317 research outputs found

    PROBE-GK: Predictive Robust Estimation using Generalized Kernels

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    Many algorithms in computer vision and robotics make strong assumptions about uncertainty, and rely on the validity of these assumptions to produce accurate and consistent state estimates. In practice, dynamic environments may degrade sensor performance in predictable ways that cannot be captured with static uncertainty parameters. In this paper, we employ fast nonparametric Bayesian inference techniques to more accurately model sensor uncertainty. By setting a prior on observation uncertainty, we derive a predictive robust estimator, and show how our model can be learned from sample images, both with and without knowledge of the motion used to generate the data. We validate our approach through Monte Carlo simulations, and report significant improvements in localization accuracy relative to a fixed noise model in several settings, including on synthetic data, the KITTI dataset, and our own experimental platform.Comment: In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'16), Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 201

    DPC-Net: Deep Pose Correction for Visual Localization

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    We present a novel method to fuse the power of deep networks with the computational efficiency of geometric and probabilistic localization algorithms. In contrast to other methods that completely replace a classical visual estimator with a deep network, we propose an approach that uses a convolutional neural network to learn difficult-to-model corrections to the estimator from ground-truth training data. To this end, we derive a novel loss function for learning SE(3) corrections based on a matrix Lie groups approach, with a natural formulation for balancing translation and rotation errors. We use this loss to train a Deep Pose Correction network (DPC-Net) that predicts corrections for a particular estimator, sensor and environment. Using the KITTI odometry dataset, we demonstrate significant improvements to the accuracy of a computationally-efficient sparse stereo visual odometry pipeline, that render it as accurate as a modern computationally-intensive dense estimator. Further, we show how DPC-Net can be used to mitigate the effect of poorly calibrated lens distortion parameters.Comment: In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) and presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'18), Brisbane, Australia, May 21-25, 201

    Multiple Integrated Navigation Sensors for Improving Occupancy Grid FastSLAM

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    An autonomous vehicle must accurately observe its location within the environment to interact with objects and accomplish its mission. When its environment is unknown, the vehicle must construct a map detailing its surroundings while using it to maintain an accurate location. Such a vehicle is faced with the circularly defined Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. However difficult, SLAM is a critical component of autonomous vehicle exploration with applications to search and rescue. To current knowledge, this research presents the first SLAM solution to integrate stereo cameras, inertial measurements, and vehicle odometry into a Multiple Integrated Navigation Sensor (MINS) path. The implementation combines the MINS path with LIDAR to observe and map the environment using the FastSLAM algorithm. In real-world tests, a mobile ground vehicle equipped with these sensors completed a 140 meter loop around indoor hallways. This SLAM solution produces a path that closes the loop and remains within 1 meter of truth, reducing the error 92% from an image-inertial navigation system and 79% from odometry FastSLAM

    Research on a modifeied RANSAC and its applications to ellipse detection from a static image and motion detection from active stereo video sequences

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3091号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2010/2/24 ; 早大学位記番号:新535

    Event-Based Algorithms For Geometric Computer Vision

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    Event cameras are novel bio-inspired sensors which mimic the function of the human retina. Rather than directly capturing intensities to form synchronous images as in traditional cameras, event cameras asynchronously detect changes in log image intensity. When such a change is detected at a given pixel, the change is immediately sent to the host computer, where each event consists of the x,y pixel position of the change, a timestamp, accurate to tens of microseconds, and a polarity, indicating whether the pixel got brighter or darker. These cameras provide a number of useful benefits over traditional cameras, including the ability to track extremely fast motions, high dynamic range, and low power consumption. However, with a new sensing modality comes the need to develop novel algorithms. As these cameras do not capture photometric intensities, novel loss functions must be developed to replace the photoconsistency assumption which serves as the backbone of many classical computer vision algorithms. In addition, the relative novelty of these sensors means that there does not exist the wealth of data available for traditional images with which we can train learning based methods such as deep neural networks. In this work, we address both of these issues with two foundational principles. First, we show that the motion blur induced when the events are projected into the 2D image plane can be used as a suitable substitute for the classical photometric loss function. Second, we develop self-supervised learning methods which allow us to train convolutional neural networks to estimate motion without any labeled training data. We apply these principles to solve classical perception problems such as feature tracking, visual inertial odometry, optical flow and stereo depth estimation, as well as recognition tasks such as object detection and human pose estimation. We show that these solutions are able to utilize the benefits of event cameras, allowing us to operate in fast moving scenes with challenging lighting which would be incredibly difficult for traditional cameras