5 research outputs found

    A framework for intelligent speech-based self-care health information and disease diagnosis systems.

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    Self-care health information obtained from the Internet is largely delivered in text form, and therefore inadequate for the needs of the blind, the visually impaired and the computer illiterates. Existing speech-based disease screening systems also lack reasoning capability expected of disease diagnosis systems. In this work, we have designed and developed SSDDeS that makes possible, speech-based access to self-care health information. The system also diagnoses diseases using rule-based reasoning technique. Selected number of fever rampant in Africa is diagnosed by the system. Health information for the types of fever diagnosed by the system and information about how these diseases are diagnosed was obtained from the American Medical Library Association recommended websites and doctors. VoiceObjects Desktop for Eclipse was used to develop, test and deploy the prototype application. Voxeo Prophecy was used as the media platform, and server-side Javascript was used to specify the rules using script objects. Logic objects were used to control the logic of the dialog flow. VoiceObjects embedded database was used to store the context of the problem domain, while the inbuilt rule engine within VoiceObjects determines which rule gets fired. X-Lite soft phone was used to call the application. This initiative makes web-based health information available through speech and takes care of the needs of the estimated 180,000,000 visually impaired and blind people worldwide as well as the computer illiterates that cannot access websites. It also incorporates reasoning, which existing systems lack, into speech-based disease screening systems to enable them diagnose more than one disease

    A Methodology For Capturing Tacit Knowledge Within The Defense Industry

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    This study looks at the knowledge management practices used by study participants from the defense industry and offers a methodology for capturing tacit knowledge. Interviews were conducted with stakeholders involved in work teams focused on the development and acquisition of defense systems. Those interviewed held various staff and management positions in Program Management (PM), Enterprise Architecture (EA), and system safety auditing. This researcher conducted primary research in the form of a Case Study. Interviewees in the defense industry supporting the Army, Marine Corps and Military aeronautics were interviewed and asked to provide feedback on their experiences and knowledge of tacit knowledge capture. Through a series of questions this researcher was then able to derive a methodology to better capture tacit knowledge in the industry in question. It became evident during the primary research that further studies should be conducted within the defense industry regarding the capture of knowledge from those who have clearances above and beyond “public knowledgeâ€. The discoveries in this primary research brought light to the fact that classified tacit knowledge may not be captured, because it is sensitive in nature. Further studies may include research to provide a means of capturing classified tacit knowledge while still maintaining its security

    An investigation into user interface factors impacting on user experience: Pastel accounting case study

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    The purpose of this research is to propose metrics to evaluate the user interface factors that impact on the user experience of Software Accounting Applications (SAAs) used to support the accounting business activities in Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) operating in developing countries. The research commences by outlining the conceptual background that introduces the study. In the introductory chapter, the problems together with the objectives that motivate the significance of the study are presented. In the same chapter, the overall research focus and how each of the research questions are treated to accomplish the intended goals are defined. In Chapter 2, the typical accounting business activities for SMMEs operating in developing countries are investigated. Findings from the preliminary survey revealed that Pastel accounting is the commonly used SMME accounting application used in developing countries. Inventory management, cash book processing, preparation of financial statements, customer and supplier documents processing are revealed as the most prevalent SMME accounting activities. This chapter highlights the problems that inhibit the implementation and the delivery of full benefits of using these SAAs. After indentifying the SAA problems, user experience aspects of the SAA are addressed in Chapter 3. User experience (UX) is defined and existing UX evaluation criteria are discussed. The findings form the basis for choosing the applicable criteria for evaluating the User Interface (UI) factors impacting on the UX of Pastel accounting. The proposed user experience evaluation metrics are described in Chapter 4. A discussion on how the metrics are implemented and what UI aspect they measure is presented. The research design and methodology followed is discussed in Chapter 5. The chapter outlines the possible research philosophy, strategy, methods and data collecting methods. A choice is made about the appropriate approach to answer the stated research questions to satisfy the intended overall research objective. A phenomenologist, qualitative inductive approach is adopted in the study. A contextual inquiry case-study strategy is chosen as applicable to this research. Data is collected using expert reviews, user observation and subjective questionnaires. After the choice of the research techniques, the case study results are presented and analysed in Chapter 6. It is found that Pastel UI is attractive and the users are happy with the visual design of the application. The major factors that impact on Pastel accounting are its lack of 4 feedback and its complexity which makes it difficult for first time users to use the application and the paucity of the help function. After the observed findings, the conclusions and recommendations of the research are presented in Chapter 7. It has been concluded that Pastel accounting UI fails to captivate a positive user experience for first-time users; the users do not find the expected help from the Help function and are often left wondering about the status of the system and the outcome of their actions on a task. Recommendations on how designers would make Pastel user interface more helpful, easy to use, and provide adequate feedback are presented in Chapter 7

    Designing adaptaptive user interfaces for enterprise resource planning systems for small enterprises

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    It is widely acknowledged that enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems suffer from complex user interfaces. The complexity of these user interfaces negatively affects the usability of these systems. Current research has shown that a need exists to improve the overall usability of ERP systems. This research proposes the use of adaptive user interfaces (AUIs) as a means of improving the overall usability of ERP systems. Research has shown that AUIs are capable of improving system usability by reducing user interface complexity and improving the overall user experience. The primary objective of this research was to determine how AUIs could be designed to improve the usability of ERP systems. An adaptation taxonomy, ERP system architecture (incorporating an AUI), a set of AUI components and a set of usability heuristics for ERP systems were proposed to support the design, development and evaluation of AUIs for ERP systems. The proposed adaptation taxonomy provides support for three types of adaptation: content adaptation, presentation adaptation and navigation adaptation. The proposed ERP system architecture is a three-tiered system architecture, consisting of a Presentation Layer (incorporating an AUI), an Application Layer and a Database Layer. The proposed set of AUI components comprise a user model, a task model and a dialog model. The set of proposed usability heuristics aims to identify usability issues of ERP systems within the areas of Navigation, Presentation, Task Support, Learnability and Customisation. An AUI prototype was developed based on selected adaptive techniques from the proposed adaptation taxonomy and selected components from the proposed system architecture. All of the proposed AUI components were implemented. The AUI prototype was developed for an existing ERP system, namely SAP Business One (SBO). This prototype was designed, in order to resolve the usability issues of SBO identified through the use of the proposed set of heuristics. The development of the AUI prototype was made possible through the use of a software development kit (SDK) provided with SBO. The AUI prototype made use of content adaptation, presentation adaptation and navigation adaptation in order to address the identified usability issues. An empirical evaluation was conducted on the AUI prototype to determine whether it provided any usability benefits over the standard SBO system. The results from the empirical evaluation revealed that the AUI presented usability benefits with regard to learnability and satisfaction. Users who used the AUI prototype were able to learn how to use the ERP system a lot quicker and were more satisfied than users of the standard SBO system. The successful implementation of the AUI prototype provided practical evidence that the proposed adaptation taxonomy and the proposed system architecture can be implemented. This research has provided empirical evidence that the use of AUIs can improve the usability of ERP systems. Future research has outlined several possibilities to utilise and enhance the proposed adaptation taxonomy, the ERP system architecture and ERP heuristics, for the purpose of furthering research within the area of AUIs for ERP systems

    The usability of knowledge based authentication methods on mobile devices

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    Mobile devices are providing ever increasing functionality to users, and the risks associated with applications storing personal details are high. Graphical authentication methods have been shown to provide better security in terms of password space than traditional approaches, as well as being more memorable. The usability of any system is important since an unusable system will often be avoided. This thesis aims to investigate graphical authentication methods based on recall, cued recall and recognition memory in terms of their usability and security