136,478 research outputs found

    Identifying Trustful Node Using Hybrid Trust Evaluation Method

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    A wireless sensor network referred as (WSN) is defined as a collection of distributed sensor nodes to work together for monitoring the physical and environmental conditions. Trust metrics in the wireless sensor networks is denoted as the important problem and it helps in solving the problem of access control, reliable communication, privacy and secure routing scheme. This paper establishes a new kind of approach to evaluate the trust value in WSN. The proposed algorithm and its evaluation made on the trust value of each node seen in the network depends on the metrics, trust attributesand trust parameters

    Patient-powered research networks: building capacity for conducting patient-centered clinical outcomes research.

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    The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) recently launched PCORnet to establish a single inter-operable multicenter data research network that will support observational research and randomized clinical trials. This paper provides an overview of the patient-powered research networks (PPRNs), networks of patient organizations focused on a particular health condition that are interested in sharing health information and engaging in research. PPRNs will build on their foundation of trust within the patient communities and draw on their expertise, working with participants to identify true patient-centered outcomes and direct a patient-centered research agenda. The PPRNs will overcome common challenges including enrolling a diverse and representative patient population; engaging patients in governance; designing the data infrastructure; sharing data securely while protecting privacy; prioritizing research questions; scaling small networks into a larger network; and identifying pathways to sustainability. PCORnet will be the first distributed research network to bring PCOR to national scale

    Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks

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    The explosive growth of Online Social Networks (OSNs) over the past few years has redefined the way people interact with existing friends and especially make new friends. OSNs have also become a great new marketplace for trade among the users. However, the associated privacy risks make users vulnerable to severe privacy threats. In this dissertation, we design protocols for private distributed social proximity matching and a private distributed auction based marketplace framework for OSNs. In particular, an OSN user looks for matching profile attributes when trying to broaden his/her social circle. However, revealing private attributes is a potential privacy threat. Distributed private profile matching in OSNs mainly involves using cryptographic tools to compute profile attributes matching privately such that no participating user knows more than the common profile attributes. In this work, we define a new asymmetric distributed social proximity measure between two users in an OSN by taking into account the weighted profile attributes (communities) of the users and that of their friends’. For users with different privacy requirements, we design three private proximity matching protocols with increasing privacy levels. Our protocol with highest privacy level ensures that each user’s proximity threshold is satisfied before revealing any matching information. The use of e-commerce has exploded in the last decade along with the associated security and privacy risks. Frequent security breaches in the e-commerce service providers’ centralized servers compromise consumers’ sensitive private and financial information. Besides, a consumer’s purchase history stored in those servers can be used to reconstruct the consumer’s profile and for a variety of other privacy intrusive purposes like directed marketing. To this end, we propose a secure and private distributed auction framework called SPA, based on decentralized online social networks (DOSNs) for the first time in the literature. The participants in SPA require no trust among each other, trade anonymously, and the security and privacy of the auction is guaranteed. The efficiency, in terms of communication and computation, of proposed private auction protocol is at least an order of magnitude better than existing distributed private auction protocols and is suitable for marketplace with large number of participants
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