17 research outputs found

    A Survey on Phishing Attacks in Cyberspace

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    Phishing is a type of cyber attack in which cybercriminals use various advanced techniques to deceive people, such as creating fake webpages or malicious e-mails. The objective of phishing attacks is to gather personal data, money, or personal information from victims illegally. The primary aim of this review is to survey the literature on phishing attacks in cyberspace. It discusses different types of phishing attacks, such as spear phishing, e-mail spoofing, phone phishing, web spoofing, and angler phishing, as well as negative consequences they may cause for people. Phishing is typically carried out through different delivery methods such as e-mail, phone calls, or messaging. Victims of phishing are usually either not sensitive to privacy protection or do not have enough knowledge about social engineering attacks to know they are at risk. In addition, this paper introduces different methods for detecting phishing attacks. The last section discusses certain limitations of existing studies on phishing detection and potential future researc

    Privacy and Security Concerns Associated with mHealth Technologies: A Computational Social Science Approach

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    mHealth technologies seek to improve personal wellness; however, there are still significant privacy and security challenges. The purpose of this study is to analyze tweets through social media mining to understand user-reported concerns associated with mHealth devices. Triangulation was conducted on a representative sample to confirm the results of the topic modeling using manual coding. The results of the emotion analysis showed 67% of the posts were largely associated with anger and fear, while 71% revealed an overall negative sentiment. The findings demonstrate the viability of leveraging computational techniques to understand the social phenomenon in question and confirm concerns such as accessibility of data, lack of data protection, surveillance, misuse of data, and unclear policies. Further, the results extend existing findings by highlighting critical concerns such as users’ distrust of these mHealth hosting companies and the inherent lack of data control

    Framework Based on Simulation of Real-World Message Streams to Evaluate Classification Solutions

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    Analysing message streams in a dynamic environment is challenging. Various methods and metrics are used to evaluate message classification solutions, but often fail to realistically simulate the actual environment. As a result, the evaluation can produce overly optimistic results, rendering current solution evaluations inadequate for real-world environments. This paper proposes a framework based on the simulation of real-world message streams to evaluate classification solutions. The framework consists of four modules: message stream simulation, processing, classification and evaluation. The simulation module uses techniques and queueing theory to replicate a real-world message stream. The processing module refines the input messages for optimal classification. The classification module categorises the generated message stream using existing solutions. The evaluation module evaluates the performance of the classification solutions by measuring accuracy, precision and recall. The framework can model different behaviours from different sources, such as different spammers with different attack strategies, press media or social network sources. Each profile generates a message stream that is combined into the main stream for greater realism. A spam detection case study is developed that demonstrates the implementation of the proposed framework and identifies latency and message body obfuscation as critical classification quality parameters

    Towards Human Activity-Based Interactive Communication Systems’ Design in Higher Learning Institutions: Study Conducted in Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions

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    The power of human computer interaction in interactive systems’ design processes is unimaginable as it determines their usability. However, these design processes encounter several challenges which make most of the designed interactive systems, notably in higher learning institutions fail to suitably satisfy targeted users’ needs despite the fact that they are normally designed based on their requirements. This study begins by exploring the challenges facing main communication and interaction means used in Tanzania higher learning institutions. The study then provides a review of challenges related to key research areas associated with interactive systems’ design. Based on the reviewed challenges, authors combined design science research with activity theory to come up with suited techniques through which user-involved interactive communication frameworks needed for suitable design of human activity-based interactive communication systems’ can be obtained. Based on that approach, authors came up with a suited four phase Design Science Research methodology to be used in designing of applicable frameworks. In its first phase and following a crucial user-centred design process, authors were able to come up with a Human-Activity Design Centred Framework for capturing most of the users’ needs in the design process through activities performed as well as a Human Factors’ Approach to interactive communication systems design in HLIs’

    Privacy and Online Social Networks: A Systematic Literature Review of Concerns, Preservation, and Policies

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    Background: Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities, but with it comes privacy concerns due to how personal data are handled by these social networking sites. Prior literature aimed at identifying users’ privacy concerns as well as user behavior associated with privacy mitigation strategies and policies. However, OSN users continue to divulge private information online and privacy remains an issue. Accordingly, this review aims to present extant research on this topic, and to highlight any potential research gaps. Method: The paper presents a systematic literature review for the period 2006 - 2021, in which 33 full papers that explored privacy concerns in online social networks (OSN), users’ behavior associated with privacy preservation strategies and OSN privacy policies were examined. Results: The findings indicate that users are concerned about their identity being stolen, the disclosure of sensitive information by third-party applications and through data leakage and the degree of control users have over their data. Strategies such as encryption, authentication, and privacy settings configuration, can be used to address users’ concerns. Users generally do not leverage privacy settings available to them, or read the privacy policies, but will opt to share information based on the benefits to be derived from OSNs. Conclusion: OSN users have specific privacy concerns due primarily to the inherent way in which personal data are handled. Different preservation strategies are available to be used by OSN users. Policies are provided to inform users, however, these policies at times are difficult to read and understand, but studies show that there is no direct effect on the behavior of OSN users. Further research is needed to elucidate the correlation between the relative effectiveness of different privacy preservation strategies and the privacy concerns exhibited by users. Extending the research to comparatively assess different social media sites could help with better awareness of the true influence of privacy policies on user behavior

    Information security awareness framework for enhancing security privacy among twitter users

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    Information security awareness is a concept that help to create a significant security policy aims to protect the privacy of Social networking site. Today social network users are connected to the internet service that assist all users to create user profile account. Moreover, Twitter can be recognized as one of the biggest and largest social network site. Twitter is one of the most significant social site that makes users to connect and make new friends around world. This research project is a platform that lies a crucial role to keep secure personal users’ information. Nowadays, user selfdisclosed is exposed in public on the social site without proper twitter privacy setting of the user account. In adding, this research project will help all the users of social networking site to be aware of all types of vulnerabilities behind the web base. Moreover, this project called privacy security awareness educate users to keep safe their twitter profile account. Accordingly, proposed twitter security privacy framework comprise four main sections components such as user security privacy, twitter privacy settings, security awareness for building relationship profile and user self-disclosed. Thus, this research project implied data analysis of qualitative survey of questionnaires which are distributed to the respondents. Besides, proposed information security awareness framework of twitter privacy among the students will provide a good security defense mechanism and at the same time used to rise a significant direction necessary to maintain a virtuous security policy among the social users. The analysis conducted has shown that most of the social networking site users are not aware of twitter privacy settings. Therefore, this research project conducted aimed to rise and protect the social networking site users from outsiders

    Building standardized and secure mobile health services based on social media

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    Mobile devices and social media have been used to create empowering healthcare services. However, privacy and security concerns remain. Furthermore, the integration of interoperability biomedical standards is a strategic feature. Thus, the objective of this paper is to build enhanced healthcare services by merging all these components. Methodologically, the current mobile health telemonitoring architectures and their limitations are described, leading to the identification of new potentialities for a novel architecture. As a result, a standardized, secure/private, social-media-based mobile health architecture has been proposed and discussed. Additionally, a technical proof-of-concept (two Android applications) has been developed by selecting a social media (Twitter), a security envelope (open Pretty Good Privacy (openPGP)), a standard (Health Level 7 (HL7)) and an information-embedding algorithm (modifying the transparency channel, with two versions). The tests performed included a small-scale and a boundary scenario. For the former, two sizes of images were tested; for the latter, the two versions of the embedding algorithm were tested. The results show that the system is fast enough (less than 1 s) for most mHealth telemonitoring services. The architecture provides users with friendly (images shared via social media), straightforward (fast and inexpensive), secure/private and interoperable mHealth services

    Protecting privacy of semantic trajectory

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    The growing ubiquity of GPS-enabled devices in everyday life has made large-scale collection of trajectories feasible, providing ever-growing opportunities for human movement analysis. However, publishing this vulnerable data is accompanied by increasing concerns about individuals’ geoprivacy. This thesis has two objectives: (1) propose a privacy protection framework for semantic trajectories and (2) develop a Python toolbox in ArcGIS Pro environment for non-expert users to enable them to anonymize trajectory data. The former aims to prevent users’ re-identification when knowing the important locations or any random spatiotemporal points of users by swapping their important locations to new locations with the same semantics and unlinking the users from their trajectories. This is accomplished by converting GPS points into sequences of visited meaningful locations and moves and integrating several anonymization techniques. The second component of this thesis implements privacy protection in a way that even users without deep knowledge of anonymization and coding skills can anonymize their data by offering an all-in-one toolbox. By proposing and implementing this framework and toolbox, we hope that trajectory privacy is better protected in research