3 research outputs found

    Efficient partitioning and assignment on programs for multiprocessor execution

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    The general problem studied is that of segmenting or partitioning programs for distribution across a multiprocessor system. Efficient partitioning and the assignment of program elements are of great importance since the time consumed in this overhead activity may easily dominate the computation, effectively eliminating any gains made by the use of the parallelism. In this study, the partitioning of sequentially structured programs (written in FORTRAN) is evaluated. Heuristics, developed for similar applications are examined. Finally, a model for queueing networks with finite queues is developed which may be used to analyze multiprocessor system architectures with a shared memory approach to the problem of partitioning. The properties of sequentially written programs form obstacles to large scale (at the procedure or subroutine level) parallelization. Data dependencies of even the minutest nature, reflecting the sequential development of the program, severely limit parallelism. The design of heuristic algorithms is tied to the experience gained in the parallel splitting. Parallelism obtained through the physical separation of data has seen some success, especially at the data element level. Data parallelism on a grander scale requires models that accurately reflect the effects of blocking caused by finite queues. A model for the approximation of the performance of finite queueing networks is developed. This model makes use of the decomposition approach combined with the efficiency of product form solutions