2 research outputs found

    Stellar Resolution: Multiplicatives

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    We present a new asynchronous model of computation named Stellar Resolution based on first-order unification. This model of computation is obtained as a formalisation of Girard's transcendental syntax programme, sketched in a series of three articles. As such, it is the first step towards a proper formal treatment of Girard's proposal to tackle first-order logic in a proofs-as-program approach. After establishing formal definitions and basic properties of stellar resolution, we explain how it generalises traditional models of computation, such as logic programming and combinatorial models such as Wang tilings. We then explain how it can represent multiplicative proof-structures, their cut-elimination and the correctness criterion of Danos and Regnier. Further use of realisability techniques lead to dynamic semantics for Multiplicative Linear Logic, following previous Geometry of Interaction models

    Probabilistic Complexity Classes through Semantics

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    In a recent paper, the author has shown how Interaction Graphs models for linear logic can be used to obtain implicit characterisations of non-deterministic complexity classes. In this paper, we show how this semantic approach to Implicit Complexity Theory (ICC) can be used to characterise deterministic and probabilistic models of computation. In doing so, we obtain correspondences between group actions and both deterministic and probabilistic hierarchies of complexity classes. As a particular case, we provide the first implicit characterisations of the classes PLogspace (un-bounded error probabilistic logarithmic space) and PPtime (unbounded error probabilistic polynomial time