8 research outputs found

    Secure Physical Design

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    An integrated circuit is subject to a number of attacks including information leakage, side-channel attacks, fault-injection, malicious change, reverse engineering, and piracy. Majority of these attacks take advantage of physical placement and routing of cells and interconnects. Several measures have already been proposed to deal with security issues of the high level functional design and logic synthesis. However, to ensure end-to-end trustworthy IC design flow, it is necessary to have security sign-off during physical design flow. This paper presents a secure physical design roadmap to enable end-to-end trustworthy IC design flow. The paper also discusses utilization of AI/ML to establish security at the layout level. Major research challenges in obtaining a secure physical design are also discussed

    A Comprehensive Survey on Non-Invasive Fault Injection Attacks

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    Non-invasive fault injection attacks have emerged as significant threats to a spectrum of microelectronic systems ranging from commodity devices to high-end customized processors. Unlike their invasive counterparts, these attacks are more affordable and can exploit system vulnerabilities without altering the hardware physically. Furthermore, certain non-invasive fault injection strategies allow for remote vulnerability exploitation without the requirement of physical proximity. However, existing studies lack extensive investigation into these attacks across diverse target platforms, threat models, emerging attack strategies, assessment frameworks, and mitigation approaches. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary research on non-invasive fault injection attacks. Our objective is to consolidate and scrutinize the various techniques, methodologies, target systems susceptible to the attacks, and existing mitigation mechanisms advanced by the research community. Besides, we categorize attack strategies based on several aspects, present a detailed comparison among the categories, and highlight research challenges with future direction. By underlining and discussing the landscape of cutting-edge, non-invasive fault injection, we hope more researchers, designers, and security professionals examine the attacks further and take such threats into consideration while developing effective countermeasures

    ToSHI - Towards Secure Heterogeneous Integration: Security Risks, Threat Assessment, and Assurance

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    The semiconductor industry is entering a new age in which device scaling and cost reduction will no longer follow the decades-long pattern. Packing more transistors on a monolithic IC at each node becomes more difficult and expensive. Companies in the semiconductor industry are increasingly seeking technological solutions to close the gap and enhance cost-performance while providing more functionality through integration. Putting all of the operations on a single chip (known as a system on a chip, or SoC) presents several issues, including increased prices and greater design complexity. Heterogeneous integration (HI), which uses advanced packaging technology to merge components that might be designed and manufactured independently using the best process technology, is an attractive alternative. However, although the industry is motivated to move towards HI, many design and security challenges must be addressed. This paper presents a three-tier security approach for secure heterogeneous integration by investigating supply chain security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities at the chiplet, interposer, and system-in-package levels. Furthermore, various possible trust validation methods and attack mitigation were proposed for every level of heterogeneous integration. Finally, we shared our vision as a roadmap toward developing security solutions for a secure heterogeneous integration

    Provably Trustworthy and Secure Hardware Design with Low Overhead

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    Due to the globalization of IC design in the semiconductor industry and outsourcing of chip manufacturing, 3PIPs become vulnerable to IP piracy, reverse engineering, counterfeit IC, and hardware Trojans. To thwart such attacks, ICs can be protected using logic encryption techniques. However, strong resilient techniques incur significant overheads. SCAs further complicate matters by introducing potential attacks post-fabrication. One of the most severe SCAs is PA attacks, in which an attacker can observe the power variations of the device and analyze them to extract the secret key. PA attacks can be mitigated via adding large extra hardware; however, the overheads of such solutions can render them impractical, especially when there are power and area constraints. In our first approach, we present two techniques to prevent normal attacks. The first one is based on inserting MUX equal to half/full of the output bit number. In the second technique, we first design PLGs using SiNW FETs and then replace some logic gates in the original design with their SiNW FETs-based PLGs counterparts. In our second approach, we use SiNW FETs to produce obfuscated ICs that are resistant to advanced reverse engineering attacks. Our method is based on designing a small block, whose output is untraceable, namely URSAT. Since URSAT may not offer very strong resilience against the combined AppSAT-removal attack, S-URSAT is achieved using only CMOS-logic gates, and this increases the security level of the design to robustly thwart all existing attacks. In our third topic, we present the usage of ASLD to produce secure and resilient circuits that withstand IC attacks (during the fabrication) and PA attacks (after fabrication). First, we show that ASLD has unique features that can be used to prevent PA and IC attacks. In our three topics, we evaluate each design based on performance overheads and security guarantees

    Probing Assessment Framework and Evaluation of Antiprobing Solutions

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