31 research outputs found

    Fast Privacy-Preserving Text Classification based on Secure Multiparty Computation

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    We propose a privacy-preserving Naive Bayes classifier and apply it to the problem of private text classification. In this setting, a party (Alice) holds a text message, while another party (Bob) holds a classifier. At the end of the protocol, Alice will only learn the result of the classifier applied to her text input and Bob learns nothing. Our solution is based on Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC). Our Rust implementation provides a fast and secure solution for the classification of unstructured text. Applying our solution to the case of spam detection (the solution is generic, and can be used in any other scenario in which the Naive Bayes classifier can be employed), we can classify an SMS as spam or ham in less than 340ms in the case where the dictionary size of Bob's model includes all words (n = 5200) and Alice's SMS has at most m = 160 unigrams. In the case with n = 369 and m = 8 (the average of a spam SMS in the database), our solution takes only 21ms

    Federated Learning for Protecting Medical Data Privacy

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    Deep learning is one of the most advanced machine learning techniques, and its prominence has increased in recent years. Language processing, predictions in medical research and pattern recognition are few of the numerous fields in which it is widely utilized. Numerous modern medical applications benefit greatly from the implementation of machine learning (ML) models and the disruptive innovations in the entire modern health care system. It is extensively used for constructing accurate and robust statistical models from large volumes of medical data collected from a variety of sources in contemporary healthcare systems [1]. Due to privacy concerns that restrict access to medical data, these Deep learning techniques have yet to completely exploit medical data despite their immense potential benefits. Many data proprietors are unable to benefit from large-scale deep learning due to privacy and confidentiality concerns associated with data sharing. However, without access to sufficient data, Deep Learning will not be able to realize its maximum potential when transitioning from the research phase to clinical practice [2]. This project addresses this problem by implementing Federated Learning and Encrypted Computations on text data, such as Multi Party Computation. SyferText, a Python library for privacy-protected Natural Language Processing that leverages PySyft to conduct Federated Learning, is used in this context

    Privacy preserving association rule mining using attribute-identity mapping

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    Association rule mining uncovers hidden yet important patterns in data. Discovery of the patterns helps data owners to make right decision to enhance efficiency, increase profit and reduce loss. However, there is privacy concern especially when the data owner is not the miner or when many parties are involved. This research studied privacy preserving association rule mining (PPARM) of horizontally partitioned and outsourced data. Existing research works in the area concentrated mainly on the privacy issue and paid very little attention to data quality issue. Meanwhile, the more the data quality, the more accurate and reliable will the association rules be. Consequently, this research proposed Attribute-Identity Mapping (AIM) as a PPARM technique to address the data quality issue. Given a dataset, AIM identifies set of attributes, attribute values for each attribute. It then assigns ‘unique’ identity for each of the attributes and their corresponding values. It then generates sanitized dataset by replacing each attribute and its values with their corresponding identities. For privacy preservation purpose, the sanitization process will be carried out by data owners. They then send the sanitized data, which is made up of only identities, to data miner. When any or all the data owners need(s) ARM result from the aggregate data, they send query to the data miner. The query constitutes attributes (in form of identities), minSup and minConf thresholds and then number of rules they are want. Results obtained show that the PPARM technique maintains 100% data quality without compromising privacy, using Census Income dataset

    Privacy-Preserving Restricted Boltzmann Machine

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    With the arrival of the big data era, it is predicted that distributed data mining will lead to an information technology revolution. To motivate different institutes to collaborate with each other, the crucial issue is to eliminate their concerns regarding data privacy. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving method for training a restricted boltzmann machine (RBM). The RBM can be got without revealing their private data to each other when using our privacy-preserving method. We provide a correctness and efficiency analysis of our algorithms. The comparative experiment shows that the accuracy is very close to the original RBM model

    Privacy Preserving Data Mining For Horizontally Distributed Medical Data Analysis

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    To build reliable prediction models and identify useful patterns, assembling data sets from databases maintained by different sources such as hospitals becomes increasingly common; however, it might divulge sensitive information about individuals and thus leads to increased concerns about privacy, which in turn prevents different parties from sharing information. Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDDM) provides a means to address this issue without accessing actual data values to avoid the disclosure of information beyond the final result. In recent years, a number of state-of-the-art PPDDM approaches have been developed, most of which are based on Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC). SMC requires expensive communication cost and sophisticated secure computation. Besides, the mining progress is inevitable to slow down due to the increasing volume of the aggregated data. In this work, a new framework named Privacy-Aware Non-linear SVM (PAN-SVM) is proposed to build a PPDDM model from multiple data sources. PAN-SVM employs the Secure Sum Protocol to protect privacy at the bottom layer, and reduces the complex communication and computation via Nystrom matrix approximation and Eigen decomposition methods at the medium layer. The top layer of PAN-SVM speeds up the whole algorithm for large scale datasets. Based on the proposed framework of PAN-SVM, a Privacy Preserving Multi-class Classifier is built, and the experimental results on several benchmark datasets and microarray datasets show its abilities to improve classification accuracy compared with a regular SVM. In addition, two Privacy Preserving Feature Selection methods are also proposed based on PAN-SVM, and tested by using benchmark data and real world data. PAN-SVM does not depend on a trusted third party; all participants collaborate equally. Many experimental results show that PAN-SVM can not only effectively solve the problem of collaborative privacy-preserving data mining by building non-linear classification rules, but also significantly improve the performance of built classifiers

    Kinerja Komparatif Optimasi Algoritma Naive Bayes dalam Klasifikasi Teks untuk Uji Klinis Kanker

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    Teknik klasifikasi teks dalam pemrosesan bahasa alami memegang peranan penting dalam mengelompokkan data digital ke dalam kategori yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Khususnya dalam bidang medis, klasifikasi teks klinis sangat penting untuk memahami dokumen medis, terutama teks klinis tentang kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kinerja tiga varian algoritma Naive Bayes yaitu Multinomial, Bernoulli, dan Gaussian, pada data uji klinis kanker. Untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja algoritma, kami menggunakan pendekatan GridSearch dan cross-validation dengan k-fold (k=10). Pilihan algoritma memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap akurasi, presisi, recall, dan metrik kinerja lainnya. Melalui perbandingan varian Naive Bayes, kami dapat mengidentifikasi algoritma terbaik untuk dataset dan tugas klasifikasi teks klinis kanker. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Bernoulli Naive Bayes mencapai akurasi 0,79, presisi 0,88, dan recall 0,68. Sementara itu, Gaussian Naive Bayes mencapai akurasi 0,76, presisi 0,83, dan recall 0,65. Algoritma Multinomial Naive Bayes berhasil mencapai akurasi 0,80, presisi 0,84, dan recall 0,75. Penelitian ini memberikan panduan dalam memilih algoritma yang sesuai dengan tujuan dan prioritas klasifikasi. Hal ini dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut dalam bahasa alami medis dan proses pengambilan keputusan medis. Melalui pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini, analisis teks medis dalam konteks klinis dapat dioptimalkan dengan lebih efektif