24 research outputs found

    Dynamic Objects Segmentation for Visual Localization in Urban Environments

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    Visual localization and mapping is a crucial capability to address many challenges in mobile robotics. It constitutes a robust, accurate and cost-effective approach for local and global pose estimation within prior maps. Yet, in highly dynamic environments, like crowded city streets, problems arise as major parts of the image can be covered by dynamic objects. Consequently, visual odometry pipelines often diverge and the localization systems malfunction as detected features are not consistent with the precomputed 3D model. In this work, we present an approach to automatically detect dynamic object instances to improve the robustness of vision-based localization and mapping in crowded environments. By training a convolutional neural network model with a combination of synthetic and real-world data, dynamic object instance masks are learned in a semi-supervised way. The real-world data can be collected with a standard camera and requires minimal further post-processing. Our experiments show that a wide range of dynamic objects can be reliably detected using the presented method. Promising performance is demonstrated on our own and also publicly available datasets, which also shows the generalization capabilities of this approach.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to the IROS 2018 Workshop "From Freezing to Jostling Robots: Current Challenges and New Paradigms for Safe Robot Navigation in Dense Crowds

    Performance Evaluation of State-of-the-art Filtering Criteria Applied to SIFT Features

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    International audienceUnlike the matching strategy of minimizing dissimilarity measure between descriptors, Lowe, while introducing the SIFT-method, suggested a more effective matching strategy using the ratio between the nearest and the second nearest neighbor. It leads to excellent matching accuracy. Unlike all these strategies that rely on deterministic formalism, some researchers have recently opted for statistical analysis of the matching process. The cornerstone of this formalism exploits the Markov inequality and the ratio criterion has been interpreted as an upper bound on the probability that a match do not belong to the background distribution. In this paper, we first examine some of the assumptions and methods used in these works and demonstrate their inconsistencies. And then, we propose improvements by refining the bound, by providing a tighter bound on that probability. The fact that the ratio criterion is an upper bound indicates that refining the bound reduces the probability that the established matches come from the background. Experiments on the well-known Oxford-5k and Paris-6k datasets show performance improvement for the image retrieval application

    Using Self-Contradiction to Learn Confidence Measures in Stereo Vision

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    Learned confidence measures gain increasing importance for outlier removal and quality improvement in stereo vision. However, acquiring the necessary training data is typically a tedious and time consuming task that involves manual interaction, active sensing devices and/or synthetic scenes. To overcome this problem, we propose a new, flexible, and scalable way for generating training data that only requires a set of stereo images as input. The key idea of our approach is to use different view points for reasoning about contradictions and consistencies between multiple depth maps generated with the same stereo algorithm. This enables us to generate a huge amount of training data in a fully automated manner. Among other experiments, we demonstrate the potential of our approach by boosting the performance of three learned confidence measures on the KITTI2012 dataset by simply training them on a vast amount of automatically generated training data rather than a limited amount of laser ground truth data.Comment: This paper was accepted to the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016. The copyright was transfered to IEEE (https://www.ieee.org). The official version of the paper will be made available on IEEE Xplore (R) (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org). This version of the paper also contains the supplementary material, which will not appear IEEE Xplore (R

    An efficient method to detect mutual overlap of a large set of unordered images for structure-from-motion

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    Recently, low-cost 3D reconstruction based on images has become a popular focus of photogrammetry and computer vision research. Methods which can handle an arbitrary geometric setup of a large number of unordered and convergent images are of particular interest. However, determining the mutual overlap poses a considerable challenge. We propose a new method which was inspired by and improves upon methods employing random k-d forests for this task. Specifically, we first derive features from the images and then a random k-d forest is used to find the nearest neighbours in feature space. Subsequently, the degree of similarity between individual images, the image overlaps and thus images belonging to a common block are calculated as input to a structure-from-motion (sfm) pipeline. In our experiments we show the general applicability of the new method and compare it with other methods by analyzing the time efficiency. Orientations and 3D reconstructions were successfully conducted with our overlap graphs by sfm. The results show a speed-up of a factor of 80 compared to conventional pairwise matching, and of 8 and 2 compared to the VocMatch approach using 1 and 4 CPU, respectively

    TILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtector

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    We introduce a learning-based approach to detect repeatable keypoints under drastic imaging changes of weather and lighting conditions to which state-of-the-art keypoint detectors are surprisingly sensitive. We first identify good keypoint candidates in multiple training images taken from the same viewpoint. We then train a regressor to predict a score map whose maxima are those points so that they can be found by simple non-maximum suppression. As there are no standard datasets to test the influence of these kinds of changes, we created our own, which we will make publicly available. We will show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in such challenging conditions, while still achieving state-of-the-art performance on the untrained standard Oxford dataset

    Memorable Maps: A Framework for Re-defining Places in Visual Place Recognition

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    This paper presents a cognition-inspired agnostic framework for building a map for Visual Place Recognition. This framework draws inspiration from human-memorability, utilizes the traditional image entropy concept and computes the static content in an image; thereby presenting a tri-folded criterion to assess the 'memorability' of an image for visual place recognition. A dataset namely 'ESSEX3IN1' is created, composed of highly confusing images from indoor, outdoor and natural scenes for analysis. When used in conjunction with state-of-the-art visual place recognition methods, the proposed framework provides significant performance boost to these techniques, as evidenced by results on ESSEX3IN1 and other public datasets