20 research outputs found

    Solution of the implicit Colebrook equation for flow friction using Excel

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    Empirical Colebrook equation implicit in unknown flow friction factor (λ) is an accepted standard forcalculation of hydraulic resistance in hydraulically smooth and rough pipes. The Colebrook equation givesfriction factor (λ) implicitly as a function of the Reynolds number (Re) and relative roughness (ε/D) of innerpipe surface; i.e. λ0=f(λ0, Re, ε/D). The paper presents a problem that requires iterative methods for thesolution. In particular, the implicit method used for calculating the friction factor λ0is an application of fixed-point iterations. The type of problem discussed in this "in the classroom paper" is commonly encountered influid dynamics, and this paper provides readers with the tools necessary to solve similar problems. Students’task is to solve the equation using Excel where the procedure for that is explained in this “in the classroom”paper. Also, up to date numerous explicit approximations of the Colebrook equation are available where as an additional task for students can be evaluation of the error introduced by these explicit approximations λ≈f(Re,ε/D) compared with the iterative solution of implicit equation which can be treated as accurate

    Impact of compressor failures on gas transmission network capability

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    National Grid, the gas operator in the United Kingdom, has experienced challenges in evaluating the capability of its gas transmission network to maintain function in the event of risks particularly to withstand the impact of compressor failures. We propose a mathematical programming model to support the operator in dealing with the problem. Several solution techniques are developed to solve the various versions of the problem efficiently. In the case of little data on compressor failure, an uncertainty theory is applied to solve this problem if the compressor failures are independent; while a robust optimisation technique is developed to solve it when they are not. Otherwise, when there are data on compressor failure, Monte Carlo simulation is applied to find the expected capability of the gas transmission network. Computational experiments, carried out on a case study at National Grid, demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed model and solution techniques. A further analysis is performed to determine the impact of compressor failures and suggest efficient maintenance policies for National Grid

    One-log call iterative solution of the Colebrook equation for flow friction based on Padé polynomials

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    The 80 year-old empirical Colebrook function ξ, widely used as an informal standard for hydraulic resistance, relates implicitly the unknown flow friction factor λ, with the known Reynolds number R e and the known relative roughness of a pipe inner surface ε*; λ= ξ (R e, ε*, λ). It is based on logarithmic law in the form that captures the unknown flow friction factor λ in a way that it cannot be extracted analytically. As an alternative to the explicit approximations or to the iterative procedures that require at least a few evaluations of computationally expensive logarithmic function or non-integer powers, this paper offers an accurate and computationally cheap iterative algorithm based on Padé polynomials with only one l o g-call in total for the whole procedure (expensive l o g-calls are substituted with Padé polynomials in each iteration with the exception of the first). The proposed modification is computationally less demanding compared with the standard approaches of engineering practice, but does not influence the accuracy or the number of iterations required to reach the final balanced solutio

    Biomethane as alternative fuel for the EU road sector: analysis of existing and planned infrastructure

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    The views expressed here are purely those of the authors and may not, under any circumstances, be regarded as an official position of the European Commission

    Assessing the criticality of interdependent power and gas systems using complex networks and load flow techniques

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    Gas and electricity transmission systems are increasingly interconnected, and an attack on certain assets can cause serious energy supply disruptions, as stated in recommendation (EU) 2019/553 on cybersecurity in the energy sector, recently approved by the European Commission. This study aims to assess the vulnerability of coupled natural gas and electricity infrastructures and proposes a method based on graph theory that incorporates the effects of interdependencies between networks. This study is built in a joint framework, where two different attack strategies are applied to the integrated systems: (1) disruptions to facilities with most links and (2) disruptions to the most important facilities in terms of flow. The vulnerability is measured after each network attack by quantifying the unmet load (UL) through a power flow analysis and calculating the topological damage of the systems with the geodesic vulnerability (v) index. The proposed simulation framework is applied to a case study that consists of the IEEE 118-bus test system and a 25-node high-pressure natural gas network, where both are coupled through seven gas-fired power plants (GFPPs) and three electric compressors (ECs). The methodology is useful for estimating vulnerability in both systems in a coupled manner, studying the propagation of interdependencies in the two networks and showing the applicability of the v index as a substitute for the UL index

    Unified friction formulation from laminar to fully rough turbulent flow

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    This paper provides a new unified formula for Newtonian fluids valid for all pipe flow regimes from laminar to fully rough turbulent flow.This includes laminar flow; the unstable sharp jump from laminar to turbulent flow; and all types of turbulent regimes, including the smooth turbulent regime, the partial non-fully developed turbulent regime, and the fully developed rough turbulent regime. The new unified formula follows the inflectional form of curves suggested in Nikuradse’s experiment rather than the monotonic shape proposed by Colebrook and White. The composition of the proposed unified formula uses switching functions and interchangeable formulas for the laminar, smooth turbulent, and fully rough turbulent flow regimes. Thus, the formulation presented below represents a coherent hydraulic model suitable for engineering use. This new flow friction model is more flexible than existing literature models and provides smooth and computationally cheap transitions between hydraulic regimes

    Choosing the optimal multi-point iterative method for the Colebrook flow friction equation

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    The Colebrook equation is implicitly given in respect to the unknown flow friction factor λ; λ=ζ(Re, ε∗, λ)which cannot be expressed explicitly in exact way without simplifications and use of approximate calculus. A common approach to solve it is through the Newton–Raphson iterative procedure or through the fixed-point iterative procedure. Both require in some cases, up to seven iterations. On the other hand, numerous more powerful iterative methods such as threeor two-point methods, etc. are available. The purpose is to choose optimal iterative method in order to solve the implicit Colebrook equation for flow friction accurately using the least possible number of iterations. The methods are thoroughly tested and those which require the least possible number of iterations to reach the accurate solution are identified. The most powerful three-point methods require, in the worst case, only two iterations to reach the final solution. The recommended representatives are Sharma–Guha–Gupta, Sharma–Sharma, Sharma–Arora, Džuni´c–Petkovi´c–Petkovi´c; Bi–Ren–Wu, Chun–Neta based on Kung–Traub, Neta, and the Jain method based on the Steffensen scheme. The recommended iterative methods can reach the final accurate solution with the least possible number of iterations. The approach is hybrid between the iterative procedure and one-step explicit approximations and can be used in engineering design for initial rough, but also for final fine calculations

    Accurate and efficient explicit approximations of the Colebrook flow friction equation based on the Wright ω-function

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    The Colebrook equation is a popular model for estimating friction loss coefficients in water and gas pipes. The model is implicit in the unknown flow friction factor, f . To date, the captured flow friction factor, f , can be extracted from the logarithmic form analytically only in the term of the Lambert W-function. The purpose of this study is to find an accurate and computationally efficient solution based on the shifted Lambert W-function also known as the Wright ω-function. The Wright ω-function is more suitable because it overcomes the problem with the overflow error by switching the fast growing term, y=W(ex), of the Lambert W-function to series expansions that further can be easily evaluated in computers without causing overflow run-time errors. Although the Colebrook equation transformed through the Lambert W-function is identical to the original expression in terms of accuracy, a further evaluation of the Lambert W-function can be only approximate. Very accurate explicit approximations of the Colebrook equation that contain only one or two logarithms are shown. The final result is an accurate explicit approximation of the Colebrook equation with a relative error of no more than 0.0096%. The presented approximations are in a form suitable for everyday engineering use, and are both accurate and computationally efficient