14 research outputs found


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    War tools and materials, which are an indicator of war strategy and development, vary with the technology. Modern Warfares in the information age, where near space and the space being used as a tool, differ from both the agricultural era wars, in which arrows and bows had been used as a tool, and industrial era battles, in which machine guns and tanks were employed. These characteristics influence this area of interest and area of influence in the area of responsibilities, and affect the ability and the necessity of modern armies as well. Being able to perform reconnaissance and surveillance missions in the most effective and efficient way is reliant on not only having the knowledge to create and invent them as well as having them in the inventor but also the ability of planning these systems with a modern scientific approach. Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), encountered during the assignment of Unmanned Aerial Systems\Vehicles (UAS\V) which is being used at the strategic level, can lead to elevated costs in the defense sector as well as other sectors. For this reason, the efficient solution of route planning is a very important issue to provide major cost savings and to observe the targets timely.This study investigates the literature in “dynamic” route planning “solution” methods and defines the approaches for future “dynamic solution” studies of strategic UAVs which are being recently used in Turkey. Using this approach will increase the efficiency of usage of the UAVs and decrease the operating and project costs of them as well.Savaş stratejisinin bir göstergesi olan muharebe araç ve gereçleri, teknoloji ile birlikte değişiklik göstermektedir. Yakın uzay ve uzayın da bir araç olarak kullanıldığı bilgi çağının savaşları; ok ve yayın kullanıldığı tarım dönemi ile top ve tüfeklerin kullanıldığı sanayi dönemi savaşlarından farklılık göstermektedir. Bu farklılıklar, harekât bölgesinin etki ve ilgi alanını genişlettiği gibi modern orduların kabiliyetlerini ve gereksinimlerini de etkilemektedir. Keşif ve gözetleme görevinin en etkin ve verimli şekilde yapabilmesi, envanterindeki sistemlerin modern olması ile birlikte bu sistemleri bilimsel yaklaşımlarla planlayabilme yeteneğine bağlıdır. Stratejik seviyede kullanılan İnsansız Hava Araçlarının (İHA) görevlendirmeleri esnasında karşılaşılan Araç Rotalama Problemleri (ARP), diğer sektörlerde olduğu gibi savunma sektöründe de oldukça yüksek maliyetlere sebep olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle İHA rota planlamalarının verimli bir şekilde çözümü, büyük tasarruflar sağlayacak olması ve hedeflerin zamanında gözetlenebilmeleri açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, İnsansız Hava Sistemlerinin (İHS) dinamik rota planlamasına yönelik yapılan çalışmalarının incelenmesi ve ileride yapılabilecek çözüm yaklaşımlarına yön verilmesidir. Bu sayede, Türkiye’de henüz kullanılmaya başlayan stratejik İHS’lerin görev etkinliklerinin artırılması, proje ve kullanım maliyetlerinin düşürülmesi hedeflenmektedir

    Tabu Search: A Comparative Study

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    Technology challenges of stealth unmanned combat aerial vehicles

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    The ever-changing battlefield environment, as well as the emergence of global command and control architectures currently used by armed forces around the globe, requires the use of robust and adaptive technologies integrated into a reliable platform. Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) aim to integrate such advanced technologies while also increasing the tactical capabilities of combat aircraft. This paper provides a summary of the technical and operational design challenges specific to UCAVs, focusing on high-performance, and stealth designs. After a brief historical overview, the main technology demonstrator programmes currently under development are presented. The key technologies affecting UCAV design are identified and discussed. Finally, this paper briefly presents the main issues related to airworthiness, navigation, and ethical concerns behind UAV/UCAV operations

    Modelo matemático para seleção de rotas de patrulhamento escolar: o caso da patrulha escolar de Ponta Grossa

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    Studies have shown that school violence produces harmful effects on victims and society alike. Police patrols have proved to me the most effective among the main forms of preventing school violence. School police patrols take place using squad cars that serve a network of schools and consist of placing vehicles at network schools for a given period of time (routine patrol). Nevertheless, during routine patrol police vehicles must immediately answer emergency calls at network schools that are not being patrolled at that moment (emergency patrolling). This work proposes a method based on mathematical models to assist the school patrol program in defining the routes for routine patrol and emergency routes. The approach used to solve the problem consisted of graph algorithms. Routine patrol was treated as a model of the Traveling Salesman Problem, and was solved using the Nearest Neighbor Heuristic and Tabu Search metaheuristic. The emergency situation was modeled using the Shortest Path Problem, and emergency routes were determined through the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. A case study was used to demonstrate the application of the method. Results show that the proposed method is effective to treat the problem of route selection for school patrols in cities with shortcomings in technological resources.CAPESEstudos mostram que a violência nas escolas resulta em consequências prejudiciais para as vítimas e para a sociedade. Entre os principais meios de prevenção da violência escolar tem-se o patrulhamento policial como o mais efetivo. O patrulhamento policial escolar é realizado por viaturas policiais que atendem a uma rede de escolas e consiste na manutenção das viaturas em cada escola da rede por um determinado período de tempo (patrulhamento de rotina). Contudo, durante o patrulhamento de rotina, as viaturas devem prestar atendimento imediato a chamadas de emergência em escolas da rede que não estejam sendo patrulhadas naquele momento (patrulhamento emergencial). O presente trabalho propõe um método baseado em modelos matemáticos para auxiliar o programa de patrulha escolar na definição das rotas de patrulhamento de rotina e rotas emergenciais. A abordagem aplicada para resolver o problema foi a de algoritmos de grafos. O patrulhamento de rotina foi por meio do Problema do caixeiro viajante e solucionado por meio da heurística do vizinho mais próximo e da meta-heurística de Busca tabu. A situação de emergência foi modelada utilizando o Caminho mais curto e as rotas emergenciais foram determinadas por meio do algoritmo de Floyd-Warshall. Um estudo de caso em uma rede de escolas foi utilizado para demonstrar a utilização do método. Os resultados mostram que o método proposto é efetivo para tratar o problema de seleção de rotas de patrulhamento escolar em cidades com restrições de recursos tecnológicos

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Fleet Mission Planning Subject to Changing Weather Conditions

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