19 research outputs found

    Preimage Attacks on Round-reduced Keccak-224/256 via an Allocating Approach

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    We present new preimage attacks on standard Keccak-224 and Keccak-256 that are reduced to 3 and 4 rounds. An allocating approach is used in the attacks, and the whole complexity is allocated to two stages, such that fewer constraints are considered and the complexity is lowered in each stage. Specifically, we are trying to find a 2-block preimage, instead of a 1-block one, for a given hash value, and the first and second message blocks are found in two stages, respectively. Both the message blocks are constrained by a set of newly proposed conditions on the middle state, which are weaker than those brought by the initial values and the hash values. Thus, the complexities in the two stages are both lower than that of finding a 1-block preimage directly. Together with the basic allocating approach, an improved method is given to balance the complexities of two stages, and hence, obtains the optimal attacks. As a result, we present the best theoretical preimage attacks on Keccak-224 and Keccak-256 that are reduced to 3 and 4 rounds. Moreover, we practically found a (second) preimage for 3-round Keccak-224 with a complexity of 2^{39.39}

    Improved Preimage Attacks on Round-Reduced Keccak-384/512

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    This paper provides improved preimage analysis on round-reduced Keccak-384/512. Unlike low-capacity versions, Keccak-384/512 outputs from two parts of its state: an entire 320-bit plane and a 64/192-bit truncation of a second plane. Due to lack of degrees of freedom, most existing preimage analysis can only control the first 320-bit plane and achieve limited results. By thoroughly analyzing the algebraic structure of Keccak, this paper proposes a technology named ``extra linear dependence\u27\u27, which can construct linear relations between corresponding bits from two planes. To apply the technology, this paper inherits pioneers\u27 attack thoughts that convert output bits to linear or quadratic equations of input variables. When solving the final equation system, those linear relations can lead to extra restricting equations of output, exceeding the limit of matrix rank. As a result, the complexity of preimage attacks on 2-round and 3-round Keccak-384/512 can be decreased to 2392^{39}/22042^{204} and 22702^{270}/24242^{424} Keccak calls respectively, which are all the best known results so far. To support the theoretical analysis, this paper provides the first preimage of all `0\u27 digest for 2-round Keccak-384, which can be obtained in one day with single core on an ordinary PC

    Practical Preimage Attack on 3-Round Keccak-256

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    This paper combines techniques from several previous papers with some modifications to improve the previous cryptanalysis of 3-round Keccak-256. Furthermore, we propose a fast rebuilding method to improve the efficiency of solving equation systems. As a result, the guessing times of finding a preimage for 3-round Keccak-256 are decreased from 2652^{65} to 2522^{52}, and the solving time of each guess is decreased from 292^{9} 3-round Keccak calls to 25.32^{5.3} 3-round Keccak calls. We identify a preimage of all \u270\u27 digest for 3-round Keccak-256 to support the effectiveness of our methodology

    Automatic Preimage Attack Framework on Ascon Using a Linearize-and-Guess Approach

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    Ascon is the final winner of the lightweight cryptography standardization competition (2018 − 2023). In this paper, we focus on preimage attacks against round-reduced Ascon. The preimage attack framework, utilizing the linear structure with the allocating model, was initially proposed by Guo et al. at ASIACRYPT 2016 and subsequently improved by Li et al. at EUROCRYPT 2019, demonstrating high effectiveness in breaking the preimage resistance of Keccak. In this paper, we extend this preimage attack framework to Ascon from two aspects. Firstly, we propose a linearize-and-guess approach by analyzing the algebraic properties of the Ascon permutation. As a result, the complexity of finding a preimage for 2-round Ascon-Xof with a 64-bit hash value can be significantly reduced from 239 guesses to 227.56 guesses. To support the effectiveness of our approach, we find an actual preimage of all ‘0’ hash in practical time. Secondly, we develop a SAT-based automatic preimage attack framework using the linearize-and-guess approach, which is efficient to search for the optimal structures exhaustively. Consequently, we present the best theoretical preimage attacks on 3-round and 4-round Ascon-Xof so far

    Automatic Preimage Attack Framework on \ascon Using a Linearize-and-Guess Approach

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    \ascon is the final winner of the lightweight cryptography standardization competition (2018−2023)(2018-2023). In this paper, we focus on preimage attacks against round-reduced \ascon. The preimage attack framework, utilizing the linear structure with the allocating model, was initially proposed by Guo \textit{et al.} at ASIACRYPT 2016 and subsequently improved by Li \textit{et al.} at EUROCRYPT 2019, demonstrating high effectiveness in breaking the preimage resistance of \keccak. In this paper, we extend this preimage attack framework to \ascon from two aspects. Firstly, we propose a linearize-and-guess approach by analyzing the algebraic properties of the \ascon permutation. As a result, the complexity of finding a preimage for 2-round \ascon-\xof with a 64-bit hash value can be significantly reduced from 2392^{39} guesses to 227.562^{27.56} guesses. To support the effectiveness of our approach, we find an actual preimage of all ‘0’ hash in practical time. Secondly, we develop a SAT-based automatic preimage attack framework using the linearize-and-guess approach, which is efficient to search for the optimal structures exhaustively. Consequently, we present the best theoretical preimage attacks on 3-round and 4-round \ascon-\xof so far

    Preimage Attacks on 4-round Keccak by Solving Multivariate Quadratic Systems

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    In this paper, we present preimage attacks on 4-round Keccak-224/256 as well as 4-round Keccak[r=640,c=160,l=80r = 640,c = 160,l = 80] in the preimage challenges. We revisit the Crossbred algorithm for solving the Boolean multivariate quadratic (MQ) system, propose a new view for the case D=2D = 2 and elaborate the computational complexity. The result shows that the Crossbred algorithm outperforms brute force theoretically and practically with feasible memory costs. In our attacks, we construct Boolean MQ systems in order to make full use of variables. With the help of solving MQ systems, we successfully improve preimage attacks on Keccak-224/256 reduced to 4 rounds. Moreover, we implement the preimage attack on 4-round Keccak[r=640,c=160,l=80r = 640,c = 160,l = 80], an instance in the Keccak preimage challenges, and find 78-bit matched \textit{near preimages}. Due to the fundamental rule of solving MQ systems, the complexity elaboration of Crossbred algorithm is of independent interest

    New Results on the SymSum Distinguisher on Round-Reduced SHA3

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    In ToSC 2017 Saha et al. demonstrated an interesting property of SHA3 based on higher-order vectorial derivatives which led to self-symmetry based distinguishers referred to as SymSum and bettered the complexity w.r.t the well-studied ZeroSum distinguisher by a factor of 4. This work attempts to take a fresh look at this distinguisher in the light of the linearization technique developed by Guo et al. in Asiacrypt 2016. It is observed that the efficiency of SymSum against ZeroSum drops from 4 to 2 for any number of rounds linearized. This is supported by theoretical proofs. SymSum augmented with linearization can penetrate up to two more rounds as against the classical version. In addition to that, one more round is extended by inversion technique on the final hash values. The combined approach leads to distinguishers up to 9 rounds of SHA3 variants with a complexity of only 264 which is better than the equivalent ZeroSum distinguisher by the factor of 2. To the best of our knowledge this is the best distinguisher available on this many rounds of SHA3

    Exploring SAT for Cryptanalysis: (Quantum) Collision Attacks against 6-Round SHA-3 (Full Version)

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    In this work, we focus on collision attacks against instances of SHA-3 hash family in both classical and quantum settings. Since the 5-round collision attacks on SHA3-256 and other variants proposed by Guo et al. at JoC~2020, no other essential progress has been published. With a thorough investigation, we identify that the challenges of extending such collision attacks on SHA-3 to more rounds lie in the inefficiency of differential trail search. To overcome this obstacle, we develop a SAT-based automatic search toolkit. The tool is used in multiple intermediate steps of the collision attacks and exhibits surprisingly high efficiency in differential trail search and other optimization problems encountered in the process. As a result, we present the first 6-round classical collision attack on SHAKE-128 with time complexity 2123.52^{123.5}, which also forms a quantum collision attack with quantum time 267.25/S{{2^{67.25}}/{\sqrt{S}}}, and the first 6-round quantum collision attack on SHA3-224 and SHA3-256 with quantum time 297.75/S{{2^{97.75}}/{\sqrt{S}}} and 2104.25/S{{2^{104.25}}/{\sqrt{S}}}, both with negligible requirement of classical and quantum memory. The fact that classical collision attacks do not apply to 6-round SHA3-224 and SHA3-256 shows the higher coverage of quantum collision attacks, which is consistent with that on SHA-2 observed by Hosoyamada and Sasaki at CRYPTO~2021

    Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks on Sponge-based Hashing

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    The Meet-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack has been widely applied to preimage attacks on Merkle-Damg{\aa}rd (MD) hashing. In this paper, we introduce a generic framework of the MitM attack on sponge-based hashing. We find certain bit conditions can significantly reduce the diffusion of the unknown bits and lead to longer MitM characteristics. To find good or optimal configurations of MitM attacks, e.g., the bit conditions, the neutral sets, and the matching points, we introduce the bit-level MILP-based automatic tools on Keccak, Ascon and Xoodyak. To reduce the scale of bit-level models and make them solvable in reasonable time, a series of properties of the targeted hashing are considered in the modelling, such as the linear structure and CP-kernel for Keccak, the Boolean expression of Sbox for Ascon. Finally, we give an improved 4-round preimage attack on Keccak-512/SHA3, and break a nearly 10 years’ cryptanalysis record. We also give the first preimage attacks on 3-/4-round Ascon-XOF and 3-round Xoodyak-XOF

    Cryptanalytic Applications of the Polynomial Method for Solving Multivariate Equation Systems over GF(2)

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    At SODA 2017 Lokshtanov et al. presented the first worst-case algorithms with exponential speedup over exhaustive search for solving polynomial equation systems of degree dd in nn variables over finite fields. These algorithms were based on the polynomial method in circuit complexity which is a technique for proving circuit lower bounds that has recently been applied in algorithm design. Subsequent works further improved the asymptotic complexity of polynomial method-based algorithms for solving equations over the field F2\mathbb{F}_2. However, the asymptotic complexity formulas of these algorithms hide significant low-order terms, and hence they outperform exhaustive search only for very large values of nn. In this paper, we devise a concretely efficient polynomial method-based algorithm for solving multivariate equation systems over F2\mathbb{F}_2. We analyze our algorithm\u27s performance for solving random equation systems, and bound its complexity by about n2⋅20.815nn^2 \cdot 2^{0.815n} bit operations for d=2d = 2 and n2⋅2(1−1/2.7d)nn^2 \cdot 2^{\left(1 - 1/2.7d\right) n} for any d≥2d \geq 2. We apply our algorithm in cryptanalysis of recently proposed instances of the Picnic signature scheme (an alternate third-round candidate in NIST\u27s post-quantum standardization project) that are based on the security of the LowMC block cipher. Consequently, we show that 2 out of 3 new instances do not achieve their claimed security level. As a secondary application, we also improve the best-known preimage attacks on several round-reduced variants of the Keccak hash function. Our algorithm combines various techniques used in previous polynomial method-based algorithms with new optimizations, some of which exploit randomness assumptions about the system of equations. In its cryptanalytic application to Picnic, we demonstrate how to further optimize the algorithm for solving structured equation systems that are constructed from specific cryptosystems