9 research outputs found

    Pressure Schur Complement Preconditioners for the Discrete Oseen Problem

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    An assessment of solvers for saddle point problems emerging from the incompressible Navier--Stokes equations

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    Efficient incompressible flow simulations, using inf-sup stable pairs of finite element spaces, require the application of efficient solvers for the arising linear saddle point problems. This paper presents an assessment of different solvers: the sparse direct solver UMFPACK, the flexible GMRES (FGMRES) method with different coupled multigrid preconditioners, and FGMRES with Least Squares Commutator (LSC) preconditioners. The assessment is performed for steady-state and time-dependent flows around cylinders in 2d and 3d. Several pairs of inf-sup stable finite element spaces with second order velocity and first order pressure are used. It turns out that for the steady-state problems often FGMRES with an appropriate multigrid preconditioner was the most efficient method on finer grids. For the time-dependent problems, FGMRES with LSC preconditioners that use an inexact iterative solution of the velocity subproblem worked best for smaller time steps

    Schur complement preconditioners for surface integral-equation formulations of dielectric problems solved with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Surface integral-equation methods accelerated with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) provide a suitable mechanism for electromagnetic analysis of real-life dielectric problems. Unlike the perfect-electric-conductor case, discretizations of surface formulations of dielectric problems yield 2 x 2 partitioned linear systems. Among various surface formulations, the combined tangential formulation (CTF) is the closest to the category of first-kind integral equations, and hence it yields the most accurate results, particularly when the dielectric constant is high and/or the dielectric problem involves sharp edges and corners. However, matrix equations of CTF are highly ill-conditioned, and their iterative solutions require powerful preconditioners for convergence. Second-kind surface integral-equation formulations yield better conditioned systems, but their conditionings significantly degrade when real-life problems include high dielectric constants. In this paper, for the first time in the context of surface integral-equation methods of dielectric objects, we propose Schur complement preconditioners to increase their robustness and efficiency. First, we approximate the dense system matrix by a sparse near-field matrix, which is formed naturally by MLFMA. The Schur complement preconditioning requires approximate solutions of systems involving the (1,1) partition and the Schur complement. We approximate the inverse of the (1,1) partition with a sparse approximate inverse (SAI) based on the Frobenius norm minimization. For the Schur complement, we first approximate it via incomplete sparse matrix-matrix multiplications, and then we generate its approximate inverse with the same SAI technique. Numerical experiments on sphere, lens, and photonic crystal problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed preconditioners. In particular, the results for the photonic crystal problem, which has both surface singularity and a high dielectric constant, shows that accurate CTF solutions for such problems can be obtained even faster than with second-kind integral equation formulations, with the acceleration provided by the proposed Schur complement preconditioners