6 research outputs found

    Semi-Supervised Speech Emotion Recognition with Ladder Networks

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    Speech emotion recognition (SER) systems find applications in various fields such as healthcare, education, and security and defense. A major drawback of these systems is their lack of generalization across different conditions. This problem can be solved by training models on large amounts of labeled data from the target domain, which is expensive and time-consuming. Another approach is to increase the generalization of the models. An effective way to achieve this goal is by regularizing the models through multitask learning (MTL), where auxiliary tasks are learned along with the primary task. These methods often require the use of labeled data which is computationally expensive to collect for emotion recognition (gender, speaker identity, age or other emotional descriptors). This study proposes the use of ladder networks for emotion recognition, which utilizes an unsupervised auxiliary task. The primary task is a regression problem to predict emotional attributes. The auxiliary task is the reconstruction of intermediate feature representations using a denoising autoencoder. This auxiliary task does not require labels so it is possible to train the framework in a semi-supervised fashion with abundant unlabeled data from the target domain. This study shows that the proposed approach creates a powerful framework for SER, achieving superior performance than fully supervised single-task learning (STL) and MTL baselines. The approach is implemented with several acoustic features, showing that ladder networks generalize significantly better in cross-corpus settings. Compared to the STL baselines, the proposed approach achieves relative gains in concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) between 3.0% and 3.5% for within corpus evaluations, and between 16.1% and 74.1% for cross corpus evaluations, highlighting the power of the architecture

    Perceptual borderline for balancing multi-class spontaneous emotional data

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    Speech is a behavioural biometric signal that can provide important information to understand the human intends as well as their emotional status. The paper is centered on the speech-based identification of the seniors’s emotional status during their interaction with a virtual agent playing the role of a health professional coach. Under real conditions, we can just identify a small set of task-dependent spontaneous emotions. The number of identified samples is largely different for each emotion, which results in an imbalanced dataset problem. This research proposes the dimensional model of emotions as a perceptual representation space alternative to the generally used acoustic one. The main contribution of the paper is the definition of a perceptual borderline for the oversampling of minority emotion classes in this space. This limit, based on arousal and valence criteria, leads to two methods of balancing the data: the Perceptual Borderline oversampling and the Perceptual Borderline SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique). Both methods are implemented and compared to state-of-the-art approaches of Random oversampling and SMOTE. The experimental evaluation was carried out on three imbalanced datasets of spontaneous emotions acquired in human-machine scenarios in three different cultures: Spain, France and Norway. The emotion recognition results obtained by neural networks classifiers show that the proposed perceptual oversampling methods led to significant improvements when compared with the state-of-the art, for all scenarios and languages.The research presented in this paper is conducted as partof the project EMPATHIC and of the MENHIR MSCAaction that have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreements No 769872 an No 823907 respective