8 research outputs found

    Procedural Noise Adversarial Examples for Black-Box Attacks on Deep Convolutional Networks

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    Deep Convolutional Networks (DCNs) have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial examples---perturbed inputs specifically designed to produce intentional errors in the learning algorithms at test time. Existing input-agnostic adversarial perturbations exhibit interesting visual patterns that are currently unexplained. In this paper, we introduce a structured approach for generating Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs) with procedural noise functions. Our approach unveils the systemic vulnerability of popular DCN models like Inception v3 and YOLO v3, with single noise patterns able to fool a model on up to 90% of the dataset. Procedural noise allows us to generate a distribution of UAPs with high universal evasion rates using only a few parameters. Additionally, we propose Bayesian optimization to efficiently learn procedural noise parameters to construct inexpensive untargeted black-box attacks. We demonstrate that it can achieve an average of less than 10 queries per successful attack, a 100-fold improvement on existing methods. We further motivate the use of input-agnostic defences to increase the stability of models to adversarial perturbations. The universality of our attacks suggests that DCN models may be sensitive to aggregations of low-level class-agnostic features. These findings give insight on the nature of some universal adversarial perturbations and how they could be generated in other applications.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '19

    Vulnerability of deep neural networks for detecting COVID-19 cases from chest X-ray images to universal adversarial attacks

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    Under the epidemic of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), chest X-ray computed tomography imaging is being used for effectively screening COVID-19 patients. The development of computer-aided systems based on deep neural networks (DNNs) has been advanced, to rapidly and accurately detect COVID-19 cases, because the need for expert radiologists, who are limited in number, forms a bottleneck for the screening. However, so far, the vulnerability of DNN-based systems has been poorly evaluated, although DNNs are vulnerable to a single perturbation, called universal adversarial perturbation (UAP), which can induce DNN failure in most classification tasks. Thus, we focus on representative DNN models for detecting COVID-19 cases from chest X-ray images and evaluate their vulnerability to UAPs generated using simple iterative algorithms. We consider nontargeted UAPs, which cause a task failure resulting in an input being assigned an incorrect label, and targeted UAPs, which cause the DNN to classify an input into a specific class. The results demonstrate that the models are vulnerable to nontargeted and targeted UAPs, even in case of small UAPs. In particular, 2% norm of the UPAs to the average norm of an image in the image dataset achieves >85% and >90% success rates for the nontargeted and targeted attacks, respectively. Due to the nontargeted UAPs, the DNN models judge most chest X-ray images as COVID-19 cases. The targeted UAPs make the DNN models classify most chest X-ray images into a given target class. The results indicate that careful consideration is required in practical applications of DNNs to COVID-19 diagnosis; in particular, they emphasize the need for strategies to address security concerns. As an example, we show that iterative fine-tuning of the DNN models using UAPs improves the robustness of the DNN models against UAPs.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Natural images allow universal adversarial attacks on medical image classification using deep neural networks with transfer learning

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    Transfer learning from natural images is used in deep neural networks (DNNs) for medical image classification to achieve a computer-aided clinical diagnosis. Although the adversarial vulnerability of DNNs hinders practical applications owing to the high stakes of diagnosis, adversarial attacks are expected to be limited because training datasets (medical images), which are often required for adversarial attacks, are generally unavailable in terms of security and privacy preservation. Nevertheless, in this study, we demonstrated that adversarial attacks are also possible using natural images for medical DNN models with transfer learning, even if such medical images are unavailable; in particular, we showed that universal adversarial perturbations (UAPs) can also be generated from natural images. UAPs from natural images are useful for both non-targeted and targeted attacks. The performance of UAPs from natural images was significantly higher than that of random controls. The use of transfer learning causes a security hole, which decreases the reliability and safety of computer-based disease diagnosis. Model training from random initialization reduced the performance of UAPs from natural images; however, it did not completely avoid vulnerability to UAPs. The vulnerability of UAPs to natural images is expected to become a significant security threat

    Universal Adversarial Perturbations for Malware

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    Machine learning classification models are vulnerable to adversarial examples -- effective input-specific perturbations that can manipulate the model's output. Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs), which identify noisy patterns that generalize across the input space, allow the attacker to greatly scale up the generation of these adversarial examples. Although UAPs have been explored in application domains beyond computer vision, little is known about their properties and implications in the specific context of realizable attacks, such as malware, where attackers must reason about satisfying challenging problem-space constraints. In this paper, we explore the challenges and strengths of UAPs in the context of malware classification. We generate sequences of problem-space transformations that induce UAPs in the corresponding feature-space embedding and evaluate their effectiveness across threat models that consider a varying degree of realistic attacker knowledge. Additionally, we propose adversarial training-based mitigations using knowledge derived from the problem-space transformations, and compare against alternative feature-space defenses. Our experiments limit the effectiveness of a white box Android evasion attack to ~20 % at the cost of 3 % TPR at 1 % FPR. We additionally show how our method can be adapted to more restrictive application domains such as Windows malware. We observe that while adversarial training in the feature space must deal with large and often unconstrained regions, UAPs in the problem space identify specific vulnerabilities that allow us to harden a classifier more effectively, shifting the challenges and associated cost of identifying new universal adversarial transformations back to the attacker