113,113 research outputs found

    Towards Accurate Dielectric Property Retrieval of Biological Tissues for Blood Glucose Monitoring

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    (c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.This post-acceptance version of the paper is essentially complete, but may differ from the official copy of record, which can be found at the following web location (subscription required to access full paper): http://dx.doi.org/10/1109/TMTT.2014.2365019

    Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging

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    This review article provides a contemporary overview of phase retrieval in optical imaging, linking the relevant optical physics to the information processing methods and algorithms. Its purpose is to describe the current state of the art in this area, identify challenges, and suggest vision and areas where signal processing methods can have a large impact on optical imaging and on the world of imaging at large, with applications in a variety of fields ranging from biology and chemistry to physics and engineering

    On the selection of secondary indices in relational databases

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    An important problem in the physical design of databases is the selection of secondary indices. In general, this problem cannot be solved in an optimal way due to the complexity of the selection process. Often use is made of heuristics such as the well-known ADD and DROP algorithms. In this paper it will be shown that frequently used cost functions can be classified as super- or submodular functions. For these functions several mathematical properties have been derived which reduce the complexity of the index selection problem. These properties will be used to develop a tool for physical database design and also give a mathematical foundation for the success of the before-mentioned ADD and DROP algorithms

    Coherence retrieval using trace regularization

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    The mutual intensity and its equivalent phase-space representations quantify an optical field's state of coherence and are important tools in the study of light propagation and dynamics, but they can only be estimated indirectly from measurements through a process called coherence retrieval, otherwise known as phase-space tomography. As practical considerations often rule out the availability of a complete set of measurements, coherence retrieval is usually a challenging high-dimensional ill-posed inverse problem. In this paper, we propose a trace-regularized optimization model for coherence retrieval and a provably-convergent adaptive accelerated proximal gradient algorithm for solving the resulting problem. Applying our model and algorithm to both simulated and experimental data, we demonstrate an improvement in reconstruction quality over previous models as well as an increase in convergence speed compared to existing first-order methods.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Imaging Science

    Factory of realities: on the emergence of virtual spatiotemporal structures

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    The ubiquitous nature of modern Information Retrieval and Virtual World give rise to new realities. To what extent are these "realities" real? Which "physics" should be applied to quantitatively describe them? In this essay I dwell on few examples. The first is Adaptive neural networks, which are not networks and not neural, but still provide service similar to classical ANNs in extended fashion. The second is the emergence of objects looking like Einsteinian spacetime, which describe the behavior of an Internet surfer like geodesic motion. The third is the demonstration of nonclassical and even stronger-than-quantum probabilities in Information Retrieval, their use. Immense operable datasets provide new operationalistic environments, which become to greater and greater extent "realities". In this essay, I consider the overall Information Retrieval process as an objective physical process, representing it according to Melucci metaphor in terms of physical-like experiments. Various semantic environments are treated as analogs of various realities. The readers' attention is drawn to topos approach to physical theories, which provides a natural conceptual and technical framework to cope with the new emerging realities.Comment: 21 p

    Origins of Modern Data Analysis Linked to the Beginnings and Early Development of Computer Science and Information Engineering

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    The history of data analysis that is addressed here is underpinned by two themes, -- those of tabular data analysis, and the analysis of collected heterogeneous data. "Exploratory data analysis" is taken as the heuristic approach that begins with data and information and seeks underlying explanation for what is observed or measured. I also cover some of the evolving context of research and applications, including scholarly publishing, technology transfer and the economic relationship of the university to society.Comment: 26 page