145 research outputs found

    Probabilistic models for topic learning from images and captions in online biomedical literatures

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    Biomedical images and captions are one of the major sources of information in online biomedical publications. They often contain the most important results to be reported, and provide rich information about the main themes in published papers. In the data mining and information retrieval community, there are a lot of research works on using text mining and language modeling algorithms to extract knowledge from the text content of online biomedical publications; however, the problem of knowledge extraction from biomedical images and captions has not been fully studied yet. In this paper, a hierarchical probabilistic topic model with background distribution (HPB) is introduced to uncover the latent semantic topics from the co-occurrence patterns of caption words, visual words and biomedical concepts. With downloaded biomedical figures, restricted captions ar

    Generative topic modeling in image data mining and bioinformatics studies

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    Probabilistic topic models have been developed for applications in various domains such as text mining, information retrieval and computer vision and bioinformatics domain. In this thesis, we focus on developing novel probabilistic topic models for image mining and bioinformatics studies. Specifically, a probabilistic topic-connection (PTC) model is proposed for co-existing image features and annotations, in which new latent variables are introduced to allow for more flexible sampling of word topics and visual topics. A perspective hierarchical Dirichlet process (pHDP) model is proposed to deal with user-tagged image modeling, associating image features with image tags and incorporating the user’s perspectives into the image tag generation process. It’s also shown that in mining large scale text corpora of natural language descriptions, the relation between semantic visual attributes and object categories can be encoded as Must-Links and Cannot-Links, which can be represented by Dirichlet-Forest prior. Novel generative topic models are also introduced to meta-genomics studies. The experimental results show that the generative topic model can be used to model the taxon abundance information obtained by the homology-based approach and study the microbial core. It also shows that latent topic modeling can be used to characterize core and distributed genes within a species and to correlate similarities between genes and their functions. A further study on the functional elements derived from the non-redundant CDs catalogue shows that the configuration of functional groups encoded in the gene-expression data of meta-genome samples can be inferred by applying probabilistic topic modeling to functional elements. Furthermore, an extended HDP model is introduced to infer functional basis from detected enterotypes. The latent topics estimated from human gut microbial samples are evidenced by the recent discoveries in fecal microbiota study, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models.Ph.D., Information Systems -- Drexel University, 201

    Topic Uncovering and Image Annotation via Scalable Probit Normal Correlated Topic Models

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    Topic uncovering of the latent topics have become an active research area for more than a decade and continuous to receive contributions from all disciplines including computer science, information science and statistics. Since the introduction of Latent Dirichlet Allocation in 2003, many intriguing extension models have been proposed. One such extension model is the logistic normal correlated topic model, which not only uncovers hidden topic of a document, but also extract a meaningful topical relationship among a large number of topics. In this model, the Logistic normal distribution was adapted via the transformation of multivariate Gaussian variables to model the topical distribution of documents in the presence of correlations among topics. In this thesis, we propose a Probit normal alternative approach to modelling correlated topical structures. Our use of the Probit model in the context of topic discovery is novel, as many authors have so far concentrated solely of the logistic model partly due to the formidable inefficiency of the multinomial Probit model even in the case of very small topical spaces. We herein circumvent the inefficiency of multinomial Probit estimation by using an adaptation of the Diagonal Orthant Multinomial Probit (DO-Probit) in the topic models context, resulting in the ability of our topic modelling scheme to handle corpuses with a large number of latent topics. In addition, we extended our model and implement it into the context of image annotation by developing an efficient Collapsed Gibbs Sampling scheme. Furthermore, we employed various high performance computing techniques such as memory-aware Map Reduce, SpareseLDA implementation, vectorization and block sampling as well as some numerical efficiency strategy to allow fast and efficient sampling of our algorithm

    Antennas and Electromagnetics Research via Natural Language Processing.

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    Advanced techniques for performing natural language processing (NLP) are being utilised to devise a pioneering methodology for collecting and analysing data derived from scientific literature. Despite significant advancements in automated database generation and analysis within the domains of material chemistry and physics, the implementation of NLP techniques in the realms of metamaterial discovery, antenna design, and wireless communications remains at its early stages. This thesis proposes several novel approaches to advance research in material science. Firstly, an NLP method has been developed to automatically extract keywords from large-scale unstructured texts in the area of metamaterial research. This enables the uncovering of trends and relationships between keywords, facilitating the establishment of future research directions. Additionally, a trained neural network model based on the encoder-decoder Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture has been developed to predict future research directions and provide insights into the influence of metamaterials research. This model lays the groundwork for developing a research roadmap of metamaterials. Furthermore, a novel weighting system has been designed to evaluate article attributes in antenna and propagation research, enabling more accurate assessments of impact of each scientific publication. This approach goes beyond conventional numeric metrics to produce more meaningful predictions. Secondly, a framework has been proposed to leverage text summarisation, one of the primary NLP tasks, to enhance the quality of scientific reviews. It has been applied to review recent development of antennas and propagation for body-centric wireless communications, and the validation has been made available for comparison with well-referenced datasets for text summarisation. Lastly, the effectiveness of automated database building in the domain of tunable materials and their properties has been presented. The collected database will use as an input for training a surrogate machine learning model in an iterative active learning cycle. This model will be utilised to facilitate high-throughput material processing, with the ultimate goal of discovering novel materials exhibiting high tunability. The approaches proposed in this thesis will help to accelerate the discovery of new materials and enhance their applications in antennas, which has the potential to transform electromagnetic material research

    QNRs: toward language for intelligent machines

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    Impoverished syntax and nondifferentiable vocabularies make natural language a poor medium for neural representation learning and applications. Learned, quasilinguistic neural representations (QNRs) can upgrade words to embeddings and syntax to graphs to provide a more expressive and computationally tractable medium. Graph-structured, embedding-based quasilinguistic representations can support formal and informal reasoning, human and inter-agent communication, and the development of scalable quasilinguistic corpora with characteristics of both literatures and associative memory. To achieve human-like intellectual competence, machines must be fully literate, able not only to read and learn, but to write things worth retaining as contributions to collective knowledge. In support of this goal, QNR-based systems could translate and process natural language corpora to support the aggregation, refinement, integration, extension, and application of knowledge at scale. Incremental development of QNRbased models can build on current methods in neural machine learning, and as systems mature, could potentially complement or replace today’s opaque, error-prone “foundation models” with systems that are more capable, interpretable, and epistemically reliable. Potential applications and implications are broad

    Development of a Hepatitis C Virus knowledgebase with computational prediction of functional hypothesis of therapeutic relevance

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDTo ameliorate Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) therapeutic and diagnostic challenges requires robust intervention strategies, including approaches that leverage the plethora of rich data published in biomedical literature to gain greater understanding of HCV pathobiological mechanisms. The multitudes of metadata originating from HCV clinical trials as well as low and high-throughput experiments embedded in text corpora can be mined as data sources for the implementation of HCV-specific resources. HCV-customized resources may support the generation of worthy and testable hypothesis and reveal potential research clues to augment the pursuit of efficient diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. This research thesis report the development of two freely available HCV-specific web-based resources: (i) Dragon Exploratory System on Hepatitis C Virus (DESHCV) accessible via http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/DESHCV/ or http://cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/deshcv/ and (ii) Hepatitis C Virus Protein Interaction Database (HCVpro) accessible via http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/hcvpro/ or http://cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/hcvpro/. DESHCV is a text mining system implemented using named concept recognition and cooccurrence based approaches to computationally analyze about 32, 000 HCV related abstracts obtained from PubMed. As part of DESHCV development, the pre-constructed dictionaries of the Dragon Exploratory System (DES) were enriched with HCV biomedical concepts, including HCV proteins, name variants and symbols to enable HCV knowledge specific exploration. The DESHCV query inputs consist of user-defined keywords, phrases and concepts. DESHCV is therefore an information extraction tool that enables users to computationally generate association between concepts and support the prediction of potential hypothesis with diagnostic and therapeutic relevance. Additionally, users can retrieve a list of abstracts containing tagged concepts that can be used to overcome the herculean task of manual biocuration. DESHCV has been used to simulate previously reported thalidomide-chronic hepatitis C hypothesis and also to model a potentially novel thalidomide-amantadine hypothesis. HCVpro is a relational knowledgebase dedicated to housing experimentally detected HCV-HCV and HCV-human protein interaction information obtained from other databases and curated from biomedical journal articles. Additionally, the database contains consolidated biological information consisting of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) related genes, comprehensive reviews on HCV biology and drug development, functional genomics and molecular biology data, and cross-referenced links to canonical pathways and other essential biomedical databases. Users can retrieve enriched information including interaction metadata from HCVpro by using protein identifiers, gene chromosomal locations, experiment types used in detecting the interactions, PubMed IDs of journal articles reporting the interactions, annotated protein interaction IDs from external databases, and via “string searches”. The utility of HCVpro has been demonstrated by harnessing integrated data to suggest putative baseline clues that seem to support current diagnostic exploratory efforts directed towards vimentin. Furthermore, eight genes comprising of ACLY, AZGP1, DDX3X, FGG, H19, SIAH1, SERPING1 and THBS1 have been recommended for possible investigation to evaluate their diagnostic potential. The data archived in HCVpro can be utilized to support protein-protein interaction network-based candidate HCC gene prioritization for possible validation by experimental biologists.South Afric

    Development of a hepatitis C virus knowledgebase with computational prediction of functional hypothesis of therapeutic relevance

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDTo ameliorate Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) therapeutic and diagnostic challenges requires robust intervention strategies, including approaches that leverage the plethora of rich data published in biomedical literature to gain greater understanding of HCV pathobiological mechanisms. The multitudes of metadata originating from HCV clinical trials as well as low and high-throughput experiments embedded in text corpora can be mined as data sources for the implementation of HCV-specific resources. HCV-customized resources may support the generation of worthy and testable hypothesis and reveal potential research clues to augment the pursuit of efficient diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. This research thesis report the development of two freely available HCV-specific web-based resources: (i) Dragon Exploratory System on Hepatitis C Virus (DESHCV) accessible via http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/DESHCV/ or http://cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/deshcv/ and(ii) Hepatitis C Virus Protein Interaction Database (HCVpro) accessible via http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/hcvpro/ or http://cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/hcvpro/.DESHCV is a text mining system implemented using named concept recognition and cooccurrence based approaches to computationally analyze about 32, 000 HCV related abstracts obtained from PubMed. As part of DESHCV development, the pre-constructed dictionaries of the Dragon Exploratory System (DES) were enriched with HCV biomedical concepts, including HCV proteins, name variants and symbols to enable HCV knowledge specific exploration. The DESHCV query inputs consist of user-defined keywords, phrases and concepts. DESHCV is therefore an information extraction tool that enables users to computationally generate association between concepts and support the prediction of potential hypothesis with diagnostic and therapeutic relevance.Additionally, users can retrieve a list of abstracts containing tagged concepts that can be used to overcome the herculean task of manual biocuration. DESHCV has been used to simulate previously reported thalidomide-chronic hepatitis C hypothesis and also to model a potentially novel thalidomide-amantadine hypothesis.HCVpro is a relational knowledgebase dedicated to housing experimentally detected HCV-HCV and HCV-human protein interaction information obtained from other databases and curated from biomedical journal articles. Additionally, the database contains consolidated biological information consisting of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) related genes, comprehensive reviews on HCV biology and drug development,functional genomics and molecular biology data, and cross-referenced links to canonical pathways and other essential biomedical databases. Users can retrieve enriched information including interaction metadata from HCVpro by using protein identifiers,gene chromosomal locations, experiment types used in detecting the interactions, PubMed IDs of journal articles reporting the interactions, annotated protein interaction IDs from external databases, and via “string searches”. The utility of HCVpro has been demonstrated by harnessing integrated data to suggest putative baseline clues that seem to support current diagnostic exploratory efforts directed towards vimentin. Furthermore,eight genes comprising of ACLY, AZGP1, DDX3X, FGG, H19, SIAH1, SERPING1 and THBS1 have been recommended for possible investigation to evaluate their diagnostic potential. The data archived in HCVpro can be utilized to support protein-protein interaction network-based candidate HCC gene prioritization for possible validation by experimental biologists