019 ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieva

    Session-level Normalization and Click-through Data Enhancement for Session-based Evaluation

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    Since a user usually has to issue a sequence of queries and examine multiple documents to resolve a complex information need in a search session, researchers have paid much attention to evaluating search systems at the session level rather than the single-query level. Most existing session-level metrics evaluate each query separately and then aggregate the query-level scores using a session-level weighting function. The assumptions behind these metrics are that all queries in the session should be involved, and their orders are fixed. However, if a search system could make the user satisfied with her first few queries, she may not need any subsequent queries. Besides, in most real-world search scenarios, due to a lack of explicit feedback from real users, we can only leverage some implicit feedback, such as users' clicks, as relevance labels for offline evaluation. Such implicit feedback might be different from the real relevance in a search session as some documents may be omitted in the previous query but identified in the later reformulations. To address the above issues, we make two assumptions about session-based evaluation, which explicitly describe an ideal session-search system and how to enhance click-through data in computing session-level evaluation metrics. Based on our assumptions, we design a session-level metric called Normalized U-Measure (NUM). NUM evaluates a session as a whole and utilizes an ideal session to normalize the result of the actual session. Besides, it infers session-level relevance labels based on implicit feedback. Experiments on two public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of NUM by comparing it with existing session-based metrics in terms of correlation with user satisfaction and intuitiveness. We also conduct ablation studies to explore whether these assumptions hold

    Diagnostic Evaluation of Policy-Gradient-Based Ranking

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    Learning-to-rank has been intensively studied and has shown significantly increasing values in a wide range of domains, such as web search, recommender systems, dialogue systems, machine translation, and even computational biology, to name a few. In light of recent advances in neural networks, there has been a strong and continuing interest in exploring how to deploy popular techniques, such as reinforcement learning and adversarial learning, to solve ranking problems. However, armed with the aforesaid popular techniques, most studies tend to show how effective a new method is. A comprehensive comparison between techniques and an in-depth analysis of their deficiencies are somehow overlooked. This paper is motivated by the observation that recent ranking methods based on either reinforcement learning or adversarial learning boil down to policy-gradient-based optimization. Based on the widely used benchmark collections with complete information (where relevance labels are known for all items), such as MSLRWEB30K and Yahoo-Set1, we thoroughly investigate the extent to which policy-gradient-based ranking methods are effective. On one hand, we analytically identify the pitfalls of policy-gradient-based ranking. On the other hand, we experimentally compare a wide range of representative methods. The experimental results echo our analysis and show that policy-gradient-based ranking methods are, by a large margin, inferior to many conventional ranking methods. Regardless of whether we use reinforcement learning or adversarial learning, the failures are largely attributable to the gradient estimation based on sampled rankings, which significantly diverge from ideal rankings. In particular, the larger the number of documents per query and the more fine-grained the ground-truth labels, the greater the impact policy-gradient-based ranking suffers. Careful examination of this weakness is highly recommended for developing enhanced methods based on policy gradient

    Performance Prediction for Multi-hop Questions

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    We study the problem of Query Performance Prediction (QPP) for open-domain multi-hop Question Answering (QA), where the task is to estimate the difficulty of evaluating a multi-hop question over a corpus. Despite the extensive research on predicting the performance of ad-hoc and QA retrieval models, there has been a lack of study on the estimation of the difficulty of multi-hop questions. The problem is challenging due to the multi-step nature of the retrieval process, potential dependency of the steps and the reasoning involved. To tackle this challenge, we propose multHP, a novel pre-retrieval method for predicting the performance of open-domain multi-hop questions. Our extensive evaluation on the largest multi-hop QA dataset using several modern QA systems shows that the proposed model is a strong predictor of the performance, outperforming traditional single-hop QPP models. Additionally, we demonstrate that our approach can be effectively used to optimize the parameters of QA systems, such as the number of documents to be retrieved, resulting in improved overall retrieval performance.Comment: 10 page

    Semantic Representations of Mathematical Expressions in a Continuous Vector Space

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    Mathematical notation makes up a large portion of STEM literature, yet, finding semantic representations for formulae remains a challenging problem. Because mathematical notation is precise, and its meaning changes significantly with small character shifts, the methods that work for natural text do not necessarily work well for mathematical expressions. In this work, we describe an approach for representing mathematical expressions in a continuous vector space. We use the encoder of a sequence-to-sequence architecture, trained on visually different but mathematically equivalent expressions, to generate vector representations (or embeddings). We compare this approach with an autoencoder and show that the former is better at capturing mathematical semantics. Finally, to expedite future research, we publish a corpus of equivalent transcendental and algebraic expression pairs.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure