95 research outputs found

    LightFR: Lightweight Federated Recommendation with Privacy-preserving Matrix Factorization

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    Federated recommender system (FRS), which enables many local devices to train a shared model jointly without transmitting local raw data, has become a prevalent recommendation paradigm with privacy-preserving advantages. However, previous work on FRS performs similarity search via inner product in continuous embedding space, which causes an efficiency bottleneck when the scale of items is extremely large. We argue that such a scheme in federated settings ignores the limited capacities in resource-constrained user devices (i.e., storage space, computational overhead, and communication bandwidth), and makes it harder to be deployed in large-scale recommender systems. Besides, it has been shown that transmitting local gradients in real-valued form between server and clients may leak users' private information. To this end, we propose a lightweight federated recommendation framework with privacy-preserving matrix factorization, LightFR, that is able to generate high-quality binary codes by exploiting learning to hash technique under federated settings, and thus enjoys both fast online inference and economic memory consumption. Moreover, we devise an efficient federated discrete optimization algorithm to collaboratively train model parameters between the server and clients, which can effectively prevent real-valued gradient attacks from malicious parties. Through extensive experiments on four real-world datasets, we show that our LightFR model outperforms several state-of-the-art FRS methods in terms of recommendation accuracy, inference efficiency and data privacy.Comment: Accepted by ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS

    Privacy-Preserving Matrix Factorization for Recommendation Systems using Gaussian Mechanism

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    Building a recommendation system involves analyzing user data, which can potentially leak sensitive information about users. Anonymizing user data is often not sufficient for preserving user privacy. Motivated by this, we propose a privacy-preserving recommendation system based on the differential privacy framework and matrix factorization, which is one of the most popular algorithms for recommendation systems. As differential privacy is a powerful and robust mathematical framework for designing privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms, it is possible to prevent adversaries from extracting sensitive user information even if the adversary possesses their publicly available (auxiliary) information. We implement differential privacy via the Gaussian mechanism in the form of output perturbation and release user profiles that satisfy privacy definitions. We employ R\'enyi Differential Privacy for a tight characterization of the overall privacy loss. We perform extensive experiments on real data to demonstrate that our proposed algorithm can offer excellent utility for some parameter choices, while guaranteeing strict privacy.Comment: 30 page

    Efficient Privacy-Preserving Matrix Factorization via Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    Recommendation systems become popular in our daily life. It is well known that the more the release of users’ personal data, the better the quality of recommendation. However, such services raise serious privacy concerns for users. In this paper, focusing on matrix factorization-based recommendation systems, we propose the first privacy-preserving matrix factorization using fully homomorphic encryption. On inputs of encrypted users\u27 ratings, our protocol performs matrix factorization over the encrypted data and returns encrypted outputs so that the recommendation system knows nothing on rating values and resulting user/item profiles. It provides a way to obfuscate the number and list of items a user rated without harming the accuracy of recommendation, and additionally protects recommender\u27s tuning parameters for business benefit and allows the recommender to optimize the parameters for quality of service. To overcome performance degradation caused by the use of fully homomorphic encryption, we introduce a novel data structure to perform computations over encrypted vectors, which are essential operations for matrix factorization, through secure 2-party computation in part. With the data structure, the proposed protocol requires dozens of times less computation cost over those of previous works. Our experiments on a personal computer with 3.4 GHz 6-cores 64 GB RAM show that the proposed protocol runs in 1.5 minutes per iteration. It is more efficient than Nikolaenko et al.\u27s work proposed in CCS 2013, in which it took about 170 minutes on two servers with 1.9 GHz 16-cores 128 GB RAM