215 research outputs found

    Spectral Smoothing Unveils Phase Transitions in Hierarchical Variational Autoencoders

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    Variational autoencoders with deep hierarchies of stochastic layers have been known to suffer from the problem of posterior collapse, where the top layers fall back to the prior and become independent of input. We suggest that the hierarchical VAE objective explicitly includes the variance of the function parameterizing the mean and variance of the latent Gaussian distribution which itself is often a high variance function. Building on this we generalize VAE neural networks by incorporating a smoothing parameter motivated by Gaussian analysis to reduce higher frequency components and consequently the variance in parameterizing functions and show that this can help to solve the problem of posterior collapse. We further show that under such smoothing the VAE loss exhibits a phase transition, where the top layer KL divergence sharply drops to zero at a critical value of the smoothing parameter that is similar for the same model across datasets. We validate the phenomenon across model configurations and datasets

    SC-VAE: Sparse Coding-based Variational Autoencoder

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    Learning rich data representations from unlabeled data is a key challenge towards applying deep learning algorithms in downstream supervised tasks. Several variants of variational autoencoders have been proposed to learn compact data representaitons by encoding high-dimensional data in a lower dimensional space. Two main classes of VAEs methods may be distinguished depending on the characteristics of the meta-priors that are enforced in the representation learning step. The first class of methods derives a continuous encoding by assuming a static prior distribution in the latent space. The second class of methods learns instead a discrete latent representation using vector quantization (VQ) along with a codebook. However, both classes of methods suffer from certain challenges, which may lead to suboptimal image reconstruction results. The first class of methods suffers from posterior collapse, whereas the second class of methods suffers from codebook collapse. To address these challenges, we introduce a new VAE variant, termed SC-VAE (sparse coding-based VAE), which integrates sparse coding within variational autoencoder framework. Instead of learning a continuous or discrete latent representation, the proposed method learns a sparse data representation that consists of a linear combination of a small number of learned atoms. The sparse coding problem is solved using a learnable version of the iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm (ISTA). Experiments on two image datasets demonstrate that our model can achieve improved image reconstruction results compared to state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the use of learned sparse code vectors allows us to perform downstream task like coarse image segmentation through clustering image patches.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, and 3 table
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