9 research outputs found

    Spatial Temporal Provenance For Generating Location Proofs In Distributed Setting

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    We propose a STP proof conspire named Spatial-Temporal provenance Assurance with Mutual Proofs (STAMP). STAMP goes for guaranteeing the uprightness and non-transferability of the STP proofs, with the capacity of ensuring clients' protection. The majority of the current STP evidence plans depend on remote framework (e.g., WiFi APs) to make proofs for portable clients. Notwithstanding, it may not be attainable for a wide range of uses, e.g., STP pros for the green commuting and combat zone cases unquestionably can't be gotten from wireless APs

    Ensuring The Integrity And Non-Transferability Of The STP Proofs

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    We exhibit the Spatial-Temporal provenance Assurance with Mutual Proofs (STAMP) plot.STAMP is intended for specially ad-hoc mobile clients producing area proofs for each other in a disseminated setting. In any case, it can without much of a stretch oblige trusted mobile clients and remote get to focuses. STAMP guarantees the uprightness and non-transferability of the area confirmations and secures clients' protection. A semi-trusted Certification Authority is utilized to disperse cryptographic keys and in addition watch clients against intrigue by a light-weight entropy-based trust assessment approach. Our model usage on the Android mobile demonstrates that STAMP is minimal effort as far as computational and storage assets

    A New Distribute Cryptographic Keys by a Semi-Trusted Certification Authority

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    We propose a STP evidence conspire named Spatial-Temporal provenance Assurance with Mutual Proofs (STAMP). STAMP goes for guaranteeing the trustworthiness and non-transferability of the STP proofs, with the capacity of ensuring clients' security. The majority of the current STP verification plans depend on remote framework (e.g., WiFi APs) to make proofs for portable clients. Notwithstanding, it may not be practical for a wide range of uses, e.g., STP proofs for the green driving and front line cases absolutely can't be acquired from remote APs. To focus on a more extensive scope of uses, STAMP depends on a conveyed engineering. Co-found cell phones commonly create and underwrite STP proofs for each other, while in the meantime it doesn't dispose of the likelihood of using remote frameworks as more trusted verification era sources

    MobChain:Three-Way Collusion Resistance in Witness-Oriented Location Proof Systems Using Distributed Consensus

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    Smart devices have accentuated the importance of geolocation information. Geolocation identification using smart devices has paved the path for incentive-based location-based services (LBS). However, a user’s full control over a smart device can allow tampering of the location proof. Witness-oriented location proof systems (LPS) have emerged to resist the generation of false proofs and mitigate collusion attacks. However, witness-oriented LPS are still susceptible to three-way collusion attacks (involving the user, location authority, and the witness). To overcome the threat of three-way collusion in existing schemes, we introduce a decentralized consensus protocol called MobChain in this paper. In this scheme the selection of a witness and location authority is achieved through a distributed consensus of nodes in an underlying P2P network that establishes a private blockchain. The persistent provenance data over the blockchain provides strong security guarantees; as a result, the forging and manipulation of location becomes impractical. MobChain provides secure location provenance architecture, relying on decentralized decision making for the selection of participants of the protocol thereby addressing the three-way collusion problem. Our prototype implementation and comparison with the state-of-the-art solutions show that MobChain is computationally efficient and highly available while improving the security of LPS

    Privacy-preserving controls for sharing mHealth data

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    Mobile devices allow people to collect and share health and health-related information with recipients such as health providers, family and friends, employers and insurance companies, to obtain health, emotional or financial benefits. People may consider certain health information sensitive and prefer to disclose only what is necessary. In this dissertation, we present our findings about factors that affect people’s sharing behavior, describe scenarios in which people may wish to collect and share their personal health-related information with others, but may be hesitant to disclose the information if necessary controls are not available to protect their privacy, and propose frameworks to provide the desired privacy controls. We introduce the concept of close encounters that allow users to share data with other people who may have been in spatio-temporal proximity. We developed two smartphone-based systems that leverage stationary sensors and beacons to determine whether users are in spatio-temporal proximity. The first system, ENACT, allows patients diagnosed with a contagious airborne disease to alert others retrospectively about their possible exposure to airborne virus. The second system, SPICE, allows users to collect sensor information, retrospectively, from others with whom they shared a close encounter. We present design and implementation of the two systems, analyse their security and privacy guarantees, and evaluate the systems on various performance metrics. Finally, we evaluate how Bluetooth beacons and Wi-Fi access points can be used in support of these systems for close encounters, and present our experiences and findings from a deployment study on Dartmouth campus