3,502 research outputs found

    Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering at the K Edge of Ge

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    We study the resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the KK edge of Ge. We measure RIXS spectra with systematically varying momenta in the final state. The spectra are a measure of exciting an electron-hole pair. We find a single peak structure (except the elastic peak) as a function of photon energy, which is nearly independent of final-state momenta. We analyze the experimental data by means of the band structure calculation. The calculation reproduces well the experimental shape, clarifying the implication of the spectral shape.Comment: 17 pages,9 figures, Please also see our related paper: cond-mat/040500

    Non-ohmic critical fluctuation conductivity of layered superconductors in magnetic field

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    Thermal fluctuation conductivity for a layered superconductor in perpendicular magnetic field is treated in the frame of the self-consistent Hartree approximation for an arbitrarily strong in-plane electric field. The simultaneous application of the two fields results in a slightly stronger suppression of the superconducting fluctuations, compared to the case when the fields are applied individually.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Attention to Fires: Multi-Channel Deep Learning Models for Wildfire Severity Prediction

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    Wildfires are one of the natural hazards that the European Union is actively monitoring through the Copernicus EMS Earth observation program which continuously releases public information related to such catastrophic events. Such occurrences are the cause of both short- and long-term damages. Thus, to limit their impact and plan the restoration process, a rapid intervention by authorities is needed, which can be enhanced by the use of satellite imagery and automatic burned area delineation methodologies, accelerating the response and the decision-making processes. In this context, we analyze the burned area severity estimation problem by exploiting a state-of-the-art deep learning framework. Experimental results compare different model architectures and loss functions on a very large real-world Sentinel2 satellite dataset. Furthermore, a novel multi-channel attention-based analysis is presented to uncover the prediction behaviour and provide model interpretability. A perturbation mechanism is applied to an attention-based DS-UNet to evaluate the contribution of different domain-driven groups of channels to the severity estimation problem

    Fast label-free optical diffraction tomography compatible with conventional wide-field microscopes

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    Partially coherent optical diffraction tomography (PC-ODT) is a labelfree quantitative 3D imaging technique based on the refractive index contrast. It provides fast non-interferometric speckle noise-free imaging compatible with conventional wide-field transmission microscopes, but suffers from two principal inconveniences. One of them is the missing cone problem, which is a common drawback for all tomographic modalities with limitedangle inspection, including interferometric coherent ODT. The second one, considered in this paper, is a non-homogeneous contrast for different spatial frequency regions. Analyzing the microscope 3D optical transfer functions for various illuminations over the condenser aperture we have found that the Gaussian illumination shape is a proper one. Numerical simulations and experimental results support this finding. A future line in the development of post-deconvolution processing is also discussed

    Labour Market Segmentation : a Comparison between France and the UK From the Eighties to nowadays

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    Regarding changes in French and British labour market as in their educational system since the Eighties, one may address the evolution of their labour market segmentation. Is the predominance of Internal Labour Market in France and Occupational Labour Market in Great Britain (Eyraud, Marsden, Silvestre,1990) still relevant ? We propose a more complex segmentation of labour market with four segments based on tenure, labour mobility and their wage return to account for nowadays situation. Empirical investigations we carried out are based on national labour surveys (Enquête Emploi for France, LFS and GHS for Great Britain). In this paper we expose first investigations and explain which further methods we propose to use in order to characterise French and British labour market segmentation.French labour market; British labour market; labour market segmentation; Internal Labour Market; Occupational Labour Market; United-Kingdom; France

    Старообрядницькі монастирі на Чернігівщині

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    У статті розкривається проблема старообрядницьких монастирів на Чернігівщині у ХVІІІ – ХІХ століттях. На основі історичних джерел і наукових праць досліджено час та умови заснування монастирів, їх зв’язки з старообрядницькими центрами та визначено місце їх і роль в старообрядницькому світі.В статье раскрывается проблема старообрядческих монастырей на Черниговщине в ХVІІІ - ХІХ веках. На основании исторических источников и научных трудов исследовано время и условия основания монастырей, их связи с другими старообрядческими центрами та определено место и роль в старообрядческом мире.This article describes the problem of an Old Believers Monasteries on the territory of Chernigiv Region in 18-19 centuries. According to numerous derivations and scientific studies, there was made a research about the time and conditions of the foundation of an Old Believers and their relationship between the same monasteries on the territory of the Ukraine and Russian. It was also mentioned the role of Old Believers Monasteries

    Relativistic model of hidden bottom tetraquarks

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    The relativistic model of the ground state and excited heavy tetraquarks with hidden bottom is formulated within the diquark-antidiquark picture. The diquark structure is taken into account by calculating the diquark-gluon vertex in terms of the diquark wave functions. Predictions for the masses of bottom counterparts to the charm tetraquark candidates are given.Comment: 6 page