37 research outputs found

    NIR image colorization with graph-convolutional neural networks

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    Colorization of near-infrared (NIR) images is a challenging problem due to the different material properties at the infared wavelenghts, thus reducing the correlation with visible images. In this paper, we study how graph-convolutional neural networks allow exploiting a more powerful inductive bias than standard CNNs, in the form of non-local self-similiarity. Its impact is evaluated by showing how training with mean squared error only as loss leads to poor results with a standard CNN, while the graph-convolutional network produces significantly sharper and more realistic colorizations

    PELICAN: Permutation Equivariant and Lorentz Invariant or Covariant Aggregator Network for Particle Physics

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    Many current approaches to machine learning in particle physics use generic architectures that require large numbers of parameters and disregard underlying physics principles, limiting their applicability as scientific modeling tools. In this work, we present a machine learning architecture that uses a set of inputs maximally reduced with respect to the full 6-dimensional Lorentz symmetry, and is fully permutation-equivariant throughout. We study the application of this network architecture to the standard task of top quark tagging and show that the resulting network outperforms all existing competitors despite much lower model complexity. In addition, we present a Lorentz-covariant variant of the same network applied to a 4-momentum regression task

    A Graph Isomorphism Network with Weighted Multiple Aggregators for Speech Emotion Recognition

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    Speech emotion recognition (SER) is an essential part of human-computer interaction. In this paper, we propose an SER network based on a Graph Isomorphism Network with Weighted Multiple Aggregators (WMA-GIN), which can effectively handle the problem of information confusion when neighbour nodes' features are aggregated together in GIN structure. Moreover, a Full-Adjacent (FA) layer is adopted for alleviating the over-squashing problem, which is existed in all Graph Neural Network (GNN) structures, including GIN. Furthermore, a multi-phase attention mechanism and multi-loss training strategy are employed to avoid missing the useful emotional information in the stacked WMA-GIN layers. We evaluated the performance of our proposed WMA-GIN on the popular IEMOCAP dataset. The experimental results show that WMA-GIN outperforms other GNN-based methods and is comparable to some advanced non-graph-based methods by achieving 72.48% of weighted accuracy (WA) and 67.72% of unweighted accuracy (UA).Comment: Accepted by Interspeech 202

    Interpretable Graph Neural Networks for Connectome-Based Brain Disorder Analysis

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    Human brains lie at the core of complex neurobiological systems, where the neurons, circuits, and subsystems interact in enigmatic ways. Understanding the structural and functional mechanisms of the brain has long been an intriguing pursuit for neuroscience research and clinical disorder therapy. Mapping the connections of the human brain as a network is one of the most pervasive paradigms in neuroscience. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently emerged as a potential method for modeling complex network data. Deep models, on the other hand, have low interpretability, which prevents their usage in decision-critical contexts like healthcare. To bridge this gap, we propose an interpretable framework to analyze disorder-specific Regions of Interest (ROIs) and prominent connections. The proposed framework consists of two modules: a brain-network-oriented backbone model for disease prediction and a globally shared explanation generator that highlights disorder-specific biomarkers including salient ROIs and important connections. We conduct experiments on three real-world datasets of brain disorders. The results verify that our framework can obtain outstanding performance and also identify meaningful biomarkers. All code for this work is available at https://github.com/HennyJie/IBGNN.git.Comment: Previous version presented at icml-imlh 2021 (no proceedings, archived at 2107.05097), this version is accepted to miccai 202

    GNNBuilder: An Automated Framework for Generic Graph Neural Network Accelerator Generation, Simulation, and Optimization

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    There are plenty of graph neural network (GNN) accelerators being proposed. However, they highly rely on users' hardware expertise and are usually optimized for one specific GNN model, making them challenging for practical use . Therefore, in this work, we propose GNNBuilder, the first automated, generic, end-to-end GNN accelerator generation framework. It features four advantages: (1) GNNBuilder can automatically generate GNN accelerators for a wide range of GNN models arbitrarily defined by users; (2) GNNBuilder takes standard PyTorch programming interface, introducing zero overhead for algorithm developers; (3) GNNBuilder supports end-to-end code generation, simulation, accelerator optimization, and hardware deployment, realizing a push-button fashion for GNN accelerator design; (4) GNNBuilder is equipped with accurate performance models of its generated accelerator, enabling fast and flexible design space exploration (DSE). In the experiments, first, we show that our accelerator performance model has errors within 36%36\% for latency prediction and 18%18\% for BRAM count prediction. Second, we show that our generated accelerators can outperform CPU by 6.33×6.33\times and GPU by 6.87×6.87\times. This framework is open-source, and the code is available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/gnn-builder-83B4/.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, 3 listing

    DynamoRep: Trajectory-Based Population Dynamics for Classification of Black-box Optimization Problems

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    The application of machine learning (ML) models to the analysis of optimization algorithms requires the representation of optimization problems using numerical features. These features can be used as input for ML models that are trained to select or to configure a suitable algorithm for the problem at hand. Since in pure black-box optimization information about the problem instance can only be obtained through function evaluation, a common approach is to dedicate some function evaluations for feature extraction, e.g., using random sampling. This approach has two key downsides: (1) It reduces the budget left for the actual optimization phase, and (2) it neglects valuable information that could be obtained from a problem-solver interaction. In this paper, we propose a feature extraction method that describes the trajectories of optimization algorithms using simple descriptive statistics. We evaluate the generated features for the task of classifying problem classes from the Black Box Optimization Benchmarking (BBOB) suite. We demonstrate that the proposed DynamoRep features capture enough information to identify the problem class on which the optimization algorithm is running, achieving a mean classification accuracy of 95% across all experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure