19 research outputs found

    Predicting students' happiness from physiology, phone, mobility, and behavioral data

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    In order to model students' happiness, we apply machine learning methods to data collected from undergrad students monitored over the course of one month each. The data collected include physiological signals, location, smartphone logs, and survey responses to behavioral questions. Each day, participants reported their wellbeing on measures including stress, health, and happiness. Because of the relationship between happiness and depression, modeling happiness may help us to detect individuals who are at risk of depression and guide interventions to help them. We are also interested in how behavioral factors (such as sleep and social activity) affect happiness positively and negatively. A variety of machine learning and feature selection techniques are compared, including Gaussian Mixture Models and ensemble classification. We achieve 70% classification accuracy of self-reported happiness on held-out test data.MIT Media Lab ConsortiumRobert Wood Johnson Foundation (Wellbeing Initiative)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01GM105018)Samsung (Firm)Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Pengajaran Bahasa Arab Dengan Pendekatan Behavioristik

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    This study implicitly describes the participatory learning process of Arabic with a behavioristic approach. The research questions formulated are (1) how does the use of a behavioristic approach take place in the Arabic language learning process? (2) how the students' motivation before and after the use of a behavioristic approach; and (3) how effective is the use of a behavioristic approach in improving Arabic learning outcomes. This study uses a combined research approach to test learning competencies and the learning process. Respondents of the study were students of class V and VI Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Imam Lampung Timur totaling 35 students. The instruments used in this study were interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The results showed that the use of a behavioristic approach that was oriented towards providing stimulus-response continuously improved students' language acquisition. This acquisition is in the form of increased mastery of vocabulary, speaking, reading, and writing. A behavioristic approach to learning can improve Arabic learning outcomes. In addition to improving learning outcomes, a behavioristic approach can increase learning motivation. The increase in learning outcomes and learning motivation can be predicted because the behavioristic approach uses a pattern of repeated stimulus that is designed in a pleasant environment

    Toward Automatic Detection of Acute Stress: Relevant Nonverbal Behaviors and Impact of Personality Traits

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    The aim of the present study is to identify relevant nonverbal features allowing the discrimination of different stressful behaviors, with the consideration of personality factors. In order to achieve this aim, we propose a new method for psychological stress induction involving four different stressful tasks. The proposed protocol was tested with 45 PhD students and the analysis of heart rate variability suggests that stress was indeed elicited. PhD students were selected as participants because they often experience stress. Multimodal data was collected and analyzed in order to identify nonverbal behavioral features related to the different stressful tasks. The psychological profile of participants was taken into account to understand how different stressful behaviors are correlated with personality factors. Results suggest that relevant nonverbal behaviors can discriminate between stressful tasks. In addition, relevant behaviors involving movement variability appear to be correlated with personality factors and stressful tasks

    Predicting emotional states using behavioral markers derived from passively sensed data: Data-driven machine learning approach

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    Background: Mental health disorders affect multiple aspects of patients’ lives, including mood, cognition, and behavior. eHealth and mobile health (mHealth) technologies enable rich sets of information to be collected noninvasively, representing a promising opportunity to construct behavioral markers of mental health. Combining such data with self-reported information about psychological symptoms may provide a more comprehensive and contextualized view of a patient’s mental state than questionnaire data alone. However, mobile sensed data are usually noisy and incomplete, with significant amounts of missing observations. Therefore, recognizing the clinical potential of mHealth tools depends critically on developing methods to cope with such data issues. Objective: This study aims to present a machine learning–based approach for emotional state prediction that uses passively collected data from mobile phones and wearable devices and self-reported emotions. The proposed methods must cope with high-dimensional and heterogeneous time-series data with a large percentage of missing observations. Methods: Passively sensed behavior and self-reported emotional state data from a cohort of 943 individuals (outpatients recruited from community clinics) were available for analysis. All patients had at least 30 days’ worth of naturally occurring behavior observations, including information about physical activity, geolocation, sleep, and smartphone app use. These regularly sampled but frequently missing and heterogeneous time series were analyzed with the following probabilistic latent variable models for data averaging and feature extraction: mixture model (MM) and hidden Markov model (HMM). The extracted features were then combined with a classifier to predict emotional state. A variety of classical machine learning methods and recurrent neural networks were compared. Finally, a personalized Bayesian model was proposed to improve performance by considering the individual differences in the data and applying a different classifier bias term for each patient. Results: Probabilistic generative models proved to be good preprocessing and feature extractor tools for data with large percentages of missing observations. Models that took into account the posterior probabilities of the MM and HMM latent states outperformed those that did not by more than 20%, suggesting that the underlying behavioral patterns identified were meaningful for individuals’ overall emotional state. The best performing generalized models achieved a 0.81 area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic and 0.71 area under the precision-recall curve when predicting self-reported emotional valence from behavior in held-out test data. Moreover, the proposed personalized models demonstrated that accounting for individual differences through a simple hierarchical model can substantially improve emotional state prediction performance without relying on previous days’ data. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate the feasibility of designing machine learning models for predicting emotional states from mobile sensing data capable of dealing with heterogeneous data with large numbers of missing observations. Such models may represent valuable tools for clinicians to monitor patients’ mood states.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 813533. This work was partly supported by the Spanish government (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) under grants TEC2017-92552-EXP and RTI2018-099655-B-100; the Comunidad de Madrid under grants IND2017/TIC-7618, IND2018/TIC-9649, IND2020/TIC-17372, and Y2018/TCS-4705; the BBVA Foundation under the Domain Alignment and Data Wrangling with Deep Generative Models (Deep-DARWiN) project; and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and the European Research Council) through the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant 714161. The authors thank Enrique Baca-Garcia for providing demographic and clinical data and assisting in interpreting and summarizing the data

    Signal Processing of Multimodal Mobile Lifelogging Data towards Detecting Stress in Real-World Driving

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    Stress is a negative emotion that is part of everyday life. However, frequent episodes or prolonged periods of stress can be detrimental to long-term health. Nevertheless, developing self-awareness is an important aspect of fostering effective ways to self-regulate these experiences. Mobile lifelogging systems provide an ideal platform to support self-regulation of stress by raising awareness of negative emotional states via continuous recording of psychophysiological and behavioural data. However, obtaining meaningful information from large volumes of raw data represents a significant challenge because these data must be accurately quantified and processed before stress can be detected. This work describes a set of algorithms designed to process multiple streams of lifelogging data for stress detection in the context of real world driving. Two data collection exercises have been performed where multimodal data, including raw cardiovascular activity and driving information, were collected from twenty-one people during daily commuter journeys. Our approach enabled us to 1) pre-process raw physiological data to calculate valid measures of heart rate variability, a significant marker of stress, 2) identify/correct artefacts in the raw physiological data and 3) provide a comparison between several classifiers for detecting stress. Results were positive and ensemble classification models provided a maximum accuracy of 86.9% for binary detection of stress in the real-world

    Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study

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    Studying the impact of built urban environments on pedestrians' walking experience can improve our understanding of the environmental factors that influence perceived walkability. This can contribute to the design of pleasant urban environments that promote better health and well-being for city residents. However, evidence-based research on perceptions of walkability is still limited. Research has demonstrated that functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), an optical brain imaging technique, can measure cortical neural activation. Some studies have employed fNIRS to investigate brain activation by contrasting built and natural environments; however, little research has used fNIRS to investigate the effect of built urban environments on brain activity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to apply fNIRS to measure the effect of different built urban environments on prefrontal cortex activation. The present article presents preliminary results from a pilot study involving five participants (one female, age 31.4 ± 5.1 years). While we measured their prefrontal cortex (PFC) oxyhemoglobin (HbO) and deoxyhemoglobin (HbR), participants watched nine 20-second videos of urban environments from a pedestrian's perspective in a laboratory setting. Viewing pleasant walking environments led to a significant decrease in HbO concentrations in the right and central regions of the PFC, indicating physiological relaxation. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using fNIRS to study the built environment and opens up promising opportunities to explore the relationship between urban environments and pedestrians' experiences

    Detecting depression using an ensemble classifier based on Quality of Life scales

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is an issue that affects 350 million people worldwide. Traditional approaches have been to identify depressive symptoms in datasets, but recently, research is beginning to explore the association between psychosocial factors such as those on the quality of life scale and mental well-being, which will lead to earlier diagnosis and prediction of MDD. In this research, an ensemble binary classifier is proposed to analyse health survey data against ground truth from the SF-20 Quality of Life scales. The classifier aims to improve the performance of machine learning techniques on large datasets and identify depressed cases based on associations between items on the QoL scale and mental illness by increasing predictive performance. On the experimental evaluation on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the classifier demonstrated an F1 score of 0.976 in the prediction, without any incorrectly identified depression instances. Only about 4% of instances had been mistakenly classified into depressed cases, with a significant accuracy of 95.4% comparing to the result from PHQ-9 mental screen inventory. The presented ensemble binary classifier performed comparably better than each baseline algorithm in all measures and all experiments. We trained the ensemble model on the processed NHANES dataset, tested and evaluated the results of its performance against mental screen inventory and discussed the comparable predictions. Finally, we provided future research directions

    Predicting Personality Traits Using Smartphone Sensor Data and App Usage Data

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    Human behavior is complex -- often defying explanation using traditional mathematical models. To simplify modeling, researchers often create intermediate psychological models to capture aspects of human behavior. These intermediate forms, such as those gleaned from personality inventories, are typically validated using standard survey instruments, and often correlate with behavior. Typically these constructs are used to predict stylized aspects of behavior. Novel sensing systems have made tracking behavior possible with unprecedented fidelity, posing the question as to whether the inverse process is possible: that is, inferring psychological constructs for individuals from behavioral data. Modern smartphones contain an array of sensors which can be filtered, combined, and analyzed to provide abstract measures of human behavior. Being able to extract a personal profile or personality type from data directly obtainable from a mobile phone without participant interaction could have applications for marketing or for initiating social or health interventions. In this work, we attempt to model a particularly salient and well-established personality inventory, the Big Five framework. Daily routines of participants were measured from parameters readily available from smartphones and supervised machine learning was used to create a model from that data. Cross validation-based evaluation demonstrated that the root mean squared error was sufficiently small to make actionable predictions about a person's personality from smartphone logs, but the model performed poorly for personality outliers