1 research outputs found

    Problems with classification, hypothesis testing, and estimator convergence in the analysis of degree distributions in networks

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    In their recent work "Scale-free networks are rare", Broido and Clauset address the problem of the analysis of degree distributions in networks to classify them as scale-free at different strengths of "scale-freeness." Over the last two decades, a multitude of papers in network science have reported that the degree distributions in many real-world networks follow power laws. Such networks were then referred to as scale-free. However, due to a lack of a precise definition, the term has evolved to mean a range of different things, leading to confusion and contradictory claims regarding scale-freeness of a given network. Recognizing this problem, the authors of "Scale-free networks are rare" try to fix it. They attempt to develop a versatile and statistically principled approach to remove this scale-free ambiguity accumulated in network science literature. Although their paper presents a fair attempt to address this fundamental problem, we must bring attention to some important issues in it