4 research outputs found

    Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in High Dimensional Regression and Classification Settings

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    Abstract. We focus on the problem of multi-party data sharing in high dimensional data settings where the number of measured features (or the dimension) p is frequently much larger than the number of subjects (or the sample size) n, the so-called p ≫ n scenario that has been the focus of much recent statistical research. Here, we consider data sharing for two interconnected problems in high dimensional data analysis, namely the feature selection and classification. We characterize the notions of “cautious”, “regular”, and “generous ” data sharing in terms of their privacy-preserving implications for the parties and their share of data, with focus on the “feature privacy ” rather than the “sample privacy, ” though the violation of the former may lead to the latter. We evaluate the data sharing methods using a phase diagram from the statistical literature on multiplicity and Higher Criticism thresholding. In the two-dimensional phase space calibrated by the signal sparsity and signal strength, a phase diagram is a partition of the phase space and contains three distinguished regions, where we have no (feature) privacy violation, relatively rare privacy violations, and an overwhelming amount of privacy violation

    Higher Criticism for Large-Scale Inference, Especially for Rare and Weak Effects

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    In modern high-throughput data analysis, researchers perform a large number of statistical tests, expecting to find perhaps a small fraction of significant effects against a predominantly null background. Higher Criticism (HC) was introduced to determine whether there are any nonzero effects; more recently, it was applied to feature selection, where it provides a method for selecting useful predictive features from a large body of potentially useful features, among which only a rare few will prove truly useful. In this article, we review the basics of HC in both the testing and feature selection settings. HC is a flexible idea, which adapts easily to new situations; we point out simple adaptions to clique detection and bivariate outlier detection. HC, although still early in its development, is seeing increasing interest from practitioners; we illustrate this with worked examples. HC is computationally effective, which gives it a nice leverage in the increasingly more relevant "Big Data" settings we see today. We also review the underlying theoretical "ideology" behind HC. The Rare/Weak (RW) model is a theoretical framework simultaneously controlling the size and prevalence of useful/significant items among the useless/null bulk. The RW model shows that HC has important advantages over better known procedures such as False Discovery Rate (FDR) control and Family-wise Error control (FwER), in particular, certain optimality properties. We discuss the rare/weak phase diagram, a way to visualize clearly the class of RW settings where the true signals are so rare or so weak that detection and feature selection are simply impossible, and a way to understand the known optimality properties of HC.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-STS506 in the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Towards Name Disambiguation: Relational, Streaming, and Privacy-Preserving Text Data

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    In the real world, our DNA is unique but many people share names. This phenomenon often causes erroneous aggregation of documents of multiple persons who are namesakes of one another. Such mistakes deteriorate the performance of document retrieval, web search, and more seriously, cause improper attribution of credit or blame in digital forensics. To resolve this issue, the name disambiguation task 1 is designed to partition the documents associated with a name reference such that each partition contains documents pertaining to a unique real-life person. Existing algorithms for this task mainly suffer from the following drawbacks. First, the majority of existing solutions substantially rely on feature engineering, such as biographical feature extraction, or construction of auxiliary features from Wikipedia. However, for many scenarios, such features may be costly to obtain or unavailable in privacy sensitive domains. Instead we solve the name disambiguation task in restricted setting by leveraging only the relational data in the form of anonymized graphs. Second, most of the existing works for this task operate in a batch mode, where all records to be disambiguated are initially available to the algorithm. However, more realistic settings require that the name disambiguation task should be performed in an online streaming fashion in order to identify records of new ambiguous entities having no preexisting records. Finally, we investigate the potential disclosure risk of textual features used in name disambiguation and propose several algorithms to tackle the task in a privacy-aware scenario. In summary, in this dissertation, we present a number of novel approaches to address name disambiguation tasks from the above three aspects independently, namely relational, streaming, and privacy preserving textual data