938 research outputs found

    Exploring Student Check-In Behavior for Improved Point-of-Interest Prediction

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    With the availability of vast amounts of user visitation history on location-based social networks (LBSN), the problem of Point-of-Interest (POI) prediction has been extensively studied. However, much of the research has been conducted solely on voluntary checkin datasets collected from social apps such as Foursquare or Yelp. While these data contain rich information about recreational activities (e.g., restaurants, nightlife, and entertainment), information about more prosaic aspects of people's lives is sparse. This not only limits our understanding of users' daily routines, but more importantly the modeling assumptions developed based on characteristics of recreation-based data may not be suitable for richer check-in data. In this work, we present an analysis of education "check-in" data using WiFi access logs collected at Purdue University. We propose a heterogeneous graph-based method to encode the correlations between users, POIs, and activities, and then jointly learn embeddings for the vertices. We evaluate our method compared to previous state-of-the-art POI prediction methods, and show that the assumptions made by previous methods significantly degrade performance on our data with dense(r) activity signals. We also show how our learned embeddings could be used to identify similar students (e.g., for friend suggestions).Comment: published in KDD'1

    Hybrid user perception model: comparing users’ perceptions toward collaborative, content-based, and hybrid recommender systems

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    This study examines users’ perceptions toward three types of recommender systems by employing a hybrid user perception model combining with Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in order to specifically explain a message-attitude-use process. Recommender systems, as an innovation applying big data ideas and algorithmic power, have been widely applied to multiple Internet industries. In order to further investigate how users perceived the use of recommender systems and the differences among users’ perceptions toward the use of different recommender systems (collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and hybrid filtering), three perception variables (perceived usefulness, perceived behavioral control, and perceived enjoyment) were specifically assessed by using an online survey of college students. Overall, the results indicated that there were some statistically significant differences among the user perceptions towards different types of recommender systems. In addition, users generally feel positive about the use of these recommender systems, and users’ perceptions toward hybrid-filtering system were rated higher than perceptions toward collaborative filtering and content-based filtering

    Data-driven Methods for Course Selection and Sequencing

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.May 2019. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: George Karypis. 1 computer file (PDF); xiii, 115 pages.Learning analytics in higher education is an emerging research field that combines data mining, machine learning, statistics, and education on learning-related data, in order to develop methods that can improve the learning environment for learners and allow educators and administrators to be more effective. The vast amount of data available about students' interactions and their performance in classrooms has motivated researchers to analyze this data in order to gain insights about the learning environment for the ultimate goal of improving undergraduate education and student retention rates. In this thesis, we focus on the problem of course selection and sequencing, where we would like to help students make informed decisions about which courses to register for in their following terms. By analyzing the historical enrollment and grades data, this thesis studies the two main problems of course selection and sequencing, namely grade prediction and course recommendation. In addition, it analyzes the relationship between degree planning in terms of course timing and ordering and the students' GPA and time to degree. First, we focus on predicting the grades that students will obtain on future courses so that they can make informed decisions about which courses to register for in their following terms. We model the grade prediction problem as cumulative knowledge-based linear regression models that learn the courses' required and provided knowledge components and use them to estimate a student's knowledge state at each term and predict the grades that he/she can obtain on future courses. Second, we focus on improving the knowledge-based regression models we previously developed by modeling the complex interactions among prior courses using non-linear and neural attentive models, in order to have more accurate estimation of a student's knowledge state. In addition, we model the interactions between a target course, which we would like to predict its grade, and the other courses taken concurrently with it. We hypothesize that concurrently-taken courses can affect a student's performance in a target course, and thus modeling their interactions with that course should lead to better predictions. Third, we focus on analyzing the degree plans of students to gain more insights about how course timing and sequencing relate to their GPAs and time to degree. Toward this end, we define several course timing and course sequencing metrics and compare different sub-groups of students who have achieved high vs low GPA as well as sub-groups of students who have graduated on time vs over time. Fourth, we focus on improving course recommendation by recommending to each student a set of courses which he/she is prepared for and expected to perform well in. We model this problem as a grade-aware course recommendation problem, where we propose two different approaches. The first approach ranks the courses by using an objective function that differentiates between courses that are expected to increase or decrease a student's GPA. The second approach combines the grades predicted by grade prediction methods with the rankings produced by course recommendation methods to improve the final course rankings. To obtain the course rankings in both approaches, we adapted two widely-used representation learning techniques to learn the optimal temporal ordering between courses. In summary, this thesis addresses two closely related problems by: (1) developing cumulative knowledge-based regression models for grade prediction; % (2) developing context-aware non-linear and neural attentive knowledge-based models for grade prediction; % (3) analyzing degree planning and how the time when students take courses and how they sequence them relate to their GPAs and time to degree; and % (4) developing novel approaches for grade-aware course recommendation.

    Current Issues in Emerging eLearning, Volume 7, Issue 1: APLU Special Issue on Implementing Adaptive Learning At Scale

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    The second of two Specials Issues of the CIEE journal to have been produced and guest edited by the Personalized Learning Consortium (PLC) of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), featuring important research resulting from university initiatives to launch, implement and scale up the use of adaptive courseware and the strategies of adaptive learning

    Predicting Academic Performance: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The ability to predict student performance in a course or program creates opportunities to improve educational outcomes. With effective performance prediction approaches, instructors can allocate resources and instruction more accurately. Research in this area seeks to identify features that can be used to make predictions, to identify algorithms that can improve predictions, and to quantify aspects of student performance. Moreover, research in predicting student performance seeks to determine interrelated features and to identify the underlying reasons why certain features work better than others. This working group report presents a systematic literature review of work in the area of predicting student performance. Our analysis shows a clearly increasing amount of research in this area, as well as an increasing variety of techniques used. At the same time, the review uncovered a number of issues with research quality that drives a need for the community to provide more detailed reporting of methods and results and to increase efforts to validate and replicate work.Peer reviewe


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    Technologies and online learning platforms have changed the contemporary educational paradigm, giving institutions more alternatives in a complex and competitive environment. Online learning platforms, learning-based analytics, and data mining tools are increasingly complementing and replacing traditional education techniques. However, academic underachievement, graduation delays, and student dropouts remain common problems in educational institutions. One potential method of preventing these issues is by predicting student performance through the use of institution data and advanced technologies. However, to date, scholars have yet to develop a module that can accurately predict students’ academic achievement and commitment. This dissertation attempts to bridge that gap by presenting a framework that allows instructors to achieve four goals: (1) track and monitor the performance of each student on their course, (2) identify at-risk students during the earliest stages of the course progression (3), enhance the accuracy with which at-risk student performance is predicted, and (4) improve the accuracy of student ranking and development of personalized learning interventions. These goals are achieved via four objectives. Objective One proposes a rule-based strategy and risk factor flag to warn instructors about at-risk students. Objective Two classifies at-risk students using an explainable ML-based model and rule-based approach. It also offers remedial strategies for at-risk students at each checkpoint to address their weaknesses. Objective Three uses ML-based models, GCNs, and knowledge graphs to enhance the prediction results. Objective Four predicts students’ ranking using ML-based models and clustering-based KGEs with the aim of developing personalized learning interventions. It is anticipated that the solution presented in this dissertation will help educational institutions identify and analyze at-risk students on a course-by-course basis and, thereby, minimize course failure rates

    Organizational Intelligence in Digital Innovation: Evidence from Georgia State University

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    The fourth industrial revolution challenges organizations to cope with dynamic business landscapes as they seek to improve their competitive position through rapid and pervasive digitalization of products, services, processes, and business models. As organizations sense and respond to new opportunities and threats, digital innovations are not only meeting new requirements, unarticulated needs, and market demands, they also lead to disruptive transformation of sociotechnical structures. Despite the practical relevance and theoretical significance of digital innovations, we still have limited knowledge on how digital innovation initiatives are rationalized, realized, and managed to improve organizational performance. Drawing on a longitudinal study of digital innovations to improve student success at Georgia State University, we develop a theory of organizational intelligence to help understand how organizations’ digital innovation initiatives are organized and managed to improve their performance over time in the broader context of organizational transformation. We posit that organizational intelligence enables an organization to gather, process, and manipulate information and to communicate, share, and make sense of the knowledge it creates, so it can increase its adaptive potential in the dynamic environment in which it operates. Moreover, we elaborate how organizational intelligence is constituted as human and material agency come together in analytical and relational intelligence to help organizations effectively manage digital innovations, and how organizational intelligence both shapes and is shaped by an organization’s digital innovation initiatives. Hence, while current research on organizational intelligence predominantly emphasizes analytic capabilities, this research puts equal emphasis on relational capabilities. Similarly, while current research on organizational intelligence focuses only on human agency, this research focuses equally on material agency. Our proposed theory of organizational intelligence responds to recent calls to position IS theories along the sociotechnical axis of cohesion and has pronounced implications for both theory and practice