56,985 research outputs found

    Modelling Probabilistic Wireless Networks

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    We propose a process calculus to model high level wireless systems, where the topology of a network is described by a digraph. The calculus enjoys features which are proper of wireless networks, namely broadcast communication and probabilistic behaviour. We first focus on the problem of composing wireless networks, then we present a compositional theory based on a probabilistic generalisation of the well known may-testing and must-testing pre- orders. Also, we define an extensional semantics for our calculus, which will be used to define both simulation and deadlock simulation preorders for wireless networks. We prove that our simulation preorder is sound with respect to the may-testing preorder; similarly, the deadlock simulation pre- order is sound with respect to the must-testing preorder, for a large class of networks. We also provide a counterexample showing that completeness of the simulation preorder, with respect to the may testing one, does not hold. We conclude the paper with an application of our theory to probabilistic routing protocols

    Probabilistic conformance testing of protocols with unobservable transitions

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    A probabilistic approach to conformance testing of protocols containing unobservable transitions is proposed. It is said that an implementation conforms to its specification if their observable behavior is probabilistically the same, when both are subject to the same random environment simulated by the tester. Under the randomized inputs, faults in unobservable transitions may manifest themselves in certain statistics measurable from the implementation, and hence can be detected by comparing these measurements against the desirable statistics computed from the specification. The sensitivity of the nonconformance criterion to the uncertainty in our knowledge of desirable statistics is also studied. The conventional testing of protocols without unobservable transitions uses mismatch in outputs to detect faults. Here, one relies, in addition, on mismatch in the dynamics of the protocol under input randomization

    Probabilistic communication complexity over the reals

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    Deterministic and probabilistic communication protocols are introduced in which parties can exchange the values of polynomials (rather than bits in the usual setting). It is established a sharp lower bound 2n2n on the communication complexity of recognizing the 2n2n-dimensional orthant, on the other hand the probabilistic communication complexity of its recognizing does not exceed 4. A polyhedron and a union of hyperplanes are constructed in \RR^{2n} for which a lower bound n/2n/2 on the probabilistic communication complexity of recognizing each is proved. As a consequence this bound holds also for the EMPTINESS and the KNAPSACK problems

    Formal analysis techniques for gossiping protocols

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    We give a survey of formal verification techniques that can be used to corroborate existing experimental results for gossiping protocols in a rigorous manner. We present properties of interest for gossiping protocols and discuss how various formal evaluation techniques can be employed to predict them

    Ioco theory for probabilistic automata

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    Model-based testing (MBT) is a well-known technology, which allows for automatic test case generation, execution and evaluation. To test non-functional properties, a number of test MBT frameworks have been developed to test systems with real-time, continuous behaviour, symbolic data and quantitative system aspects. Notably, a lot of these frameworks are based on Tretmans' classical input/output conformance (ioco) framework. However, a model-based test theory handling probabilistic behaviour does not exist yet. Probability plays a role in many different systems: unreliable communication channels, randomized algorithms and communication protocols, service level agreements pinning down up-time percentages, etc. Therefore, a probabilistic test theory is of great practical importance. We present the ingredients for a probabilistic variant of ioco and define the {\pi}oco relation, show that it conservatively extends ioco and define the concepts of test case, execution and evaluation

    Making Random Choices Invisible to the Scheduler

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    When dealing with process calculi and automata which express both nondeterministic and probabilistic behavior, it is customary to introduce the notion of scheduler to solve the nondeterminism. It has been observed that for certain applications, notably those in security, the scheduler needs to be restricted so not to reveal the outcome of the protocol's random choices, or otherwise the model of adversary would be too strong even for ``obviously correct'' protocols. We propose a process-algebraic framework in which the control on the scheduler can be specified in syntactic terms, and we show how to apply it to solve the problem mentioned above. We also consider the definition of (probabilistic) may and must preorders, and we show that they are precongruences with respect to the restricted schedulers. Furthermore, we show that all the operators of the language, except replication, distribute over probabilistic summation, which is a useful property for verification
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