30 research outputs found

    Online Metro Origin-Destination Prediction via Heterogeneous Information Aggregation

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    Metro origin-destination prediction is a crucial yet challenging time-series analysis task in intelligent transportation systems, which aims to accurately forecast two specific types of cross-station ridership, i.e., Origin-Destination (OD) one and Destination-Origin (DO) one. However, complete OD matrices of previous time intervals can not be obtained immediately in online metro systems, and conventional methods only used limited information to forecast the future OD and DO ridership separately. In this work, we proposed a novel neural network module termed Heterogeneous Information Aggregation Machine (HIAM), which fully exploits heterogeneous information of historical data (e.g., incomplete OD matrices, unfinished order vectors, and DO matrices) to jointly learn the evolutionary patterns of OD and DO ridership. Specifically, an OD modeling branch estimates the potential destinations of unfinished orders explicitly to complement the information of incomplete OD matrices, while a DO modeling branch takes DO matrices as input to capture the spatial-temporal distribution of DO ridership. Moreover, a Dual Information Transformer is introduced to propagate the mutual information among OD features and DO features for modeling the OD-DO causality and correlation. Based on the proposed HIAM, we develop a unified Seq2Seq network to forecast the future OD and DO ridership simultaneously. Extensive experiments conducted on two large-scale benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for online metro origin-destination prediction

    Gated Ensemble of Spatio-temporal Mixture of Experts for Multi-task Learning in Ride-hailing System

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    Designing spatio-temporal forecasting models separately in a task-wise and city-wise manner poses a burden for the expanding transportation network companies. Therefore, a multi-task learning architecture is proposed in this study by developing gated ensemble of spatio-temporal mixture of experts network (GESME-Net) with convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN), convolutional neural network (CNN), and recurrent neural network (RNN) for simultaneously forecasting spatio-temporal tasks in a city as well as across different cities. Furthermore, a task adaptation layer is integrated with the architecture for learning joint representation in multi-task learning and revealing the contribution of the input features utilized in prediction. The proposed architecture is tested with data from Didi Chuxing for: (i) simultaneously forecasting demand and supply-demand gap in Beijing, and (ii) simultaneously forecasting demand across Chengdu and Xian. In both scenarios, models from our proposed architecture outperformed the single-task and multi-task deep learning benchmarks and ensemble-based machine learning algorithms.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2012.0886

    Urban Mobility Analytics: Understanding, Inference and Forecasting

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    Transport systems are the backbones of social and economic activities, which promote industry development and accelerate the process of urbanization. However, the contradiction between the pursuit of travel quality and unbalanced/inadequate development needs the rational construction and operation of transport systems. Owing to the evolution of a massive amount of multi-source data from transport systems, urban mobility analytics, including understanding, inference, and forecasting, support the management and control of transport, which attracts great attention in the long term and becomes more essential in smart transport research. In this thesis, we focus on inferring passenger demographics and predicting passenger demand by understanding travel patterns based on deep spatial-temporal learning algorithms. We first review the latest state-of-the-art deep learning methods for traffic understanding and attributes inference, traffic forecasting, and demand forecasting to form an overview of the current research progress. Second, we introduce the study public transport dataset collected from the Greater Sydney area and analyze the distributions and similarities of multiple transport modes. Third, we study the investigation of spatial and temporal features in order to infer traveler attributes by proposing a deep-based network with two modules (i.e., a Product-based Spatial-Temporal Module and an Auto-Encoder-based Compression Module). In addition, we study providing confidence interval-based passenger demand forecasting by proposing Probabilistic Graph Convolution Model to help relevant authorities and institutions to better accommodate demand uncertainty/variability. Then, to explore the relations in multimodal transport to boost the demand prediction performance, we propose two deep-based networks for knowledge adaptation between different transport modes by data sharing and model sharing, respectively. Finally, we provide promising directions for future works and conclude the thesis

    A spatio-temporal deep learning model for short-term bike-sharing demand prediction

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    Bike-sharing systems are widely operated in many cities as green transportation means to solve the last mile problem and reduce traffic congestion. One of the critical challenges in operating high-quality bike-sharing systems is rebalancing bike stations from being full or empty. However, the complex characteristics of spatiotemporal dependency on usage demand may lead to difficulties for traditional statistical models in dealing with this complex relationship. To address this issue, we propose a graph-based neural network model to learn the representation of bike-sharing demand spatial-temporal graph. The model has the ability to use graph-structured data and takes both spatial -and temporal aspects into consideration. A case study about bike-sharing systems in Nanjing, a large city in China, is conducted based on the proposed method. The results show that the algorithm can predict short-term bike demand with relatively high accuracy and low computing time. The predicted errors for the hourly station level usage demand prediction are often within 20 bikes. The results provide helpful tools for short-term usage demand prediction of bike-sharing systems and other similar shared mobility systems

    How machine learning informs ride-hailing services: A survey

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    In recent years, online ride-hailing services have emerged as an important component of urban transportation system, which not only provide significant ease for residentsā€™ travel activities, but also shape new travel behavior and diversify urban mobility patterns. This study provides a thorough review of machine-learning-based methodologies for on-demand ride-hailing services. The importance of on-demand ride-hailing services in the spatio-temporal dynamics of urban traffic is first highlighted, with machine-learning-based macro-level ride-hailing research demonstrating its value in guiding the design, planning, operation, and control of urban intelligent transportation systems. Then, the research on travel behavior from the perspective of individual mobility patterns, including carpooling behavior and modal choice behavior, is summarized. In addition, existing studies on order matching and vehicle dispatching strategies, which are among the most important components of on-line ride-hailing systems, are collected and summarized. Finally, some of the critical challenges and opportunities in ride-hailing services are discussed

    A Multi-Sensory Stimulating Attention Model for Citiesā€™ Taxi Service Demand Prediction

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    Taxi demand forecasting is crucial to building an efficient transportation system in a smart city. Accurate taxi demand forecasting could help the taxi management platform to allocate taxi resources in advance, alleviate traffic congestion, and reduce passenger waiting time. Thus, more efforts in industrial and academic circles have been directed towards the citiesā€™ taxi service demand prediction (CTSDP). However, the complex nonlinear spatio-temporal relationship in demand data makes it challenging to construct an accurate forecasting model. There remain challenges in perceiving the micro spatial characteristics and the macro periodicity characteristics from citiesā€™ taxi service demand data. Whatā€™s more, the existing methods are significantly insufficient for exploring the potential multi-time patterns from these demand data. To meet the above challenges, and also stimulated by the human perception mechanism, we propose a Multi-Sensory Stimulus Attention (MSSA) model for CTSDP. Specifically, the MSSA model integrates a detail perception attention and a stimulus variety attention for capturing the micro and macro characteristics from massive historical demand data, respectively. The multiple time resolution modules are employed to capture multiple potential spatio-temporal periodic features from massive historical demand data. Extensive experiments on the yellow taxi trip records data in Manhattan show that the MSSA model outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines

    Traffic Prediction using Artificial Intelligence: Review of Recent Advances and Emerging Opportunities

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    Traffic prediction plays a crucial role in alleviating traffic congestion which represents a critical problem globally, resulting in negative consequences such as lost hours of additional travel time and increased fuel consumption. Integrating emerging technologies into transportation systems provides opportunities for improving traffic prediction significantly and brings about new research problems. In order to lay the foundation for understanding the open research challenges in traffic prediction, this survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of traffic prediction methodologies. Specifically, we focus on the recent advances and emerging research opportunities in Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based traffic prediction methods, due to their recent success and potential in traffic prediction, with an emphasis on multivariate traffic time series modeling. We first provide a list and explanation of the various data types and resources used in the literature. Next, the essential data preprocessing methods within the traffic prediction context are categorized, and the prediction methods and applications are subsequently summarized. Lastly, we present primary research challenges in traffic prediction and discuss some directions for future research.Comment: Published in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (TR_C), Volume 145, 202

    A Survey on Service Route and Time Prediction in Instant Delivery: Taxonomy, Progress, and Prospects

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    Instant delivery services, such as food delivery and package delivery, have achieved explosive growth in recent years by providing customers with daily-life convenience. An emerging research area within these services is service Route\&Time Prediction (RTP), which aims to estimate the future service route as well as the arrival time of a given worker. As one of the most crucial tasks in those service platforms, RTP stands central to enhancing user satisfaction and trimming operational expenditures on these platforms. Despite a plethora of algorithms developed to date, there is no systematic, comprehensive survey to guide researchers in this domain. To fill this gap, our work presents the first comprehensive survey that methodically categorizes recent advances in service route and time prediction. We start by defining the RTP challenge and then delve into the metrics that are often employed. Following that, we scrutinize the existing RTP methodologies, presenting a novel taxonomy of them. We categorize these methods based on three criteria: (i) type of task, subdivided into only-route prediction, only-time prediction, and joint route\&time prediction; (ii) model architecture, which encompasses sequence-based and graph-based models; and (iii) learning paradigm, including Supervised Learning (SL) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). Conclusively, we highlight the limitations of current research and suggest prospective avenues. We believe that the taxonomy, progress, and prospects introduced in this paper can significantly promote the development of this field

    Short-term origin-destination demand prediction in urban rail transit systems: A channel-wise attentive split-convolutional neural network method

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    Short-term origin-destination (OD) flow prediction in urban rail transit (URT) plays a crucial role in smart and real-time URT operation and management. Different from other short-term traffic forecasting methods, the short-term OD flow prediction possesses three unique characteristics: (1) data availability: real-time OD flow is not available during the prediction; (2) data dimensionality: the dimension of the OD flow is much higher than the cardinality of transportation networks; (3) data sparsity: URT OD flow is spatiotemporally sparse. There is a great need to develop novel OD flow forecasting method that explicitly considers the unique characteristics of the URT system. To this end, a channel-wise attentive split-convolutional neural network (CAS-CNN) is proposed. The proposed model consists of many novel components such as the channel-wise attention mechanism and split CNN. In particular, an inflow/outflow-gated mechanism is innovatively introduced to address the data availability issue. We further originally propose a masked loss function to solve the data dimensionality and data sparsity issues. The model interpretability is also discussed in detail. The CAS-CNN model is tested on two large-scale real-world datasets from Beijing Subway, and it outperforms the rest of benchmarking methods. The proposed model contributes to the development of short-term OD flow prediction, and it also lays the foundations of real-time URT operation and management.Comment: This paper has been accepted by the Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies as a regular pape