2,789 research outputs found

    Ontology as Product-Service System: Lessons Learned from GO, BFO and DOLCE

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    This paper defends a view of the Gene Ontology (GO) and of Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as examples of what the manufacturing industry calls product-service systems. This means that they are products (the ontologies) bundled with a range of ontology services such as updates, training, help desk, and permanent identifiers. The paper argues that GO and BFO are contrasted in this respect with DOLCE, which approximates more closely to a scientific theory or a scientific publication. The paper provides a detailed overview of ontology services and concludes with a discussion of some implications of the product-service system approach for the understanding of the nature of applied ontology. Ontology developer communities are compared in this respect with developers of scientific theories and of standards (such as W3C). For each of these we can ask: what kinds of products do they develop and what kinds of services do they provide for the users of these products

    Learning pair-wise gene functional similarity by multiplex gene expression maps

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    Abstract Background The relationships between the gene functional similarity and gene expression profile, and between gene function annotation and gene sequence have been studied extensively. However, not much work has considered the connection between gene functions and location of a gene's expression in the mammalian tissues. On the other hand, although unsupervised learning methods have been commonly used in functional genomics, supervised learning cannot be directly applied to a set of normal genes without having a target (class) attribute. Results Here, we propose a supervised learning methodology to predict pair-wise gene functional similarity from multiplex gene expression maps that provide information about the location of gene expression. The features are extracted from expression maps and the labels denote the functional similarities of pairs of genes. We make use of wavelet features, original expression values, difference and average values of neighboring voxels and other features to perform boosting analysis. The experimental results show that with increasing similarities of gene expression maps, the functional similarities are increased too. The model predicts the functional similarities between genes to a certain degree. The weights of the features in the model indicate the features that are more significant for this prediction. Conclusions By considering pairs of genes, we propose a supervised learning methodology to predict pair-wise gene functional similarity from multiplex gene expression maps. We also explore the relationship between similarities of gene maps and gene functions. By using AdaBoost coupled with our proposed weak classifier we analyze a large-scale gene expression dataset and predict gene functional similarities. We also detect the most significant single voxels and pairs of neighboring voxels and visualize them in the expression map image of a mouse brain. This work is very important for predicting functions of unknown genes. It also has broader applicability since the methodology can be applied to analyze any large-scale dataset without a target attribute and is not restricted to gene expressions

    A computational procedure for functional characterization of potential marker genes from molecular data: Alzheimer's as a case study

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    Abstract Background A molecular characterization of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the key to the identification of altered gene sets that lead to AD progression. We rely on the assumption that candidate marker genes for a given disease belong to specific pathogenic pathways, and we aim at unveiling those pathways stable across tissues, treatments and measurement systems. In this context, we analyzed three heterogeneous datasets, two microarray gene expression sets and one protein abundance set, applying a recently proposed feature selection method based on regularization. Results For each dataset we identified a signature that was successively evaluated both from the computational and functional characterization viewpoints, estimating the classification error and retrieving the most relevant biological knowledge from different repositories. Each signature includes genes already known to be related to AD and genes that are likely to be involved in the pathogenesis or in the disease progression. The integrated analysis revealed a meaningful overlap at the functional level. Conclusions The identification of three gene signatures showing a relevant overlap of pathways and ontologies, increases the likelihood of finding potential marker genes for AD.</p

    From axioms over graphs to vectors, and back again: evaluating the properties of graph-based ontology embeddings

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    Several approaches have been developed that generate embeddings for Description Logic ontologies and use these embeddings in machine learning. One approach of generating ontologies embeddings is by first embedding the ontologies into a graph structure, i.e., introducing a set of nodes and edges for named entities and logical axioms, and then applying a graph embedding to embed the graph in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. Methods that embed ontologies in graphs (graph projections) have different formal properties related to the type of axioms they can utilize, whether the projections are invertible or not, and whether they can be applied to asserted axioms or their deductive closure. We analyze, qualitatively and quantitatively, several graph projection methods that have been used to embed ontologies, and we demonstrate the effect of the properties of graph projections on the performance of predicting axioms from ontology embeddings. We find that there are substantial differences between different projection methods, and both the projection of axioms into nodes and edges as well ontological choices in representing knowledge will impact the success of using ontology embeddings to predict axioms