988 research outputs found

    Preventing numerical oscillations in the flux-split based finite difference method for compressible flows with discontinuities

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    In simulating compressible flows with contact discontinuities or material interfaces, numerical pressure and velocity oscillations can be induced by point-wise flux vector splitting (FVS) or component-wise nonlinear difference discretization of convection terms. The current analysis showed that the oscillations are due to the incompatibility of the point-wise splitting of eigenvalues in FVS and the inconsistency of component-wise nonlinear difference discretization among equations of mass, momentum, energy, and even fluid composition for multi-material flows. Two practical principles are proposed to prevent these oscillations: (i) convective fluxes must be split by a global FVS, such as the global Lax-Friedrichs FVS, and (ii) consistent discretization between different equations must be guaranteed. The latter, however, is not compatible with component-wise nonlinear difference discretization. Therefore, a consistent discretization method that uses only one set of common weights is proposed for nonlinear weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes. One possible procedure to determine the common weights is presented that provided good results. The analysis and methods stated above are appropriate for both single- (e.g., contact discontinuity) and multi-material (e.g., material interface) discontinuities. For the latter, however, the additional fluid composition equation should be split and discretized consistently for compatibility with the other equations. Numerical tests including several contact discontinuities and multi-material flows confirmed the effectiveness, robustness, and low computation cost of the proposed method. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    An Adaptive Characteristic-wise Reconstruction WENOZ scheme for Gas Dynamic Euler Equations

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    Due to its excellent shock-capturing capability and high resolution, the WENO scheme family has been widely used in varieties of compressive flow simulation. However, for problems containing strong shocks and contact discontinuities, such as the Lax shock tube problem, the WENO scheme still produces numerical oscillations. To avoid such numerical oscillations, the characteristic-wise construction method should be applied. Compared to component-wise reconstruction, characteristic-wise reconstruction leads to much more computational cost and thus is not suite for large scale simulation such as direct numeric simulation of turbulence. In this paper, an adaptive characteristic-wise reconstruction WENO scheme, i.e. the AdaWENO scheme, is proposed to improve the computational efficiency of the characteristic-wise reconstruction method. The new scheme performs characteristic-wise reconstruction near discontinuities while switching to component-wise reconstruction for smooth regions. Meanwhile, a new calculation strategy for the WENO smoothness indicators is implemented to reduce over-all computational cost. Several one dimensional and two dimensional numerical tests are performed to validate and evaluate the AdaWENO scheme. Numerical results show that AdaWENO maintains essentially non-oscillatory flow field near discontinuities as the characteristic-wise reconstruction method. Besieds, compared to the component-wise reconstruction, AdaWENO is about 40\% faster which indicates its excellent efficiency

    High-order conservative finite difference GLM-MHD schemes for cell-centered MHD

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    We present and compare third- as well as fifth-order accurate finite difference schemes for the numerical solution of the compressible ideal MHD equations in multiple spatial dimensions. The selected methods lean on four different reconstruction techniques based on recently improved versions of the weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes, monotonicity preserving (MP) schemes as well as slope-limited polynomial reconstruction. The proposed numerical methods are highly accurate in smooth regions of the flow, avoid loss of accuracy in proximity of smooth extrema and provide sharp non-oscillatory transitions at discontinuities. We suggest a numerical formulation based on a cell-centered approach where all of the primary flow variables are discretized at the zone center. The divergence-free condition is enforced by augmenting the MHD equations with a generalized Lagrange multiplier yielding a mixed hyperbolic/parabolic correction, as in Dedner et al. (J. Comput. Phys. 175 (2002) 645-673). The resulting family of schemes is robust, cost-effective and straightforward to implement. Compared to previous existing approaches, it completely avoids the CPU intensive workload associated with an elliptic divergence cleaning step and the additional complexities required by staggered mesh algorithms. Extensive numerical testing demonstrate the robustness and reliability of the proposed framework for computations involving both smooth and discontinuous features.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figure, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics (Aug 7 2009

    An unsupervised machine-learning-based shock sensor for high-order supersonic flow solvers

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    We present a novel unsupervised machine-learning sock sensor based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). The proposed GMM sensor demonstrates remarkable accuracy in detecting shocks and is robust across diverse test cases with significantly less parameter tuning than other options. We compare the GMM-based sensor with state-of-the-art alternatives. All methods are integrated into a high-order compressible discontinuous Galerkin solver, where two stabilization approaches are coupled to the sensor to provide examples of possible applications. The Sedov blast and double Mach reflection cases demonstrate that our proposed sensor can enhance hybrid sub-cell flux-differencing formulations by providing accurate information of the nodes that require low-order blending. Besides, supersonic test cases including high Reynolds numbers showcase the sensor performance when used to introduce entropy-stable artificial viscosity to capture shocks, demonstrating the same effectiveness as fine-tuned state-of-the-art sensors. The adaptive nature and ability to function without extensive training datasets make this GMM-based sensor suitable for complex geometries and varied flow configurations. Our study reveals the potential of unsupervised machine-learning methods, exemplified by this GMM sensor, to improve the robustness and efficiency of advanced CFD codes

    Asymptotically entropy conservative discretization of convective terms in compressible Euler equations

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    A new class of Asymptotically Entropy Conservative schemes is proposed for the numerical simulation of compressible (shock-free) turbulent flows. These schemes consist of a suitable spatial discretization of the convective terms in the Euler equations, which retains at the discrete level many important properties of the continuous formulation, resulting in enhanced reliability and robustness of the overall numerical method. In addition to the Kinetic Energy Preserving property, the formulation guarantees the preservation of pressure equilibrium in the case of uniform pressure and velocity distributions, and arbitrarily reduces the spurious production of entropy. The main feature of the proposed schemes is that, in contrast to existing Entropy Conservative schemes, which are based on the evaluation of costly transcendental functions, they are based on the specification of numerical fluxes involving only algebraic operations, resulting in an efficient and economical procedure. Numerical tests on a highly controlled one-dimensional problem, as well as on more realistic turbulent three-dimensional cases, are shown, together with a cost-efficiency study