31 research outputs found

    Premise Selection for Mathematics by Corpus Analysis and Kernel Methods

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    Smart premise selection is essential when using automated reasoning as a tool for large-theory formal proof development. A good method for premise selection in complex mathematical libraries is the application of machine learning to large corpora of proofs. This work develops learning-based premise selection in two ways. First, a newly available minimal dependency analysis of existing high-level formal mathematical proofs is used to build a large knowledge base of proof dependencies, providing precise data for ATP-based re-verification and for training premise selection algorithms. Second, a new machine learning algorithm for premise selection based on kernel methods is proposed and implemented. To evaluate the impact of both techniques, a benchmark consisting of 2078 large-theory mathematical problems is constructed,extending the older MPTP Challenge benchmark. The combined effect of the techniques results in a 50% improvement on the benchmark over the Vampire/SInE state-of-the-art system for automated reasoning in large theories.Comment: 26 page

    mizar-items: Exploring fine-grained dependencies in the Mizar Mathematical Library

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    The Mizar Mathematical Library (MML) is a rich database of formalized mathematical proofs (see http://mizar.org). Owing to its large size (it contains more than 1100 "articles" summing to nearly 2.5 million lines of text, expressing more than 50000 theorems and 10000 definitions using more than 7000 symbols), the nature of its contents (the MML is slanted toward pure mathematics), and its classical foundations (first-order logic, set theory, natural deduction), the MML is an especially attractive target for research on foundations of mathematics. We have implemented a system, mizar-items, on which a variety of such foundational experiements can be based. The heart of mizar-items is a method for decomposing the contents of the MML into fine-grained "items" (e.g., theorem, definition, notation, etc.) and computing dependency relations among these items. mizar-items also comes equipped with a website for exploring these dependencies and interacting with them.Comment: Accepted at CICM 2011: Conferences in Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Track C: Systems and Project

    Initial Experiments with TPTP-style Automated Theorem Provers on ACL2 Problems

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    This paper reports our initial experiments with using external ATP on some corpora built with the ACL2 system. This is intended to provide the first estimate about the usefulness of such external reasoning and AI systems for solving ACL2 problems.Comment: In Proceedings ACL2 2014, arXiv:1406.123