3 research outputs found

    Code offloading on real-time multimedia systems: a framework for handling code mobility and code offloading in a QoS aware environment

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    Actualmente, os smartphones e outros dispositivos móveis têm vindo a ser dotados com cada vez maior poder computacional, sendo capazes de executar um vasto conjunto de aplicações desde simples programas de para tirar notas até sofisticados programas de navegação. Porém, mesmo com a evolução do seu hardware, os actuais dispositivos móveis ainda não possuem as mesmas capacidades que os computadores de mesa ou portáteis. Uma possível solução para este problema é distribuir a aplicação, executando partes dela no dispositivo local e o resto em outros dispositivos ligados à rede. Adicionalmente, alguns tipos de aplicações como aplicações multimédia, jogos electrónicos ou aplicações de ambiente imersivos possuem requisitos em termos de Qualidade de Serviço, particularmente de tempo real. Ao longo desta tese é proposto um sistema de execução de código remota para sistemas distribuídos com restrições de tempo-real. A arquitectura proposta adapta-se a sistemas que necessitem de executar periodicamente e em paralelo mesmo conjunto de funções com garantias de tempo real, mesmo desconhecendo os tempos de execução das referidas funções. A plataforma proposta foi desenvolvida para sistemas móveis capazes de executar o Sistema Operativo Android.Smartphones and other mobile devices are becoming more powerful and are capable of executing several applications in a concurrent manner. Although the hardware capabilities of mobile devices are increasing in an unprecedented way, they still do not possess the same features and resources of a common desktop or laptop PC. A potential solution for this limitation might be to distribute an application by running some of its parts locally while running the remaining parts on other devices. Additionally, there are several types of applications in domains such as multimedia, gaming or immersive environments that require soft real-time constraints which have to be guaranteed. In this work we are targeting highly dynamic distributed systems with Quality of Service (QoS) constraints, where the traditional models of computation are not sufficient to handle the users’ or applications’ requests. Therefore, new models of computation are needed to overcome the above limitations in order to satisfy the applications’ or users’ requirements. Code offloading techniques allied with resource management seem very promising as each node may use neighbour nodes to request for help in order to perform demanding computations that cannot be done locally. In this demanding context, a full-fledged framework was developed with the objective of integrating code offloading techniques on top of a middleware framework that provides QoS and real-time guarantees to the applications. This paper describes the implementation of the above-mentioned framework in the Android platform as well as a proof-of-concept application to demonstrate the most important concepts of code offloading, QoS and real-time scheduling

    Cache-Kohärenz in hart echtzeitfähigen Mehrkern-Prozessoren

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    Im Bereich der Echtzeitsysteme rücken Mehrkern-Prozessoren zunehmend in den Fokus. Dabei stellen Echtzeitsysteme besondere Anforderungen an die eingesetzte Systemarchitektur. Neben der logischen Korrektheit, ist in Echtzeitsystemen eine zeitlich vorhersagbare Ausführung entscheidend. Cache- Speicher spielen in dieser Hinsicht eine besondere Rolle. Zum einen sind sie notwendig, um schnelle Zugriffe auf Instruktionen und Daten zu gewährleisten, zum anderen beeinträchtigen sie die zeitliche Vorhersagbarkeit der Ausführung. Beim Zugriff auf gemeinsame Daten in Mehrkern-Prozessoren ist zudem der Einsatz eines Cache-Kohärenzverfahrens notwendig. Gängige Kohärenzverfahren können die Anforderungen an Performanz und Echtzeitfähigkeit nicht hinreichend erfüllen. Die in hardwarebasierten Kohärenzverfahren eingesetzten Kohärenzoperationen machen eine präzise WCET-Abschätzung undurchführbar. Der On-Demand Coherent Cache (ODC2) stellt ein Cache- Kohärenzverfahren dar, das im Hinblick auf den Einsatz in Echtzeitsystemen entwickelt wurde. Es verzichtet auf eine gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Cache- Speicher durch Kohärenzoperationen und erreicht dadurch eine hinreichende zeitliche Vorhersagbarkeit der Zugriffe auf gemeinsame Daten. Das Verfahren des ODC2 zielt auf eine möglichst effiziente Nutzung des Cache-Speichers hin. Im Vergleich zu gängigen, softwarebasierten Verfahren ermöglicht es eine signifikant höhere (Worst-Case) Performanz