7 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 2018 ICML Workshop on Human Interpretability in Machine Learning (WHI 2018)

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    This is the Proceedings of the 2018 ICML Workshop on Human Interpretability in Machine Learning (WHI 2018), which was held in Stockholm, Sweden, July 14, 2018. Invited speakers were Barbara Engelhardt, Cynthia Rudin, Fernanda Vi\'egas, and Martin Wattenberg

    Robust Local Explanations for Healthcare Predictive Analytics: An Application to Fragility Fracture Risk Modeling

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    With recent advancements in data analytics, healthcare predictive analytics (HPA) is garnering growing interest among practitioners and researchers. However, it is risky to blindly accept the results and users will not accept the HPA model if transparency is not guaranteed. To address this challenge, we propose the RObust Local EXplanations (ROLEX) method, which provides robust, instance-level explanations for any HPA model. The applicability of the ROLEX method is demonstrated using the fragility fracture prediction problem. Analysis with a large real-world dataset demonstrates that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of local fidelity. The ROLEX method is applicable to various types of HPA problems beyond the fragility fracture problem. It is applicable to any type of supervised learning model and provides fine-grained explanations that can improve understanding of the phenomenon of interest. Finally, we discuss theoretical implications of our study in light of healthcare IS, big data, and design science

    Global patterns and extreme events in sovereign risk premia: a fuzzy vs deep learning comparative.

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    Investment in foreign countries has become more common nowadays and this im- plies that there may be risks inherent to these investments, being the sovereign risk premium the measure of such risk. Many studies have examined the behaviour of the sovereign risk premium, nevertheless, there are limitations to the current models and the literature calls for further investigation of the issue as behavioural factors are necessary to analyse the investor’s risk perception. In addition, the methodology widely used in previous research is the regres- sion model, and the literature shows it as scarce yet. This study provides a model for a new of the drivers of the government risk premia in developing countries and developed coun- tries, comparing Fuzzy methods such as Fuzzy Decision Trees, Fuzzy Rough Nearest Neighbour, Neuro-Fuzzy Approach, with Deep Learning procedures such as Deep Recurrent Convolution Neural Network, Deep Neural Decision Trees, Deep Learning Linear Support Vector Machines. Our models have a large effect on the suitability of macroeconomic policy in the face of foreign investment risks by delivering instruments that contribute to bringing about financial stability at the global level.This research received funding from the University of Málaga, and from the Cátedra de Economía y Finanzas Sostenibles (University of Málaga). Additionally, we also appreciate the financial support from the University of Barcelona (under the grant UB-AE-AS017634)

    Global patterns and extreme events in sovereign risk premia: a fuzzy s deep learning comparative

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    Investment in foreign countries has become more common nowadays and this implies that there may be risks inherent to these investments, being the sovereign risk premium the measure of such risk. Many studies have examined the behaviour of the sovereign risk premium, nevertheless, there are limitations to the current models and the literature calls for further investigation of the issue as behavioural factors are necessary to analyse the investor’s risk perception. In addition, the methodology widely used in previous research is the regression model, and the literature shows it as scarce yet. This study provides a model for a new of the drivers of the government risk premia in developing countries and developed countries, comparing Fuzzy methods such as Fuzzy Decision Trees, Fuzzy Rough Nearest Neighbour, Neuro-Fuzzy Approach, with Deep Learning procedures such as Deep Recurrent Convolution Neural Network, Deep Neural Decision Trees, Deep Learning Linear Support Vector Machines. Our models have a large effect on the suitability of macroeconomic policy in the face of foreign investment risks by delivering instruments that contribute to bringing about financial stability at the global level. First published online 17 April 202

    Ethics review of machine learning in children’s social care

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    This report: – Reviews the ethical criteria that would make the use of machine learning (ML) in children’s social care (CSC) justifiable and examines the problematic contexts in which such criteria may not be met; – Identifies requirements and best practice for the responsible use of ML in CSC; – Presents recommendations for a way forward

    Using data mining to repurpose German language corpora. An evaluation of data-driven analysis methods for corpus linguistics

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    A growing number of studies report interesting insights gained from existing data resources. Among those, there are analyses on textual data, giving reason to consider such methods for linguistics as well. However, the field of corpus linguistics usually works with purposefully collected, representative language samples that aim to answer only a limited set of research questions. This thesis aims to shed some light on the potentials of data-driven analysis based on machine learning and predictive modelling for corpus linguistic studies, investigating the possibility to repurpose existing German language corpora for linguistic inquiry by using methodologies developed for data science and computational linguistics. The study focuses on predictive modelling and machine-learning-based data mining and gives a detailed overview and evaluation of currently popular strategies and methods for analysing corpora with computational methods. After the thesis introduces strategies and methods that have already been used on language data, discusses how they can assist corpus linguistic analysis and refers to available toolkits and software as well as to state-of-the-art research and further references, the introduced methodological toolset is applied in two differently shaped corpus studies that utilize readily available corpora for German. The first study explores linguistic correlates of holistic text quality ratings on student essays, while the second deals with age-related language features in computer-mediated communication and interprets age prediction models to answer a set of research questions that are based on previous research in the field. While both studies give linguistic insights that integrate into the current understanding of the investigated phenomena in German language, they systematically test the methodological toolset introduced beforehand, allowing a detailed discussion of added values and remaining challenges of machine-learning-based data mining methods in corpus at the end of the thesis