4 research outputs found

    Computational model for mammalian circadian oscillator: interacting with NAD+/SIRT1 pathway and age-related changes in gene expression of circadian oscillator

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    Studies of the last decade reveal a new sight on the possible link between aging processes and circadian rhythm. New data on the role of the NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase SIRT1 in the integration of regulation pathways for circadian rhythms and metabolism as well as data on a new function of the NAD+ as the ”metabolic oscillator” open a promising direction in this area. In the paper we suggested a modification and extension of the most detailed model for the circadian oscillator developed by Kim and Forger (2012). We included the additional feedback of the oscillator which concerns genes/proteins NAMPT, SIRT1, and also NAM, NAD+. The regulation of transcription for gene NAMPT by transcription factor CLOCK/BMAL1 determine the appropriate rhythm of mRNA and protein NAMPT expression. Since an enzyme product of this gene is a key in the pathway of biosynthesis and recycling of NAD+, therefore the circadian rhythm is also characteristic for the fluctuations in the level of this coenzyme and in the activity of NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase SIRT1. The deacetylation of circadian oscillator components by this enzyme closes the feedback mediated through this pathway. In particular, the effects of SIRT1 in circadian oscillator are the gain of degradation of protein Per2, increasing of the gene Bmal1 transcription, deacetylation of chromatin in regulatory regions of circadian oscillator genes in the E-boxes area with subsequent suppression of transcription. We took into account all of these processes in our extended model of the circadian oscillator. Based on the experimental data on the aging changes in the activity of SIRT1 and the level of NAD+, we attempted to study the effect of these age-related changes on the functioning of the circadian oscillator. Simulation data showed a decrease in expression level of several genes of the circadian oscillator, in particular, Bmal1 and Per2, in the older age groups. In addition, our extended model predicted an increase in the period of oscillations. The results indicate that decrease in SIRT1 activity deal with agerelated NAD+ metabolic disorder may be one of the reasons for the circadian oscillator dysfunctions in the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Such disorders may result in a breaking of the circadian rhythms in the body as a whole

    Formalization of molecular interaction maps in systems biology; Application to simulations of the relationship between DNA damage response and circadian rhythms

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    Quantitative exploration of biological pathway networks must begin with a qualitative understanding of them. Often researchers aggregate and disseminate experimental data using regulatory diagrams with ad hoc notations leading to ambiguous interpretations of presented results. This thesis has two main aims. First, it develops software to allow researchers to aggregate pathway data diagrammatically using the Molecular Interaction Map (MIM) notation in order to gain a better qualitative understanding of biological systems. Secondly, it develops a quantitative biological model to study the effect of DNA damage on circadian rhythms. The second aim benefits from the first by making use of visual representations to identify potential system boundaries for the quantitative model. I focus first on software for the MIM notation - a notation to concisely visualize bioregulatory complexity and to reduce ambiguity for readers. The thesis provides a formalized MIM specification for software implementation along with a base layer of software components for the inclusion of the MIM notation in other software packages. It also provides an implementation of the specification as a user-friendly tool, PathVisio-MIM, for creating and editing MIM diagrams along with software to validate and overlay external data onto the diagrams. I focus secondly on the application of the MIM software to the quantitative exploration of the poorly understood role of SIRT1 and PARP1, two NAD+-dependent enzymes, in the regulation of circadian rhythms during DNA damage response. SIRT1 and PARP1 participate in the regulation of several key DNA damage-repair proteins and are the subjects of study as potential cancer therapeutic targets. In this part of the thesis, I present an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model that simulates the core circadian clock and the involvement of SIRT1 in both the positive and negative arms of circadian regulation. I then use this model is then used to predict a potential role for the competition for NAD+ supplies by SIRT1 and PARP1 leading to the observed behavior of primarily phase advancement of circadian oscillations during DNA damage response. The model further predicts a potential mechanism by which multiple forms of post-transcriptional modification may cooperate to produce a primarily phase advancement

    Predicted Role of NAD Utilization in the Control of Circadian Rhythms during DNA Damage Response

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    <div><p>The circadian clock is a set of regulatory steps that oscillate with a period of approximately 24 hours influencing many biological processes. These oscillations are robust to external stresses, and in the case of genotoxic stress (i.e. DNA damage), the circadian clock responds through phase shifting with primarily phase advancements. The effect of DNA damage on the circadian clock and the mechanism through which this effect operates remains to be thoroughly investigated. Here we build an <i>in silico</i> model to examine damage-induced circadian phase shifts by investigating a possible mechanism linking circadian rhythms to metabolism. The proposed model involves two DNA damage response proteins, SIRT1 and PARP1, that are each consumers of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), a metabolite involved in oxidation-reduction reactions and in ATP synthesis. This model builds on two key findings: 1) that SIRT1 (a protein deacetylase) is involved in both the positive (i.e. transcriptional activation) and negative (i.e. transcriptional repression) arms of the circadian regulation and 2) that PARP1 is a major consumer of NAD during the DNA damage response. In our simulations, we observe that increased PARP1 activity may be able to trigger SIRT1-induced circadian phase advancements by decreasing SIRT1 activity through competition for NAD supplies. We show how this competitive inhibition may operate through protein acetylation in conjunction with phosphorylation, consistent with reported observations. These findings suggest a possible mechanism through which multiple perturbations, each dominant during different points of the circadian cycle, may result in the phase advancement of the circadian clock seen during DNA damage.</p></div