16 research outputs found

    Knowledge Graph Completion to Predict Polypharmacy Side Effects

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    The polypharmacy side effect prediction problem considers cases in which two drugs taken individually do not result in a particular side effect; however, when the two drugs are taken in combination, the side effect manifests. In this work, we demonstrate that multi-relational knowledge graph completion achieves state-of-the-art results on the polypharmacy side effect prediction problem. Empirical results show that our approach is particularly effective when the protein targets of the drugs are well-characterized. In contrast to prior work, our approach provides more interpretable predictions and hypotheses for wet lab validation.Comment: 13th International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS2018

    AttentionDDI: Siamese attention‑based deep learning method for drug–drug interaction predictions

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    Background: Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) refer to processes triggered by the administration of two or more drugs leading to side effects beyond those observed when drugs are administered by themselves. Due to the massive number of possible drug pairs, it is nearly impossible to experimentally test all combinations and discover previously unobserved side effects. Therefore, machine learning based methods are being used to address this issue. Methods: We propose a Siamese self-attention multi-modal neural network for DDI prediction that integrates multiple drug similarity measures that have been derived from a comparison of drug characteristics including drug targets, pathways and gene expression profiles. Results: Our proposed DDI prediction model provides multiple advantages: (1) It is trained end-to-end, overcoming limitations of models composed of multiple separate steps, (2) it offers model explainability via an Attention mechanism for identifying salient input features and (3) it achieves similar or better prediction performance (AUPR scores ranging from 0.77 to 0.92) compared to state-of-the-art DDI models when tested on various benchmark datasets. Novel DDI predictions are further validated using independent data resources. Conclusions: We find that a Siamese multi-modal neural network is able to accurately predict DDIs and that an Attention mechanism, typically used in the Natural Language Processing domain, can be beneficially applied to aid in DDI model explainability. Keywords: Attention; Deep learning; Drug–drug interactions; Prediction; Side effect

    Detecting drug-drug interactions using artificial neural networks and classic graph similarity measures

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    Drug-drug interactions are preventable causes of medical injuries and often result in doctor and emergency room visits. Computational techniques can be used to predict potential drug-drug interactions. We approach the drug-drug interaction prediction problem as a link prediction problem and present two novel methods for drug-drug interaction prediction based on artificial neural networks and factor propagation over graph nodes: adjacency matrix factorization (AMF) and adjacency matrix factorization with propagation (AMFP). We conduct a retrospective analysis by training our models on a previous release of the DrugBank database with 1,141 drugs and 45,296 drug-drug interactions and evaluate the results on a later version of DrugBank with 1,440 drugs and 248,146 drug-drug interactions. Additionally, we perform a holdout analysis using DrugBank. We report an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve score of 0.807 and 0.990 for the retrospective and holdout analyses respectively. Finally, we create an ensemble-based classifier using AMF, AMFP, and existing link prediction methods and obtain an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.814 and 0.991 for the retrospective and the holdout analyses. We demonstrate that AMF and AMFP provide state of the art results compared to existing methods and that the ensemble-based classifier improves the performance by combining various predictors. These results suggest that AMF, AMFP, and the proposed ensemble-based classifier can provide important information during drug development and regarding drug prescription given only partial or noisy data. These methods can also be used to solve other link prediction problems. Drug embeddings (compressed representations) created when training our models using the interaction network have been made public

    Identification of Cancer Hallmarks Based on the Gene Co-expression Networks of Seven Cancers

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    Identifying the hallmarks of cancer is essential for cancer research, and the genes involved in cancer hallmarks are likely to be cancer drivers. However, there is no appropriate method in the current literature for identifying genetic cancer hallmarks, especially considering the interrelationships among the genes. Here, we hypothesized that “dense clusters” (or “communities”) in the gene co-expression networks of cancer patients may represent functional units regarding cancer formation and progression, and the communities present in the co-expression networks of multiple types of cancer may be cancer hallmarks. Consequently, we mined the conserved communities in the gene co-expression networks of seven cancers in order to identify candidate hallmarks. Functional annotation of the communities showed that they were mainly related to immune response, the cell cycle and the biological processes that maintain basic cellular functions. Survival analysis using the genes involved in the conserved communities verified that two of these hallmarks could predict the survival risks of cancer patients in multiple types of cancer. Furthermore, the genes involved in these hallmarks, one of which was related to the cell cycle, could be useful in screening for cancer drugs

    PredT4SE-Stack: Prediction of Bacterial Type IV Secreted Effectors From Protein Sequences Using a Stacked Ensemble Method

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    Gram-negative bacteria use various secretion systems to deliver their secreted effectors. Among them, type IV secretion system exists widely in a variety of bacterial species, and secretes type IV secreted effectors (T4SEs), which play vital roles in host-pathogen interactions. However, experimental approaches to identify T4SEs are time- and resource-consuming. In the present study, we aim to develop an in silico stacked ensemble method to predict whether a protein is an effector of type IV secretion system or not based on its sequence information. The protein sequences were encoded by the feature of position specific scoring matrix (PSSM)-composition by summing rows that correspond to the same amino acid residues in PSSM profiles. Based on the PSSM-composition features, we develop a stacked ensemble model PredT4SE-Stack to predict T4SEs, which utilized an ensemble of base-classifiers implemented by various machine learning algorithms, such as support vector machine, gradient boosting machine, and extremely randomized trees, to generate outputs for the meta-classifier in the classification system. Our results demonstrated that the framework of PredT4SE-Stack was a feasible and effective way to accurately identify T4SEs based on protein sequence information. The datasets and source code of PredT4SE-Stack are freely available at http://xbioinfo.sjtu.edu.cn/PredT4SE_Stack/index.php