4,080 research outputs found

    To NACK or not to NACK? Negative Acknowledgments in Information-Centric Networking

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    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is an internetworking paradigm that offers an alternative to the current IP\nobreakdash-based Internet architecture. ICN's most distinguishing feature is its emphasis on information (content) instead of communication endpoints. One important open issue in ICN is whether negative acknowledgments (NACKs) at the network layer are useful for notifying downstream nodes about forwarding failures, or requests for incorrect or non-existent information. In benign settings, NACKs are beneficial for ICN architectures, such as CCNx and NDN, since they flush state in routers and notify consumers. In terms of security, NACKs seem useful as they can help mitigating so-called Interest Flooding attacks. However, as we show in this paper, network-layer NACKs also have some unpleasant security implications. We consider several types of NACKs and discuss their security design requirements and implications. We also demonstrate that providing secure NACKs triggers the threat of producer-bound flooding attacks. Although we discuss some potential countermeasures to these attacks, the main conclusion of this paper is that network-layer NACKs are best avoided, at least for security reasons.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Anagram: A Content Anomaly Detector Resistant to Mimicry Attack

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    In this paper, we present Anagram, a content anomaly detector that models a mixture of high-order n-grams (n > 1) designed to detect anomalous and suspicious network packet payloads. By using higher- order n-grams, Anagram can detect significant anomalous byte sequences and generate robust signatures of validated malicious packet content. The Anagram content models are implemented using highly efficient Bloom filters, reducing space requirements and enabling privacy-preserving cross-site correlation. The sensor models the distinct content flow of a network or host using a semi- supervised training regimen. Previously known exploits, extracted from the signatures of an IDS, are likewise modeled in a Bloom filter and are used during training as well as detection time. We demonstrate that Anagram can identify anomalous traffic with high accuracy and low false positive rates. Anagram’s high-order n-gram analysis technique is also resilient against simple mimicry attacks that blend exploits with normal appearing byte padding, such as the blended polymorphic attack recently demonstrated in. We discuss randomized n-gram models, which further raises the bar and makes it more difficult for attackers to build precise packet structures to evade Anagram even if they know the distribution of the local site content flow. Finally, Anagram-’s speed and high detection rate makes it valuable not only as a standalone sensor, but also as a network anomaly flow classifier in an instrumented fault-tolerant host-based environment; this enables significant cost amortization and the possibility of a symbiotic feedback loop that can improve accuracy and reduce false positive rates over time

    A Survey of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps

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    The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has taken the world by surprise, forcing lockdowns and straining public health care systems. COVID-19 is known to be a highly infectious virus, and infected individuals do not initially exhibit symptoms, while some remain asymptomatic. Thus, a non-negligible fraction of the population can, at any given time, be a hidden source of transmissions. In response, many governments have shown great interest in smartphone contact tracing apps that help automate the difficult task of tracing all recent contacts of newly identified infected individuals. However, tracing apps have generated much discussion around their key attributes, including system architecture, data management, privacy, security, proximity estimation, and attack vulnerability. In this article, we provide the first comprehensive review of these much-discussed tracing app attributes. We also present an overview of many proposed tracing app examples, some of which have been deployed countrywide, and discuss the concerns users have reported regarding their usage. We close by outlining potential research directions for next-generation app design, which would facilitate improved tracing and security performance, as well as wide adoption by the population at large.Comment: Paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. Currently available on IEEE ACCESS early access (see DOI

    Adaptive Response System for Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks

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    The continued prevalence and severe damaging effects of the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in today’s Internet raise growing security concerns and call for an immediate response to come up with better solutions to tackle DDoS attacks. The current DDoS prevention mechanisms are usually inflexible and determined attackers with knowledge of these mechanisms, could work around them. Most existing detection and response mechanisms are standalone systems which do not rely on adaptive updates to mitigate attacks. As different responses vary in their “leniency” in treating detected attack traffic, there is a need for an Adaptive Response System. We designed and implemented our DDoS Adaptive ResponsE (DARE) System, which is a distributed DDoS mitigation system capable of executing appropriate detection and mitigation responses automatically and adaptively according to the attacks. It supports easy integrations for both signature-based and anomaly-based detection modules. Additionally, the design of DARE’s individual components takes into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of existing defence mechanisms, and the characteristics and possible future mutations of DDoS attacks. These components consist of an Enhanced TCP SYN Attack Detector and Bloom-based Filter, a DDoS Flooding Attack Detector and Flow Identifier, and a Non Intrusive IP Traceback mechanism. The components work together interactively to adapt the detections and responses in accordance to the attack types. Experiments conducted on DARE show that the attack detection and mitigation are successfully completed within seconds, with about 60% to 86% of the attack traffic being dropped, while availability for legitimate and new legitimate requests is maintained. DARE is able to detect and trigger appropriate responses in accordance to the attacks being launched with high accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency. We also designed and implemented a Traffic Redirection Attack Protection System (TRAPS), a stand-alone DDoS attack detection and mitigation system for IPv6 networks. In TRAPS, the victim under attack verifies the authenticity of the source by performing virtual relocations to differentiate the legitimate traffic from the attack traffic. TRAPS requires minimal deployment effort and does not require modifications to the Internet infrastructure due to its incorporation of the Mobile IPv6 protocol. Experiments to test the feasibility of TRAPS were carried out in a testbed environment to verify that it would work with the existing Mobile IPv6 implementation. It was observed that the operations of each module were functioning correctly and TRAPS was able to successfully mitigate an attack launched with spoofed source IP addresses

    A Taxonomy of Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage Techniques

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    The process of identifying which records in two or more databases correspond to the same entity is an important aspect of data quality activities such as data pre-processing and data integration. Known as record linkage, data matching or entity resolution, this process has attracted interest from researchers in fields such as databases and data warehousing, data mining, information systems, and machine learning. Record linkage has various challenges, including scalability to large databases, accurate matching and classification, and privacy and confidentiality. The latter challenge arises because commonly personal identifying data, such as names, addresses and dates of birth of individuals, are used in the linkage process. When databases are linked across organizations, the issue of how to protect the privacy and confidentiality of such sensitive information is crucial to successful application of record linkage. In this paper we present an overview of techniques that allow the linking of databases between organizations while at the same time preserving the privacy of these data. Known as 'privacy-preserving record linkage' (PPRL), various such techniques have been developed. We present a taxonomy of PPRL techniques to characterize these techniques along 15 dimensions, and conduct a survey of PPRL techniques. We then highlight shortcomings of current techniques and discuss avenues for future research

    Revocable and non-invertible multibiometric template protection based on matrix transformation

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    Biometric authentication refers to the use of measurable characteristics (or features) of the human body to provide secure, reliable and convenient access to a computer system or physical environment. These features (physiological or behavioural) are unique to individual subjects because they are usually obtained directly from their owner's body. Multibiometric authentication systems use a combination of two or more biometric modalities to provide improved performance accuracy without offering adequate protection against security and privacy attacks. This paper proposes a multibiometric matrix transformation based technique, which protects users of multibiometric systems from security and privacy attacks. The results of security and privacy analyses show that the approach provides high-level template security and user privacy compared to previous one-way transformation techniques

    Mitigating Botnet-based DDoS Attacks against Web Servers

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    Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks have become wide-spread on the Internet. They continuously target retail merchants, financial companies and government institutions, disrupting the availability of their online resources and causing millions of dollars of financial losses. Software vulnerabilities and proliferation of malware have helped create a class of application-level DDoS attacks using networks of compromised hosts (botnets). In a botnet-based DDoS attack, an attacker orders large numbers of bots to send seemingly regular HTTP and HTTPS requests to a web server, so as to deplete the server's CPU, disk, or memory capacity. Researchers have proposed client authentication mechanisms, such as CAPTCHA puzzles, to distinguish bot traffic from legitimate client activity and discard bot-originated packets. However, CAPTCHA authentication is vulnerable to denial-of-service and artificial intelligence attacks. This dissertation proposes that clients instead use hardware tokens to authenticate in a federated authentication environment. The federated authentication solution must resist both man-in-the-middle and denial-of-service attacks. The proposed system architecture uses the Kerberos protocol to satisfy both requirements. This work proposes novel extensions to Kerberos to make it more suitable for generic web authentication. A server could verify client credentials and blacklist repeated offenders. Traffic from blacklisted clients, however, still traverses the server's network stack and consumes server resources. This work proposes Sentinel, a dedicated front-end network device that intercepts server-bound traffic, verifies authentication credentials and filters blacklisted traffic before it reaches the server. Using a front-end device also allows transparently deploying hardware acceleration using network co-processors. Network co-processors can discard blacklisted traffic at the hardware level before it wastes front-end host resources. We implement the proposed system architecture by integrating existing software applications and libraries. We validate the system implementation by evaluating its performance under DDoS attacks consisting of floods of HTTP and HTTPS requests