14 research outputs found

    A Study on Clustering for Clustering Based Image De-Noising

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    In this paper, the problem of de-noising of an image contaminated with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) is studied. This subject is an open problem in signal processing for more than 50 years. Local methods suggested in recent years, have obtained better results than global methods. However by more intelligent training in such a way that first, important data is more effective for training, second, clustering in such way that training blocks lie in low-rank subspaces, we can design a dictionary applicable for image de-noising and obtain results near the state of the art local methods. In the present paper, we suggest a method based on global clustering of image constructing blocks. As the type of clustering plays an important role in clustering-based de-noising methods, we address two questions about the clustering. The first, which parts of the data should be considered for clustering? and the second, what data clustering method is suitable for de-noising.? Then clustering is exploited to learn an over complete dictionary. By obtaining sparse decomposition of the noisy image blocks in terms of the dictionary atoms, the de-noised version is achieved. In addition to our framework, 7 popular dictionary learning methods are simulated and compared. The results are compared based on two major factors: (1) de-noising performance and (2) execution time. Experimental results show that our dictionary learning framework outperforms its competitors in terms of both factors.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunications (JIST

    Fast High-Dimensional Kernel Filtering

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    The bilateral and nonlocal means filters are instances of kernel-based filters that are popularly used in image processing. It was recently shown that fast and accurate bilateral filtering of grayscale images can be performed using a low-rank approximation of the kernel matrix. More specifically, based on the eigendecomposition of the kernel matrix, the overall filtering was approximated using spatial convolutions, for which efficient algorithms are available. Unfortunately, this technique cannot be scaled to high-dimensional data such as color and hyperspectral images. This is simply because one needs to compute/store a large matrix and perform its eigendecomposition in this case. We show how this problem can be solved using the Nystr\"om method, which is generally used for approximating the eigendecomposition of large matrices. The resulting algorithm can also be used for nonlocal means filtering. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal for bilateral and nonlocal means filtering of color and hyperspectral images. In particular, our method is shown to be competitive with state-of-the-art fast algorithms, and moreover it comes with a theoretical guarantee on the approximation error

    Image Denoising via Asymptotic Nonlocal Filtering

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    The nonlocal means algorithm is widely used in image denoising, but this algorithm does not work well for high-intensity noise. To overcome this shortcoming, we establish a coupled iterative nonlocal means model in this paper. Considering the computation complexity of the new model, we realize it by using multiscale wavelet transform and propose an asymptotic nonlocal filtering algorithm which can reduce the influence of noise on similarity estimation and computation complexity. Moreover, we build a new nonlocal weight function based on the structure similarity index. Simulation results indicate that the proposed approach cannot only remove the noise but also preserve the structure of image and has good visual effects, especially for highly degenerated images


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    Görüntü işleme alanında en büyük problemlerinden biri olan bulanıklığının giderilmesi için bir yöntem önerilmiştir. Bulanıklık kenarların net olmaması, renk geçişlerinin çok yumuşak olması olarak ifade edilebilir. Bu çalışmada, odak bulanıklığı (out-of-focus) için kenar geçişleri kullanılarak bir filtreleme işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bulanık görüntüden yola çıkarak görüntüdeki bulanık geçişlerden daha keskin bir geçiş elde edebilmek için satır, sütun ve çapraz piksel değerleri kullanılmıştır. Görüntü üzerindeki piksel değerleri satır, sütun, çapraz piksellerin farkları kullanılarak yeniden hesaplanmıştır. Görüntününorijinalliğini bozmadan daha keskin geçişler elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Önerilen yöntemin başarisini karşılaştırmak için ortalama, ortanca, wiener ve keskinleştirme filtreleri kullanılmıştır. Karşılaştırma parametreleri olarak görüntü kalitesini ölçen metotlar kullanılmıştır. Bu karşılaştırmalara göre en iyi sonucu önerilen metot vermiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Görüntü İşleme, Bulanıklık, Pillbox Filtresi, Görüntü Kalite Ölçüm

    Fast Separable Non-Local Means

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    We propose a simple and fast algorithm called PatchLift for computing distances between patches (contiguous block of samples) extracted from a given one-dimensional signal. PatchLift is based on the observation that the patch distances can be efficiently computed from a matrix that is derived from the one-dimensional signal using lifting; importantly, the number of operations required to compute the patch distances using this approach does not scale with the patch length. We next demonstrate how PatchLift can be used for patch-based denoising of images corrupted with Gaussian noise. In particular, we propose a separable formulation of the classical Non-Local Means (NLM) algorithm that can be implemented using PatchLift. We demonstrate that the PatchLift-based implementation of separable NLM is few orders faster than standard NLM, and is competitive with existing fast implementations of NLM. Moreover, its denoising performance is shown to be consistently superior to that of NLM and some of its variants, both in terms of PSNR/SSIM and visual quality

    Spatial Images Feature Extraction Based on Bayesian Nonlocal Means Filter and Improved Contourlet Transform

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    Spatial images are inevitably mixed with different levels of noise and distortion. The contourlet transform can provide multidimensional sparse representations of images in a discrete domain. Because of its filter structure, the contourlet transform is not translation-invariant. In this paper, we use a nonsubsampled pyramid structure and a nonsubsampled directional filter to achieve multidimensional and translation-invariant image decomposition for spatial images. A nonsubsampled contourlet transform is used as the basis for an improved Bayesian nonlocal means (NLM) filter for different frequencies. The Bayesian model adds a sigma range in image a priori operations, which can be more effective in protecting image details. The NLM filter retains the image edge content and assigns greater weight to similarities for edge pixels. Experimental results both on standard images and spatial images confirm that the proposed algorithm yields significantly better performance than nonsubsampled wavelet transform, contourlet, and curvelet approaches

    Nonlocal Means With Dimensionality Reduction and SURE-Based Parameter Selection

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    A Collaborative Adaptive Wiener Filter for Image Restoration Using a Spatial-Domain Multi-patch Correlation Model

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    We present a new patch-based image restoration algorithm using an adaptive Wiener filter (AWF) with a novel spatial-domain multi-patch correlation model. The new filter structure is referred to as a collaborative adaptive Wiener filter (CAWF). The CAWF employs a finite size moving window. At each position, the current observation window represents the reference patch. We identify the most similar patches in the image within a given search window about the reference patch. A single-stage weighted sum of all of the pixels in the similar patches is used to estimate the center pixel in the reference patch. The weights are based on a new multi-patch correlation model that takes into account each pixel’s spatial distance to the center of its corresponding patch, as well as the intensity vector distances among the similar patches. One key advantage of the CAWF approach, compared with many other patch-based algorithms, is that it can jointly handle blur and noise. Furthermore, it can also readily treat spatially varying signal and noise statistics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first multi-patch algorithm to use a single spatial-domain weighted sum of all pixels within multiple similar patches to form its estimate and the first to use a spatial-domain multi-patch correlation model to determine the weights. The experimental results presented show that the proposed method delivers high performance in image restoration in a variety of scenarios