35 research outputs found

    Automated Tail Bound Analysis for Probabilistic Recurrence Relations

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    Probabilistic recurrence relations (PRRs) are a standard formalism for describing the runtime of a randomized algorithm. Given a PRR and a time limit κ\kappa, we consider the classical concept of tail probability Pr[Tκ]\Pr[T \ge \kappa], i.e., the probability that the randomized runtime TT of the PRR exceeds the time limit κ\kappa. Our focus is the formal analysis of tail bounds that aims at finding a tight asymptotic upper bound uPr[Tκ]u \geq \Pr[T\ge\kappa] in the time limit κ\kappa. To address this problem, the classical and most well-known approach is the cookbook method by Karp (JACM 1994), while other approaches are mostly limited to deriving tail bounds of specific PRRs via involved custom analysis. In this work, we propose a novel approach for deriving exponentially-decreasing tail bounds (a common type of tail bounds) for PRRs whose preprocessing time and random passed sizes observe discrete or (piecewise) uniform distribution and whose recursive call is either a single procedure call or a divide-and-conquer. We first establish a theoretical approach via Markov's inequality, and then instantiate the theoretical approach with a template-based algorithmic approach via a refined treatment of exponentiation. Experimental evaluation shows that our algorithmic approach is capable of deriving tail bounds that are (i) asymptotically tighter than Karp's method, (ii) match the best-known manually-derived asymptotic tail bound for QuickSelect, and (iii) is only slightly worse (with a loglogn\log\log n factor) than the manually-proven optimal asymptotic tail bound for QuickSort. Moreover, our algorithmic approach handles all examples (including realistic PRRs such as QuickSort, QuickSelect, DiameterComputation, etc.) in less than 0.1 seconds, showing that our approach is efficient in practice.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figure

    Some correlation inequalities for probabilistic analysis of algorithms

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    The analysis of many randomized algorithms, for example in dynamic load balancing, probabilistic divide-and-conquer paradigm and distributed edge-coloring, requires ascertaining the precise nature of the correlation between the random variables arising in the following prototypical ``balls-and-bins'' experiment. Suppose a certain number of balls are thrown uniformly and independently at random into nn bins. Let XiX_i be the random variable denoting the number of balls in the iith bin, i[n]i \in [n]. These variables are clearly not independent and are intuitively negatively related. We make this mathematically precise by proving the following type of correlation inequalities: \begin{itemize} \item For index sets I,J[n]I,J \subseteq [n] such that IJ=I \cap J = \emptyset or IJ=[n]I \cup J = [n], and any non--negative integers tI,tJt_I,t_J, \prob[\sum_{i \in I} X_i \geq t_I \mid \sum_{j \in J} X_j \geq t_J] \-5mm] \[\leq \prob[\sum_{i \in I} X_i \geq t_I] . \item For any disjoint index sets I,J[n]I,J \subseteq [n], any II,JJI' \subseteq I, J' \subseteq J and any non--negative integers ti,iIt_i, i \in I and tj,jJt_j, j \in J, \prob[\bigwedge_{i \in I}X_i \geq t_i \mid \bigwedge_{j \in J} X_j \geq t_j]\-5mm]\[ \leq \prob[\bigwedge_{i \in I'}X_i \geq t_i \mid \bigwedge_{j \in J'} X_j \geq t_j] . \end{itemize} Although these inequalities are intuitively appealing, establishing them is non--trivial; in particular, direct counting arguments become intractable very fast. We prove the inequalities of the first type by an application of the celebrated FKG Correlation Inequality. The proof for the second uses only elementary methods and hinges on some {\em monotonicity} properties. More importantly, we then introduce a general methodology that may be applicable whenever the random variables involved are negatively related. Precisely, we invoke a general notion of {\em negative assocation\/} of random variables and show that: \begin{itemize} \item The variables XiX_i are negatively associated. This yields most of the previous results in a uniform way. \item For a set of negatively associated variables, one can apply the Chernoff-Hoeffding bounds to the sum of these variables. This provides a tool that facilitates analysis of many randomized algorithms, for example, the ones mentioned above

    External-Memory Computational Geometry

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    (c) 1993 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In this paper we give new techniques for designing e cient algorithms for computational geometry prob- lems that are too large to be solved in internal mem- ory. We use these techniques to develop optimal and practical algorithms for a number of important large- scale problems. We discuss our algorithms primarily in the context of single processor/single disk machines, a domain in which they are not only the rst known optimal results but also of tremendous practical value. Our methods also produce the rst known optimal al- gorithms for a wide range of two-level and hierarchical multilevel memory models, including parallel models. The algorithms are optimal both in terms of I/O cost and internal computation