4 research outputs found

    Direct optimization across computer generated reaction networks balances materials use and feasibility of synthesis plans for molecule libraries

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    The synthesis of thousands of candidate compounds in drug discovery and development offers opportunities for computer-aided synthesis planning to simplify the synthesis of molecule libraries by leveraging common starting materials and reaction conditions. We develop an optimization-based method to analyze large organic chemical reaction networks and design overlapping synthesis plans for entire molecule libraries so as to minimize the overall number of unique chemical compounds needed as either starting materials or reaction conditions. We consider multiple objectives, including the number of starting materials, the number of catalysts/solvents/reagents, and the likelihood of success of the overall syntheses plan, to select an optimal reaction network to access the target molecules. The library synthesis planning task was formulated as a network flow optimization problem, and we design an efficient decomposition scheme that reduces solution time by a factor of 5 and scales to instance with 48 target molecules and nearly 8000 intermediate reactions within hours. In four case studies of pharmaceutical compounds, the approach reduces the number of starting materials and catalysts/solvents/reagents needed by 32.2 and 66.0% on average and up to 63.2 and 80.0% in the best cases. The code implementation can be found at [https://github.com/Coughy1991/Molecule_library_synthesis](https://github.com/Coughy1991/Molecule_library_synthesis) Supporting information: [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jcim.0c01032?goto=supporting-info](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jcim.0c01032?goto=supporting-info

    Predicting Retrosynthetic Pathways Using a Combined Linguistic Model and Hyper-Graph Exploration Strategy

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    We present an extension of our Molecular Transformer architecture combined with a hyper-graph exploration strategy for automatic retrosyn- thesis route planning without human intervention. The single-step ret- rosynthetic model sets a new state of the art for predicting reactants as well as reagents, solvents and catalysts for each retrosynthetic step. We introduce new metrics (coverage, class diversity, round-trip accuracy and Jensen-Shannon divergence) to evaluate the single-step retrosynthetic models, using the forward prediction and a reaction classification model always based on the transformer architecture. The hypergraph is con- structed on the fly, and the nodes are filtered and further expanded based on a Bayesian-like probability. We critically assessed the end-to-end framework with several retrosynthesis examples from literature and aca- demic exams. Overall, the frameworks has a very good performance with few weaknesses due to the bias induced during the training process. The use of the newly introduced metrics opens up the possibility to optimize entire retrosynthetic frameworks through focusing on the performance of the single-step model only.Available on IBM RXN for Chemistry: https://rxn.res.ibm.com.</div

    Learning the Language of Chemical Reactions – Atom by Atom. Linguistics-Inspired Machine Learning Methods for Chemical Reaction Tasks

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    Over the last hundred years, not much has changed how organic chemistry is conducted. In most laboratories, the current state is still trial-and-error experiments guided by human expertise acquired over decades. What if, given all the knowledge published, we could develop an artificial intelligence-based assistant to accelerate the discovery of novel molecules? Although many approaches were recently developed to generate novel molecules in silico, only a few studies complete the full design-make-test cycle, including the synthesis and the experimental assessment. One reason is that the synthesis part can be tedious, time-consuming, and requires years of experience to perform successfully. Hence, the synthesis is one of the critical limiting factors in molecular discovery. In this thesis, I take advantage of similarities between human language and organic chemistry to apply linguistic methods to chemical reactions, and develop artificial intelligence-based tools for accelerating chemical synthesis. First, I investigate reaction prediction models focusing on small data sets of challenging stereo- and regioselective carbohydrate reactions. Second, I develop a multi-step synthesis planning tool predicting reactants and suitable reagents (e.g. catalysts and solvents). Both forward prediction and retrosynthesis approaches use black-box models. Hence, I then study methods to provide more information about the models’ predictions. I develop a reaction classification model that labels chemical reaction and facilitates the communication of reaction concepts. As a side product of the classification models, I obtain reaction fingerprints that enable efficient similarity searches in chemical reaction space. Moreover, I study approaches for predicting reaction yields. Lastly, after I approached all chemical reaction tasks with atom-mapping independent models, I demonstrate the generation of accurate atom-mapping from the patterns my models have learned while being trained self-supervised on chemical reactions. My PhD thesis’s leitmotif is the use of the attention-based Transformer architecture to molecules and reactions represented with a text notation. It is like atoms are my letters, molecules my words, and reactions my sentences. With this analogy, I teach my neural network models the language of chemical reactions - atom by atom. While exploring the link between organic chemistry and language, I make an essential step towards the automation of chemical synthesis, which could significantly reduce the costs and time required to discover and create new molecules and materials