11 research outputs found

    Mixing Additive and Multiplicative Masking for Probing Secure Polynomial Evaluation Methods

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    International audienceMasking is a sound countermeasure to protect implementations of block-cipher algorithms against Side Channel Analysis (SCA). Currently, the most efficient masking schemes use Lagrange's Interpolation Theorem in order to represent any S-box by a polynomial function over a binary finite field. Masking the processing of an S-box is then achieved by masking every operation involved in the evaluation of its polynomial representation. While the common approach requires to use the well-known Ishai-Sahai-Wagner (ISW) scheme in order to secure this processing, there exist alternatives. In the particular case of power functions, Genelle, Prouff and Quisquater proposed an efficient masking scheme (GPQ). However, no generalization has been suggested for polynomial functions so far. In this paper, we solve the open problem of extending GPQ for polynomials, and we also solve the open problem of proving that both the original scheme and its variants for polynomials satisfy the t-SNI security definition. Our approach to extend GPQ is based on the cyclotomic method and results in an alternate cyclotomic method which is three times faster in practice than the original proposal in almost all scenarios we address. The best-known method for polynomial evaluation is currently CRV which requires to use the cyclotomic method for one of its step. We also show how to plug our alternate cyclo-tomic approach into CRV and again provide an alternate approach that outperforms the original in almost all scenarios. We consider the masking of n-bit S-boxes for n ∈ [4; 8] and we get in practice 35% improvement of efficiency for S-boxes with dimension n ∈ {5, 7, 8} and 25% for 6-bit S-boxes

    A Hybrid Approach to Formal Verification of Higher-Order Masked Arithmetic Programs

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    Side-channel attacks, which are capable of breaking secrecy via side-channel information, pose a growing threat to the implementation of cryptographic algorithms. Masking is an effective countermeasure against side-channel attacks by removing the statistical dependence between secrecy and power consumption via randomization. However, designing efficient and effective masked implementations turns out to be an error-prone task. Current techniques for verifying whether masked programs are secure are limited in their applicability and accuracy, especially when they are applied. To bridge this gap, in this article, we first propose a sound type system, equipped with an efficient type inference algorithm, for verifying masked arithmetic programs against higher-order attacks. We then give novel model-counting based and pattern-matching based methods which are able to precisely determine whether the potential leaky observable sets detected by the type system are genuine or simply spurious. We evaluate our approach on various implementations of arithmetic cryptographicprograms.The experiments confirm that our approach out performs the state-of-the-art base lines in terms of applicability, accuracy and efficiency

    Riding the Waves Towards Generic Single-Cycle Masking in Hardware

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    Research on the design of masked cryptographic hardware circuits in the past has mostly focused on reducing area and randomness requirements. However, many embedded devices like smart cards and IoT nodes also need to meet certain performance criteria, which is why the latency of masked hardware circuits also represents an important metric for many practical applications. The root cause of latency in masked hardware circuits is the need for additional register stages that synchronize the propagation of shares. Otherwise, glitches would violate the basic assumptions of the used masking scheme. This issue can be addressed to some extent, e.g., by using lightweight cryptographic algorithms with low-degree Sboxes, however, many applications still require the usage of schemes with higher-degree S-boxes like AES. Several recent works have already proposed solutions that help reduce this latency yet they either come with noticeably increased area/randomness requirements, limitations on masking orders, or specific assumptions on the general architecture of the crypto core. In this work, we introduce a generic and efficient method for designing single-cycle glitch-resistant (higher-order) masked hardware of cryptographic S-boxes. We refer to this technique as (generic) Self-Synchronized Masking (“SESYM”). The main idea of our approach is to replace register stages with a partial dual-rail encoding of masked signals that ensures synchronization within the circuit. More concretely, we show that WDDL gates and Muller C-elements can be used in combination with standard masking schemes to design single-cycle S-box circuits that, especially in case of higher-degree S-boxes, have noticeably lower requirements in terms of area and online randomness. We apply our method to DOM-based S-boxes of Ascon and AES and compare the resulting circuits to existing latency optimized circuits based on TI, GLM, and LMDPL. The latency of all three designs is reduced to single-cycle operation and are dth-order secure. Compared to GLM-masked Ascon, our approach comes with a 6.4 times reduction in online randomness for all protection orders. Compared to 1st-order LMDPL-masked AES, our approach achieves comparable results, while it is more generic, amongst others, by also supporting higher-order designs. We also underline the practical protection of our constructions against power analysis attacks via empirical and formal verification approaches

    Coco: Co-Design and Co-Verification of Masked Software Implementations on CPUs

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    The protection of cryptographic implementations against power analysis attacks is of critical importance for many applications in embedded systems. The typical approach of protecting against these attacks is to implement algorithmic countermeasures, like masking. However, implementing these countermeasures in a secure and correct manner is challenging. Masking schemes require the independent processing of secret shares, which is a property that is often violated by CPU microarchitectures in practice. In order to write leakage-free code, the typical approach in practice is to iteratively explore instruction sequences and to empirically verify whether there is leakage caused by the hardware for this instruction sequence or not. Clearly, this approach is neither efficient, nor does it lead to rigorous security statements. In this paper, we overcome the current situation and present the first approach for co-design and co-verification of masked software implementations on CPUs. First, we present Coco, a tool that allows us to provide security proofs at the gate-level for the execution of a masked software implementation on a concrete CPU. Using Coco , we analyze the popular 32-bit RISC-V Ibex core, identify all design aspects that violate the security of our tested masked software implementations and perform corrections, mostly in hardware. The resulting secured Ibex core has an area overhead around 10%, the runtime of software on this core is largely unaffected, and the formal verification with Coco of an, e.g., first-order masked Keccak S-box running on the secured Ibex core takes around 156 seconds. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our suggested design modifications, we perform practical leakage assessments using an FPGA evaluation board

    Secure and Efficient Software Masking on Superscalar Pipelined Processors

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    Physical side-channel attacks like power analysis pose a serious threat to cryptographic devices in real-world applications. Consequently, devices implement algorithmic countermeasures like masking. In the past, works on the design and verification of masked software implementations have mostly focused on simple microprocessors that find usage on smart cards. However, many other applications such as in the automotive industry require side-channel protected cryptographic computations on much more powerful CPUs. In such situations, the security loss due to complex architectural side-effects, the corresponding performance degradation, as well as discussions of suitable probing models and verification techniques are still vastly unexplored research questions. We answer these questions and perform a comprehensive analysis of more complex processor architectures in the context of masking-related side effects. First, we analyze the RISC-V SweRV core — featuring a 9-stage pipeline, two execution units, and load/store buffers — and point out a significant gap between security in a simple software probing model and practical security on such CPUs. More concretely, we show that architectural side effects of complex CPU architectures can significantly reduce the protection order of masked software, both via formal analysis in the hardware probing model, as well as empirically via gate-level timing simulations. We then discuss the options of fixing these problems in hardware or leaving them as constraints to software. Based on these software constraints, we formulate general rules for the design of masked software on more complex CPUs. Finally, we compare several implementation strategies for masking schemes and present in a case study that designing secure masked software for complex CPUs is still possible with overhead as low as 13%

    New Instantiations of the CRYPTO 2017 Masking Schemes

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    At CRYPTO 2017, Belaïd et al. presented two new private multiplication algorithms over finite fields, to be used in secure masking schemes. To date, these algorithms have the lowest known complexity in terms of bilinear multiplication and random masks respectively, both being linear in the number of shares d+1d+1. Yet, a practical drawback of both algorithms is that their safe instantiation relies on finding matrices satisfying certain conditions. In their work, Belaïd et al. only address these up to d=2d=2 and 3 for the first and second algorithm respectively, limiting so far the practical usefulness of their constructions. In this paper, we use in turn an algebraic, heuristic, and experimental approach to find many more safe instances of Belaïd et al.\u27s algorithms. This results in explicit instantiations up to order d=6d = 6 over large fields, and up to d=4d = 4 over practically relevant fields such as F28\mathbb{F}_{2^8}

    Private Circuits: A Modular Approach

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    We consider the problem of protecting general computations against constant-rate random leakage. That is, the computation is performed by a randomized boolean circuit that maps a randomly encoded input to a randomly encoded output, such that even if the value of every wire is independently leaked with some constant probability p>0p > 0, the leakage reveals essentially nothing about the input. In this work we provide a conceptually simple, modular approach for solving the above problem, providing a simpler and self-contained alternative to previous constructions of Ajtai (STOC 2011) and Andrychowicz et al.\ (Eurocrypt 2016). We also obtain several extensions and generalizations of this result. In particular, we show that for every leakage probability p<1p<1, there is a finite basis B\mathbb{B} such that leakage-resilient computation with leakage probability pp can be realized using circuits over the basis B\mathbb{B}. We obtain similar positive results for the stronger notion of leakage tolerance, where the input is not encoded, but the leakage from the entire computation can be simulated given random p2˘7p\u27-leakage of input values alone, for any p<p2˘7<1p<p\u27<1. Finally, we complement this by a negative result, showing that for every basis B\mathbb{B} there is some leakage probability p<1p<1 such that for any p2˘7<1p\u27<1, leakage tolerance as above cannot be achieved in general

    A hybrid approach to formal verification of higher-order masked arithmetic programs

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    Side-channel attacks, which are capable of breaking secrecy via side-channel information, pose a growing threat to the implementation of cryptographic algorithms. Masking is an effective countermeasure against side-channel attacks by removing the statistical dependence between secrecy and power consumption via randomization. However, designing efficient and effective masked implementations turns out to be an error-prone task. Current techniques for verifying whether masked programs are secure are limited in their applicability and accuracy, especially when they are applied. To bridge this gap, in this article, we first propose a sound type system, equipped with an efficient type inference algorithm, for verifying masked arithmetic programs against higher-order attacks. We then give novel model-counting-based and pattern-matching-based methods that are able to precisely determine whether the potential leaky observable sets detected by the type system are genuine or simply spurious. We evaluate our approach on various implementations of arithmetic cryptographic programs. The experiments confirm that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines in terms of applicability, accuracy, and efficiency

    A Survey of Leakage-Resilient Cryptography

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    In the past 15 years, cryptography has made considerable progress in expanding the adversarial attack model to cover side-channel attacks, and has built schemes to provably defend against some of them. This survey covers the main models and results in this so-called leakage-resilient cryptography