8 research outputs found

    Advancing the Potential of Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    An ad hoc network consists of nodes with a radio without wire which has multi hop network surroundings [3]. Their messages can be sent anywhere with the help of intermediate nodes only in limits. Broadcasting is mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) is process to send message one to other nodes of the network [1]. It has far-reaching application in mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). It provides significant control and route administration for all types protocols let it be unicast or multicast protocols. It has become an important and all above to find a strong routing protocol in networking research. MANET has important part like as D.S.R., A.O.D.V. for routing information and location routing are used to established routes [5]. There are many problems in broadcasting of MANETS due to reasons like; Variable and unpredictable characteristics, Fluctuation of Strength, Channel Contention problem and Packet Collision problem [4]. The study had been done to cop up these problems on neighbor coverage based protocol to reduce routing overhead in MANETS. The connectivity factor was also discussed to arrange neighbor coverage system to provide to density adaptation [7]. AODV protocol can be played an important role in optimizing mechanism. This paper presented and completed on new type of rebroadcasting with many performance metrics it is done while using NS-2 Simulator [9]

    A Neighbor Coverage-Based Probabilistic Rebroadcast for Reducing Routing Overhead in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Cluster Scheme

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    Due to high mobility of nodes in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), there exist frequent link breakages which lead to frequent path failures and route discoveries. The overhead of a route discovery cannot be neglected. In a route discovery, broadcasting is a fundamental and effective data dissemination mechanism, where a mobile node blindly rebroadcasts the first received route request packets unless it has a route to the destination, and thus it causes the broadcast storm problem. In this paper, we propose a neighbor coverage-based probabilistic rebroadcast protocol for reducing routing overhead in MANETs. In order to effectively exploit the neighbor coverage knowledge, we propose a novel rebroadcast delay to determine the rebroadcast order, and then we can obtain the more accurate additional coverage ratio by sensing neighbor coverage knowledge. We also define a connectivity factor to provide the node density adaptation. By combining the additional coverage ratio and connectivity factor, we set a reasonable rebroadcast probability. Our approach combines the advantages of the neighbor coverage knowledge and the probabilistic mechanism, which can significantly decrease the number of retransmissions so as to reduce the routing overhead, and can also improve the routing performance

    Channel-Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast in Route Discovery Mechanism of MANETs

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    Broadcasting is the backbone of the route discovery process in on-demand routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). Pure flooding is the simplest and most common broadcasting technique for route discovery in on-demand routing protocols. In pure flooding, the route request (RREQ) packet is broadcasted and each receiving node rebroadcasts it. This continues until the RREQ packet arrives at the destination node. The obvious drawback of pure flooding is excessive redundant traffic that degrades the system performance. This is commonly known as broadcast storm problem (BSP). To address BSP, various probabilistic broadcast schemes have been proposed in the literature where a node broadcasts a RREQ packet with a certain probability. However, these schemes do not consider the effects of thermal noise and co-channel interference which cannot be ignored in realistic MANETs, and therefore, these schemes do not perform well in real life MANETs. This paper presents a novel Channel Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast (CAPB) scheme that adapts the rebroadcast probability dynamically to the current SINR (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio) and node density in the neighborhood. The proposed scheme and two related state of the art (SoA) schemes from the literature are implemented in the standard AODV routing protocol to replace the pure flooding based broadcast. Extensive ns-2 simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the standard AODV, and the two competitors in terms of routing overhead, throughput, end-to-end delay and energy consumption significantly in noisy MANETs

    Efficient Broadcasting for Route Discovery in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

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    Broadcasting is used in on-demand routing protocols to discover routes in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). On-demand routing protocols, such as AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector) routing, commonly employ pure flooding based broadcasting. However, pure flooding generates excessively redundant routing traffic that may lead to broadcast storm problem (BSP) and deteriorate the performance of MANETs significantly. Probabilistic broadcasting schemes were proposed in the literature to address BSP. However, these schemes do not consider thermal noise and interference which exist in real life MANETs, and therefore, do not perform well in real life MANETs. This paper presents a novel Channel Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast (CAPB) scheme to disseminate RREQ packets efficiently. The proposed CAPB scheme determines the probability of rebroadcasting RREQ packets on the fly according to the current SINR (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio) and node density in the neighborhood. The proposed scheme and two related state of the art (SoA) schemes from the literature ( [1] and [2]) are implemented in the standard AODV routing protocol to replace the pure flooding based broadcast. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the standard AODV and the two competitors in terms of routing overhead, throughput and end-to-end delay significantly

    Channel-Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast in Route Discovery Mechanism of MANETs

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    Broadcasting is the backbone of the route discovery process in on-demand routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). Pure flooding is the simplest and most common broadcasting technique for route discovery in on-demand routing protocols. In pure flooding, the route request (RREQ) packet is broadcasted and each receiving node rebroadcasts it. This continues until the RREQ packet arrives at the destination node. The obvious drawback of pure flooding is excessive redundant traffic that degrades the system performance. This is commonly known as broadcast storm problem (BSP). To address BSP, various probabilistic broadcast schemes have been proposed in the literature where a node broadcasts a RREQ packet with a certain probability. However, these schemes do not consider the effects of thermal noise and co-channel interference which cannot be ignored in realistic MANETs, and therefore, these schemes do not perform well in real life MANETs. This paper presents a novel Channel Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast (CAPB) scheme that adapts the rebroadcast probability dynamically to the current SINR (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio) and node density in the neighborhood. The proposed scheme and two related state of the art (SoA) schemes from the literature are implemented in the standard AODV routing protocol to replace the pure flooding based broadcast. Extensive ns-2 simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the standard AODV, and the two competitors in terms of routing overhead, throughput, end-to-end delay and energy consumption significantly in noisy MANETs

    Hybrid probabilistic broadcast schemes for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Broadcasting is one of the fundamental data dissemination mechanisms in mobile ad hoc network (MANET), which is, for instance, extensively used in many routing protocols for route discovery process. The dynamic topology and limited communication bandwidth of such networks pose a number of challenges in designing an efficient broadcasting scheme for MANETs. The simplest approach is flooding, where each node retransmit every unique received packet exactly once on each outgoing link. Although flooding ensures that broadcast packet is received by all network nodes, it generates many redundant transmissions which can trigger high transmission collision and contention in the network, a phenomenon referred to as the broadcast storm. Several probabilistic broadcast algorithms have been proposed that incur low communication overhead to mitigate the broadcast storm problem and tend to show superior adaptability in changing environments when compared to deterministic (i.e., non-probabilistic) schemes. However, most of these schemes reduce redundant broadcasts at the expense of reachability, a requirement for near-global network topological information or support from additional hardware. This research argues that broadcast schemes that combine the important features of fixed probabilistic and counter-based schemes can reduce the broadcast storm problem without sacrificing reachability while still achieving better end-to-end delay. To this end, the first part of this research investigate the effects of forwarding probabilities and counter threshold values on the performance of fixed probabilistic and counter-based schemes. The findings of this investigation are exploited to suggest a new hybrid approach, the Probabilistic Counter-Based Scheme (PCBS) that uses the number of duplicate packets received to estimate neighbourhood density and assign a forwarding probability value to restrict the generation of so many redundant broadcast packets. The simulation results reveal that under various network conditions PCBS reduces the number of redundant transmissions, collision rate and end-to-end delay significantly without sacrificing reachability when compared against counter-based, fixed probabilistic and flood broadcasting. Often in MANETs, there are regions of different node density due to node mobility. As such, PCBS can suffer from a degree of inflexibility in terms of rebroadcast probability, since each node is assigned the same forwarding probability regardless of its local neighbourhood conditions. To address this shortcoming, the second part of this dissertation proposes an Adjusted Probabilistic Counter-Based Scheme (APCBS) that dynamically assigns the forwarding probability to a node based on its local node density using a mathematical function. Thus, a node located in a sparse region of the network is assigned a high forwarding probability while a node located in denser region is assigned a relatively lower forwarding probability. These combined effects enhance end-to-end delay, collision rate and reachability compared to PCBS variant. The performance of most broadcasting schemes that have been suggested for MANETs including those presented here, have been analysed in the context of ā€œpureā€ broadcast scenarios with relatively little investigation towards their performance impact on specific applications such as route discovery process. The final part of this thesis evaluates the performance of the well-known AODV routing protocol when augmented with APCBS route discovery. Results indicate that the resulting route discovery approach reduces the routing overhead, collision rate and end-to-end delay without degrading the overall network throughput compared to the existing approaches based on flooding, counterbased and fixed probabilistic route discovery

    Bandwidth and Energy-Efficient Route Discovery for Noisy Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Broadcasting is used in on-demand routing protocols to discover routes in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). On-demand routing protocols, such as Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) commonly employ pure flooding based broadcasting to discover new routes. In pure flooding, a route request (RREQ) packet is broadcast by the source node and each receiving node rebroadcasts it. This continues until the RREQ packet arrives at the destination node. Pure flooding generates excessive redundant routing traffic that may lead to the broadcast storm problem (BSP) and deteriorate the performance of MANETs significantly. A number of probabilistic broadcasting schemes have been proposed in the literature to address BSP. However, these schemes do not consider thermal noise and interference which exist in real life MANETs, and therefore, do not perform well in real life MANETs. Real life MANETs are noisy and the communication is not error free. This research argues that a broadcast scheme that considers the effects of thermal noise, co-channel interference, and node density in the neighbourhood simultaneously can reduce the broadcast storm problem and enhance the MANET performance. To achieve this, three investigations have been carried out: First, the effect of carrier sensing ranges on on-demand routing protocol such as AODV and their impact on interference; second, effects of thermal noise on on-demand routing protocols and third, evaluation of pure flooding and probabilistic broadcasting schemes under noisy and noiseless conditions. The findings of these investigations are exploited to propose a Channel Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast (CAPB) scheme to disseminate RREQ packets efficiently. The proposed CAPB scheme determines the probability of rebroadcasting RREQ packets on the fly according to the current Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) and node density in the neighbourhood. The proposed scheme and two related state of the art (SoA) schemes from the literature are implemented in the standard AODV to replace the pure flooding based broadcast scheme. Ns-2 simulation results show that the proposed CAPB scheme outperforms the other schemes in terms of routing overhead, average end-to-end delay, throughput and energy consumption

    Probabilistic counter-based route discovery for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Conventional on-demand route discovery for ad hoc routing protocols extensively use simple flooding, which could potentially lead to high channel contention, causing redundant retransmissions and thus excessive packet collisions in the network. This phenomenon has been shown to greatly increase the network communication overhead and end to end delay. This paper proposes a new probabilistic counter-based method that can significantly reduce the number of RREQ packets transmitted during route discovery operation. Our simulation results reveal that equipping AODV routing protocol with the proposed probabilistic counter-based route discovery method can result in significant performance improvements in terms of routing overhead, MAC collisions and end-to-end delay while still achieving a good throughput