16,027 research outputs found

    Modeling peer assessment as a personalized predictor of teacher's grades: The case of OpenAnswer

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    Questions with open answers are rarely used as e-learning assessment tools because of the resulting high workload for the teacher/tutor that should grade them. This can be mitigated by having students grade each other's answers, but the uncertainty on the quality of the resulting grades could be high. In our OpenAnswer system we have modeled peer-assessment as a Bayesian network connecting a set of sub-networks (each representing a participating student) to the corresponding answers of her graded peers. The model has shown good ability to predict (without further info from the teacher) the exact teacher mark and a very good ability to predict it within 1 mark from the right one (ground truth). From the available datasets we noticed that different teachers sometimes disagree in their assessment of the same answer. For this reason in this paper we explore how the model can be tailored to the specific teacher to improve its prediction ability. To this aim, we parametrically define the CPTs (Conditional Probability Tables) describing the probabilistic dependence of a Bayesian variable from others in the modeled network, and we optimize the parameters generating the CPTs to obtain the smallest average difference between the predicted grades and the teacher's marks (ground truth). The optimization is carried out separately with respect to each teacher available in our datasets, or respect to the whole datasets. The paper discusses the results and shows that the prediction performance of our model, when optimized separately for each teacher, improves against the case in which our model is globally optimized respect to the whole dataset, which in turn improves against the predictions of the raw peer-assessment. The improved prediction would allow us to use OpenAnswer, without teacher intervention, as a class monitoring and diagnostic tool

    Towards a quantitative evaluation of the relationship between the domain knowledge and the ability to assess peer work

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    In this work we present the preliminary results provided by the statistical modeling of the cognitive relationship between the knowledge about a topic a the ability to assess peer achievements on the same topic. Our starting point is Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives in the cognitive domain, and our outcomes confirm the hypothesized ranking. A further consideration that can be derived is that meta-cognitive abilities (e.g., assessment) require deeper domain knowledge

    Faster than thought: Detecting sub-second activation sequences with sequential fMRI pattern analysis

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    Methods for Ordinal Peer Grading

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    MOOCs have the potential to revolutionize higher education with their wide outreach and accessibility, but they require instructors to come up with scalable alternates to traditional student evaluation. Peer grading -- having students assess each other -- is a promising approach to tackling the problem of evaluation at scale, since the number of "graders" naturally scales with the number of students. However, students are not trained in grading, which means that one cannot expect the same level of grading skills as in traditional settings. Drawing on broad evidence that ordinal feedback is easier to provide and more reliable than cardinal feedback, it is therefore desirable to allow peer graders to make ordinal statements (e.g. "project X is better than project Y") and not require them to make cardinal statements (e.g. "project X is a B-"). Thus, in this paper we study the problem of automatically inferring student grades from ordinal peer feedback, as opposed to existing methods that require cardinal peer feedback. We formulate the ordinal peer grading problem as a type of rank aggregation problem, and explore several probabilistic models under which to estimate student grades and grader reliability. We study the applicability of these methods using peer grading data collected from a real class -- with instructor and TA grades as a baseline -- and demonstrate the efficacy of ordinal feedback techniques in comparison to existing cardinal peer grading methods. Finally, we compare these peer-grading techniques to traditional evaluation techniques.Comment: Submitted to KDD 201

    Collective estimation of multiple bivariate density functions with application to angular-sampling-based protein loop modeling

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    This article develops a method for simultaneous estimation of density functions for a collection of populations of protein backbone angle pairs using a data-driven, shared basis that is constructed by bivariate spline functions defined on a triangulation of the bivariate domain. The circular nature of angular data is taken into account by imposing appropriate smoothness constraints across boundaries of the triangles. Maximum penalized likelihood is used to fit the model and an alternating blockwise Newton-type algorithm is developed for computation. A simulation study shows that the collective estimation approach is statistically more efficient than estimating the densities individually. The proposed method was used to estimate neighbor-dependent distributions of protein backbone dihedral angles (i.e., Ramachandran distributions). The estimated distributions were applied to protein loop modeling, one of the most challenging open problems in protein structure prediction, by feeding them into an angular-sampling-based loop structure prediction framework. Our estimated distributions compared favorably to the Ramachandran distributions estimated by fitting a hierarchical Dirichlet process model; and in particular, our distributions showed significant improvements on the hard cases where existing methods do not work well

    Quantifying biosynthetic network robustness across the human oral microbiome

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    Metabolic interactions, such as cross-feeding, play a prominent role in microbial communitystructure. For example, they may underlie the ubiquity of uncultivated microorganisms. We investigated this phenomenon in the human oral microbiome, by analyzing microbial metabolic networks derived from sequenced genomes. Specifically, we devised a probabilistic biosynthetic network robustness metric that describes the chance that an organism could produce a given metabolite, and used it to assemble a comprehensive atlas of biosynthetic capabilities for 88 metabolites across 456 human oral microbiome strains. A cluster of organisms characterized by reduced biosynthetic capabilities stood out within this atlas. This cluster included several uncultivated taxa and three recently co-cultured Saccharibacteria (TM7) phylum species. Comparison across strains also allowed us to systematically identify specific putative metabolic interdependences between organisms. Our method, which provides a new way of converting annotated genomes into metabolic predictions, is easily extendible to other microbial communities and metabolic products.https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/392621v1First author draf
