20 research outputs found

    Decodability Attack against the Fuzzy Commitment Scheme with Public Feature Transforms

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    The fuzzy commitment scheme is a cryptographic primitive that can be used to store biometric templates being encoded as fixed-length feature vectors protected. If multiple related records generated from the same biometric instance can be intercepted, their correspondence can be determined using the decodability attack. In 2011, Kelkboom et al. proposed to pass the feature vectors through a record-specific but public permutation process in order to prevent this attack. In this paper, it is shown that this countermeasure enables another attack also analyzed by Simoens et al. in 2009 which can even ease an adversary to fully break two related records. The attack may only be feasible if the protected feature vectors have a reasonably small Hamming distance; yet, implementations and security analyses must account for this risk. This paper furthermore discusses that by means of a public transformation, the attack cannot be prevented in a binary fuzzy commitment scheme based on linear codes. Fortunately, such transformations can be generated for the non-binary case. In order to still be able to protect binary feature vectors, one may consider to use the improved fuzzy vault scheme by Dodis et al. which may be secured against linkability attacks using observations made by Merkle and Tams

    On the performance of helper data template protection schemes

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    The use of biometrics looks promising as it is already being applied in elec- tronic passports, ePassports, on a global scale. Because the biometric data has to be stored as a reference template on either a central or personal storage de- vice, its wide-spread use introduces new security and privacy risks such as (i) identity fraud, (ii) cross-matching, (iii) irrevocability and (iv) leaking sensitive medical information. Mitigating these risks is essential to obtain the accep- tance from the subjects of the biometric systems and therefore facilitating the successful implementation on a large-scale basis. A solution to mitigate these risks is to use template protection techniques. The required protection properties of the stored reference template according to ISO guidelines are (i) irreversibility, (ii) renewability and (iii) unlinkability. A known template protection scheme is the helper data system (HDS). The fun- damental principle of the HDS is to bind a key with the biometric sample with use of helper data and cryptography, as such that the key can be reproduced or released given another biometric sample of the same subject. The identity check is then performed in a secure way by comparing the hash of the key. Hence, the size of the key determines the amount of protection. This thesis extensively investigates the HDS system, namely (i) the the- oretical classication performance, (ii) the maximum key size, (iii) the irre- versibility and unlinkability properties, and (iv) the optimal multi-sample and multi-algorithm fusion method. The theoretical classication performance of the biometric system is deter- mined by assuming that the features extracted from the biometric sample are Gaussian distributed. With this assumption we investigate the in uence of the bit extraction scheme on the classication performance. With use of the the- oretical framework, the maximum size of the key is determined by assuming the error-correcting code to operate on Shannon's bound. We also show three vulnerabilities of HDS that aect the irreversibility and unlinkability property and propose solutions. Finally, we study the optimal level of applying multi- sample and multi-algorithm fusion with the HDS at either feature-, score-, or decision-level

    State of the Art in Biometric Key Binding and Key Generation Schemes

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    Direct storage of biometric templates in databases exposes the authentication system and legitimate users to numerous security and privacy challenges. Biometric cryptosystems or template protection schemes are used to overcome the security and privacy challenges associated with the use of biometrics as a means of authentication. This paper presents a review of previous works in biometric key binding and key generation schemes. The review focuses on key binding techniques such as biometric encryption, fuzzy commitment scheme, fuzzy vault and shielding function. Two categories of key generation schemes considered are private template and quantization schemes. The paper also discusses the modes of operations, strengths and weaknesses of various kinds of key-based template protection schemes. The goal is to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the current and emerging trends in key-based biometric cryptosystems

    Privacy and Security Assessment of Biometric Template Protection

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    Iris Template Protection Based on Local Ranking

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    Biometrics have been widely studied in recent years, and they are increasingly employed in real-world applications. Meanwhile, a number of potential threats to the privacy of biometric data arise. Iris template protection demands that the privacy of iris data should be protected when performing iris recognition. According to the international standard ISO/IEC 24745, iris template protection should satisfy the irreversibility, revocability, and unlinkability. However, existing works about iris template protection demonstrate that it is difficult to satisfy the three privacy requirements simultaneously while supporting effective iris recognition. In this paper, we propose an iris template protection method based on local ranking. Specifically, the iris data are first XORed (Exclusive OR operation) with an application-specific string; next, we divide the results into blocks and then partition the blocks into groups. The blocks in each group are ranked according to their decimal values, and original blocks are transformed to their rank values for storage. We also extend the basic method to support the shifting strategy and masking strategy, which are two important strategies for iris recognition. We demonstrate that the proposed method satisfies the irreversibility, revocability, and unlinkability. Experimental results on typical iris datasets (i.e., CASIA-IrisV3-Interval, CASIA-IrisV4-Lamp, UBIRIS-V1-S1, and MMU-V1) show that the proposed method could maintain the recognition performance while protecting the privacy of iris data

    Cryptanalysis of the Fuzzy Vault for Fingerprints: Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures

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    Das Fuzzy Vault ist ein beliebter Ansatz, um die Minutien eines menschlichen Fingerabdrucks in einer Sicherheitsanwendung geschützt zu speichern. In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Implementationen des Fuzzy Vault für Fingerabdrücke in verschiedenen Angriffsszenarien untersucht. Unsere Untersuchungen und Analysen bestätigen deutlich, dass die größte Schwäche von Implementationen des Fingerabdruck Fuzzy Vaults seine hohe Anfälligkeit gegen False-Accept Angriffe ist. Als Gegenmaßnahme könnten mehrere Finger oder sogar mehrere biometrische Merkmale eines Menschen gleichzeitig verwendet werden. Allerdings besitzen traditionelle Fuzzy Vault Konstruktionen eine wesentliche Schwäche: den Korrelationsangriff. Es ist bekannt, dass das Runden von Minutien auf ein starres System, diese Schwäche beheben. Ausgehend davon schlagen wir eine Implementation vor. Würden nun Parameter traditioneller Konstruktionen übernommen, so würden wir einen signifikanten Verlust an Verifikations-Leistung hinnehmen müssen. In einem Training wird daher eine gute Parameterkonfiguration neu bestimmt. Um den Authentifizierungsaufwand praktikabel zu machen, verwenden wir einen randomisierten Dekodierer und zeigen, dass die erreichbaren Raten vergleichbar mit den Raten einer traditionellen Konstruktion sind. Wir folgern, dass das Fuzzy Vault ein denkbarer Ansatz bleibt, um die schwierige Aufgabe ein kryptographisch sicheres biometrisches Kryptosystem in Zukunft zu implementieren.The fuzzy fingerprint vault is a popular approach to protect a fingerprint's minutiae as a building block of a security application. In this thesis simulations of several attack scenarios are conducted against implementations of the fuzzy fingerprint vault from the literature. Our investigations clearly confirm that the weakest link in the fuzzy fingerprint vault is its high vulnerability to false-accept attacks. Therefore, multi-finger or even multi-biometric cryptosystems should be conceived. But there remains a risk that cannot be resolved by using more biometric information of an individual if features are protected using a traditional fuzzy vault construction: The correlation attack remains a weakness of such constructions. It is known that quantizing minutiae to a rigid system while filling the whole space with chaff makes correlation obsolete. Based on this approach, we propose an implementation. If parameters were adopted from a traditional fuzzy fingerprint vault implementation, we would experience a significant loss in authentication performance. Therefore, we perform a training to determine reasonable parameters for our implementation. Furthermore, to make authentication practical, the decoding procedure is proposed to be randomized. By running a performance evaluation on a dataset generally used, we find that achieving resistance against the correlation attack does not have to be at the cost of authentication performance. Finally, we conclude that fuzzy vault remains a possible construction for helping in solving the challenging task of implementing a cryptographically secure multi-biometric cryptosystem in future