29,461 research outputs found

    6G White Paper on Machine Learning in Wireless Communication Networks

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    The focus of this white paper is on machine learning (ML) in wireless communications. 6G wireless communication networks will be the backbone of the digital transformation of societies by providing ubiquitous, reliable, and near-instant wireless connectivity for humans and machines. Recent advances in ML research has led enable a wide range of novel technologies such as self-driving vehicles and voice assistants. Such innovation is possible as a result of the availability of advanced ML models, large datasets, and high computational power. On the other hand, the ever-increasing demand for connectivity will require a lot of innovation in 6G wireless networks, and ML tools will play a major role in solving problems in the wireless domain. In this paper, we provide an overview of the vision of how ML will impact the wireless communication systems. We first give an overview of the ML methods that have the highest potential to be used in wireless networks. Then, we discuss the problems that can be solved by using ML in various layers of the network such as the physical layer, medium access layer, and application layer. Zero-touch optimization of wireless networks using ML is another interesting aspect that is discussed in this paper. Finally, at the end of each section, important research questions that the section aims to answer are presented

    Fog-enabled Edge Learning for Cognitive Content-Centric Networking in 5G

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    By caching content at network edges close to the users, the content-centric networking (CCN) has been considered to enforce efficient content retrieval and distribution in the fifth generation (5G) networks. Due to the volume, velocity, and variety of data generated by various 5G users, an urgent and strategic issue is how to elevate the cognitive ability of the CCN to realize context-awareness, timely response, and traffic offloading for 5G applications. In this article, we envision that the fundamental work of designing a cognitive CCN (C-CCN) for the upcoming 5G is exploiting the fog computing to associatively learn and control the states of edge devices (such as phones, vehicles, and base stations) and in-network resources (computing, networking, and caching). Moreover, we propose a fog-enabled edge learning (FEL) framework for C-CCN in 5G, which can aggregate the idle computing resources of the neighbouring edge devices into virtual fogs to afford the heavy delay-sensitive learning tasks. By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to jointly processing sensed environmental data, dealing with the massive content statistics, and enforcing the mobility control at network edges, the FEL makes it possible for mobile users to cognitively share their data over the C-CCN in 5G. To validate the feasibility of proposed framework, we design two FEL-advanced cognitive services for C-CCN in 5G: 1) personalized network acceleration, 2) enhanced mobility management. Simultaneously, we present the simulations to show the FEL's efficiency on serving for the mobile users' delay-sensitive content retrieval and distribution in 5G.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Magzine, under review, Feb. 09, 201

    Privacy-Cost Management in Smart Meters with Mutual Information-Based Reinforcement Learning

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    The rapid development and expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has drastically increased the collection and exchange of data between sensors and systems, a phenomenon that raises serious privacy concerns in some domains. In particular, Smart Meters (SMs) share fine-grained electricity consumption of households with utility providers that can potentially violate users' privacy as sensitive information is leaked through the data. In order to enhance privacy, the electricity consumers can exploit the availability of physical resources such as a rechargeable battery (RB) to shape their power demand as dictated by a Privacy-Cost Management Unit (PCMU). In this paper, we present a novel method to learn the PCMU policy using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). We adopt the mutual information (MI) between the user's demand load and the masked load seen by the power grid as a reliable and general privacy measure. Unlike previous studies, we model the whole temporal correlation in the data to learn the MI in its general form and use a neural network to estimate the MI-based reward signal to guide the PCMU learning process. This approach is combined with a model-free DRL algorithm known as the Deep Double Q-Learning (DDQL) method. The performance of the complete DDQL-MI algorithm is assessed empirically using an actual SMs dataset and compared with simpler privacy measures. Our results show significant improvements over state-of-the-art privacy-aware demand shaping methods