1,969 research outputs found

    Conditional Random Field Autoencoders for Unsupervised Structured Prediction

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    We introduce a framework for unsupervised learning of structured predictors with overlapping, global features. Each input's latent representation is predicted conditional on the observable data using a feature-rich conditional random field. Then a reconstruction of the input is (re)generated, conditional on the latent structure, using models for which maximum likelihood estimation has a closed-form. Our autoencoder formulation enables efficient learning without making unrealistic independence assumptions or restricting the kinds of features that can be used. We illustrate insightful connections to traditional autoencoders, posterior regularization and multi-view learning. We show competitive results with instantiations of the model for two canonical NLP tasks: part-of-speech induction and bitext word alignment, and show that training our model can be substantially more efficient than comparable feature-rich baselines

    Statistical Machine Translation Features with Multitask Tensor Networks

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    We present a three-pronged approach to improving Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), building on recent success in the application of neural networks to SMT. First, we propose new features based on neural networks to model various non-local translation phenomena. Second, we augment the architecture of the neural network with tensor layers that capture important higher-order interaction among the network units. Third, we apply multitask learning to estimate the neural network parameters jointly. Each of our proposed methods results in significant improvements that are complementary. The overall improvement is +2.7 and +1.8 BLEU points for Arabic-English and Chinese-English translation over a state-of-the-art system that already includes neural network features.Comment: 11 pages (9 content + 2 references), 2 figures, accepted to ACL 2015 as a long pape

    Weakly Supervised Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition via Effective Annotation and Representation Projection

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    The state-of-the-art named entity recognition (NER) systems are supervised machine learning models that require large amounts of manually annotated data to achieve high accuracy. However, annotating NER data by human is expensive and time-consuming, and can be quite difficult for a new language. In this paper, we present two weakly supervised approaches for cross-lingual NER with no human annotation in a target language. The first approach is to create automatically labeled NER data for a target language via annotation projection on comparable corpora, where we develop a heuristic scheme that effectively selects good-quality projection-labeled data from noisy data. The second approach is to project distributed representations of words (word embeddings) from a target language to a source language, so that the source-language NER system can be applied to the target language without re-training. We also design two co-decoding schemes that effectively combine the outputs of the two projection-based approaches. We evaluate the performance of the proposed approaches on both in-house and open NER data for several target languages. The results show that the combined systems outperform three other weakly supervised approaches on the CoNLL data.Comment: 11 pages, The 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 201

    Multilingual Models for Compositional Distributed Semantics

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    We present a novel technique for learning semantic representations, which extends the distributional hypothesis to multilingual data and joint-space embeddings. Our models leverage parallel data and learn to strongly align the embeddings of semantically equivalent sentences, while maintaining sufficient distance between those of dissimilar sentences. The models do not rely on word alignments or any syntactic information and are successfully applied to a number of diverse languages. We extend our approach to learn semantic representations at the document level, too. We evaluate these models on two cross-lingual document classification tasks, outperforming the prior state of the art. Through qualitative analysis and the study of pivoting effects we demonstrate that our representations are semantically plausible and can capture semantic relationships across languages without parallel data.Comment: Proceedings of ACL 2014 (Long papers

    Scalable and Language-Independent Embedding-based Approach for Plagiarism Detection Considering Obfuscation Type: No Training Phase

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    [EN] The efficiency and scalability of plagiarism detection systems have become a major challenge due to the vast amount of available textual data in several languages over the Internet. Plagiarism occurs in different levels of obfuscation, ranging from the exact copy of original materials to text summarization. Consequently, designed algorithms to detect plagiarism should be robust to the diverse languages and different type of obfuscation in plagiarism cases. In this paper, we employ text embedding vectors to compare similarity among documents to detect plagiarism. Word vectors are combined by a simple aggregation function to represent a text document. This representation comprises semantic and syntactic information of the text and leads to efficient text alignment among suspicious and original documents. By comparing representations of sentences in source and suspicious documents, pair sentences with the highest similarity are considered as the candidates or seeds of plagiarism cases. To filter and merge these seeds, a set of parameters, including Jaccard similarity and merging threshold, are tuned by two different approaches: offline tuning and online tuning. The offline method, which is used as the benchmark, regulates a unique set of parameters for all types of plagiarism by several trials on the training corpus. Experiments show improvements in performance by considering obfuscation type during threshold tuning. In this regard, our proposed online approach uses two statistical methods to filter outlier candidates automatically by their scale of obfuscation. By employing the online tuning approach, no distinct training dataset is required to train the system. We applied our proposed method on available datasets in English, Persian and Arabic languages on the text alignment task to evaluate the robustness of the proposed methods from the language perspective as well. As our experimental results confirm, our efficient approach can achieve considerable performance on the different datasets in various languages. Our online threshold tuning approach without any training datasets works as well as, or even in some cases better than, the training-base method.The work of Paolo Rosso was partially funded by the Spanish MICINN under the research Project MISMIS-FAKEn-HATE on Misinformation and Miscommunication in social media: FAKE news and HATE speech (PGC2018-096212-B-C31).Gharavi, E.; Veisi, H.; Rosso, P. (2020). Scalable and Language-Independent Embedding-based Approach for Plagiarism Detection Considering Obfuscation Type: No Training Phase. Neural Computing and Applications. 32(14):10593-10607. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04594-yS1059310607321
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