1 research outputs found

    Service-Oriented Integration Using a Model-Driven Approach

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    { hoyer | gebhart | pansa | a.dikanski | abeck} @ kit.edu Abstract — Provision of processes supported by Information Technology (IT) spreading around several different units of one organization requires the integration of existing distributed legacy applications. Typically the part of the application’s functionality used in a process is offered through proprietary interfaces, complicating the integration. A possible solution to this issue is to construct standards-based, service-oriented interfaces offering only the required functionality. Existing approaches within this field mostly focus on the technical issues of the integration using Web services and hardly consider the integration from the perspective of the IT-supported processes. In this article, we introduce a development approach for modeling an IT-supported process which is enhanced by the automatic generation of necessary Web service artifacts. Our approach is exemplified by a scenario at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) that implements a process to visualize the study progress of a student. Keywords—model-driven development; service-oriented integration; Web services; Unified Modeling Language I