5,292 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Prognostic Model for Risk Classification of Neonatal Jaundice using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    This study focused on the development of a prediction model using identified classification factors in order to classify the risk of jaundice in selected neonates. Historical dataset on the distribution of the classification of risk of jaundice among neonates was collected using questionnaires following the identification of associated classification factors of risk of jaundice from medical practitioners. The dataset containing information about the classification factors identified and collected from the neonates were used to formulate predictive model for the classification of risk of jaundice using 2 machine learning algorithm – Naïve Bayes’ classifier and the multi-layer perceptron.The predictive model development using the decision trees algorithm was formulated and simulated using the WEKA software.The predictive model developed using the multi-layer perceptron and Naïve Bayes’ classifier algorithms were compared in order to determine the algorithm with the best performance.The result shows that 10 variables were identified by the medical expert to be necessary in predicting jaundice in neonates for which a dataset containing information of 23 neonates alongside their respective jaundice diagnosis (Low, Moderate and High) was also provided with 22 attributes following the identification of the required variables.The 10-fold cross validation method was used to train the predictive model developed using the machine learning algorithms and the performance of the models evaluated The multi-layer perceptron algorithm proved to be an effective algorithm for predicting the diagnosis of jaundice in Nigerian neonate

    Model Structure of Fetal Health Status Prediction

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    One of the issues of pregnant mothers in Indonesia is their access speed and accuracy services availability towards the prediction of fetus or baby conceived during pregnancy. Thus, the research aimed to obtain the ability to predict three ranges of a fetal target, namely normal, risk, and abnormal condition. This research emphasized the modeling aspect of supervised learning using seven different algorithms to obtain an optimal working score. Those are Decision Tree, Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, SVM, k-NN, AdaBoost, and Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). The structure process is mainly divided into two steps, pre-process model and the prediction model. An early data pre-process is needed before executing. Prediction output indicated that dataset test is valid, and can be proven by comparing between the testing data table and prediction and testing table diagram. The resulting model has described the sequence for simulating the training and testing data model to produce the highest working score from the seven selected algorithms. The simulated data based on the model created is proved its validity thru three main filter processes, which are missing data solution, outlier data control, and data normalization. The result obtained a working score that has data proximity with a low score range of 0.063 from model evaluation, confusion matrix, and prediction output

    An Appropriate Feature Selection Technique for Use on Socio-Demographic Predictor Variables to Enable Early Detection of Preeclampsia: A Review of Literature

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    Preeclampsia is categorized by the World Health Organization as one of the leading causes of high morbidity and mortality in infant and mothers around the world. It accounts for between 3% to 5% of all pregnancy related complications reported worldwide. This condition is much higher among women aged between 30 and 40 years in developing nations especially those in the sub-Saharan region, where the figures range between 5.6% to 6.5% of all reported pregnancies. Preeclampsia is a condition normally detected in the third trimester of pregnancy that is characterized by high risk factors such as sudden High Blood Pressure, High levels of protein in Urine, Chronic kidney disease and Type 1 or 2 diabetes. If preeclampsia is not detected early, it can advance to eclampsia or result to maternal and fetal death. This study sought to identify the optimal features as predictors to enable early detection of preeclampsia through a systematic review of relevant literature. The predictors under consideration were; Maternal age, Occupation, Education, ANC Attendance, BMI, Blood Pressure, Medical History, Urine dipstick, Gravida, Ethnicity, Gestation weeks as identified from literature. Keywords: Ante natal care service, Preeclampsia, feature engineering, socio-demographic features, machine learning DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/13-4-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    A machine learning approach to estimating preterm infants survival: development of the Preterm Infants Survival Assessment (PISA) predictor

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    Estimation of mortality risk of very preterm neonates is carried out in clinical and research settings. We aimed at elaborating a prediction tool using machine learning methods. We developed models on a cohort of 23747 neonates <30 weeks gestational age, or <1501 g birth weight, enrolled in the Italian Neonatal Network in 2008–2014 (development set), using 12 easily collected perinatal variables. We used a cohort from 2015–2016 (N = 5810) as a test set. Among several machine learning methods we chose artificial Neural Networks (NN). The resulting predictor was compared with logistic regression models. In the test cohort, NN had a slightly better discrimination than logistic regression (P < 0.002). The differences were greater in subgroups of neonates (at various gestational age or birth weight intervals, singletons). Using a cutoff of death probability of 0.5, logistic regression misclassified 67/5810 neonates (1.2 percent) more than NN. In conclusion our study – the largest published so far – shows that even in this very simplified scenario, using only limited information available up to 5 minutes after birth, a NN approach had a small but significant advantage over current approaches. The software implementing the predictor is made freely available to the community

    Public health and landfill sites

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    Landfill management is a complex discipline, requiring very high levels of organisation, and considerable investment. Until the early 1990’s most Irish landfill sites were not managed to modern standards. Illegal landfill sites are, of course, usually not managed at all. Landfills are very active. The traditional idea of ‘put it in the ground and forget about it’ is entirely misleading. There is a lot of chemical and biological activity underground. This produces complex changes in the chemistry of the landfill, and of the emissions from the site. The main emissions of concern are landfill gases and contaminated water (which is known as leachate). Both of these emissions have complex and changing chemical compositions, and both depend critically on what has been put into the landfill. The gases spread mainly through the atmosphere, but also through the soil, while the leachate (the water) spreads through surface waters and the local groundwater. Essentially all unmanaged landfills will discharge large volumes of leachate into the local groundwater. In sites where the waste accepted has been properly regulated, and where no hazardous wastes are present, there is a lot known about the likely composition of this leachate and there is some knowledge of its likely biological and health effects. This is not the case for poorly regulated sites, where the composition of the waste accepted is unknown. It is possible to monitor the emissions from landfills, and to reduce some of the adverse health and environmental effects of these. These emissions, and hence the possible health effects, depend greatly on the content of the landfill, and on the details of the local geology and landscape. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate a clear link between cancers and exposure to landfill, however, it is noted that there may be an association with adverse birth outcomes such as low birth weight and birth defects. It should be noted, however, that modern landfills, run in strict accordance with standard operation procedures, would have much less impact on the health of residents living in proximity to the site

    Obesity in pregnancy: risk of gestational diabetes

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    Background: Maternal obesity is a risk factor for gestational diabetes and other adverse pregnancy outcomes, but the body fat distribution may be a more important risk factor than body mass index. Pregnancy is an insulin resistant state and more so, in obese women. Metformin could be beneficial in obese pregnant women due to its insulin sensitizing action. The aims of this study are to investigate visceral fat mass as a risk factor for gestational diabetes (VFM study), to develop a mathematical model for the prediction of gestational diabetes in obese women (VFM study) and to examine the effect of metformin on pregnancy outcomes in obese non-diabetic women (MOP Trial). Methods and Results: VFM study: The body composition of 302 obese pregnant women was assessed using bioelectrical impedance. A mathematical model to predict gestational diabetes using machine learning was developed using visceral fat mass which is a novel risk factor in addition to conventional risk factors. 72 of the women developed gestational diabetes (GDM). These women had higher visceral fat mass. Women with a baseline visceral fat mass ≥ 75th percentile, had a 3-fold risk of subsequent gestational diabetes. The mathematical model predicted gestational diabetes with an average overall accuracy of 77.5% and predicted birth centile classes with an average accuracy of 68%. According to the decision tree developed, VFM emerged as the most important variable in determining the risk of GDM and a VFM < 210 was used as the first split in the decision tree. MOP Trial: 133 obese pregnant women were randomised to either metformin or placebo. The pregnancy outcomes were compared in both groups. Insulin resistance was measured in all women. 118 women completed the trial. Metformin did not reduce the neonatal birth weight z-score, which was the primary outcome of the trial or the incidence of large for gestational age babies. However, metformin therapy significantly reduced gestational weight gain, reduced the pregnancy rise in visceral fat mass, and attenuated the expected physiological rise in insulin resistance at 28 weeks gestation. However, this did not result in an overall significant reduction in the incidence of gestational diabetes. There was a trend towards a reduced incidence of gestational diabetes in women with high baseline insulin resistance randomised to metformin. Conclusions: Visceral fat mass is a novel risk factor for gestational diabetes. The mathematical model successfully predicted gestational diabetes. Metformin reduced gestational weight gain and insulin resistance but did not lower the median neonatal birth weight or reduce the incidence of GDM

    Machine learning models based on clinical indices and cardiotocographic features for discriminating asphyxia fetuses—Porto retrospective intrapartum study

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    Perinatal asphyxia is one of the most frequent causes of neonatal mortality, affecting approximately four million newborns worldwide each year and causing the death of one million individuals. One of the main reasons for these high incidences is the lack of consensual methods of early diagnosis for this pathology. Estimating risk-appropriate health care for mother and baby is essential for increasing the quality of the health care system. Thus, it is necessary to investigate models that improve the prediction of perinatal asphyxia. Access to the cardiotocographic signals (CTGs) in conjunction with various clinical parameters can be crucial for the development of a successful model. This exploratory work aims to develop predictive models of perinatal asphyxia based on clinical parameters and fetal heart rate (fHR) indices. Single gestations data from a retrospective unicentric study from Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do Porto de São João (CHUSJ) between 2010 and 2018 was probed. The CTGs were acquired and analyzed by Omniview-SisPorto, estimating several fHR features. The clinical variables were obtained from the electronic clinical records stored by ObsCare. Entropy and compression characterized the complexity of the fHR time series. These variables' contribution to the prediction of asphyxia perinatal was probed by binary logistic regression (BLR) and Naive-Bayes (NB) models. The data consisted of 517 cases, with 15 pathological cases. The asphyxia prediction models showed promising results, with an area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) >70%. In NB approaches, the best models combined clinical and SisPorto features. The best model was the univariate BLR with the variable compression ratio scale 2 (CR2) and an AUC of 94.93% [94.55; 95.31%]. Both BLR and Bayesian models have advantages and disadvantages. The model with the best performance predicting perinatal asphyxia was the univariate BLR with the CR2 variable, demonstrating the importance of non-linear indices in perinatal asphyxia detection. Future studies should explore decision support systems to detect sepsis, including clinical and CTGs features (linear and non-linear).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio